If you think homosexuality is an unnatural condition...

Good vid^Plume.I myself am not into christianity,but this man at leaste shines some light onto some of the prejudice causing dialogue that is held within the bible,he seems hold his viewpoint on homosexuality in a more unbias and intelligent manner as well.I can agree with him that homosexuality isnt some choice you just make,its a natural preference ,though I am not a homosexual myself.I love my women!I can sympathise with his view.I like his quote he took from the bible to basicaly dash the prejudice towards gays in the argument,he made some really valid points on it.The look on the pastors face is priceless,,he almost seems mad,lol.
The pastor was definitely mad. I don't think it's a normal condition when kids become molested and hurt as a child by same sex there is a high probability for them to turn out like that as well. People molest kids because of how sexually exposed the world is to the shit in the media and all over. People are trying to make it seem normal when in reality they think its normal cause its all on TV. People wonder why kids are having sex at an earlier age and why kids are maturing at a way faster age now. None of this is normal they are portraying it to be because if he really did believe in Jesus he couldn't believe both. That is contradicting itself right there, that's why Jesus came to the world to show and teach people that slaveory, blood sacrifices, and all that wasn't right. So for him to try to throw the slaveory and shit doesn't really work because that's why Jesus came to show us what's right. And homosexuality isn't normal nor right, them people have been confused into thinking its okay.
So if the cause of their homosexuality is from being molested as a child,your basically saying they should be inhumanely alienated and persecuted based on the dogma of the bible?To have no compassion for their affliction and just simply judge them as abominations without consideration?That is insanity and bullshit.Kids are having sex at an earlier age for a myriad of different reasons, one of them could be molestation at an early age,but it is not the sole reason nor the tantamount of such occurrance.If homosexuality is not normal then why has it been around as long as humans have?I bet 10 to 1 the earliest human tribes and civilization had lesbos and gay dudes in the mix,it didnt just start recently happening out of the blue.
So if the cause of their homosexuality is from being molested as a child,your basically saying they should be inhumanely alienated and persecuted based on the dogma of the bible?To have no compassion for their affliction and just simply judge them as abominations without consideration?That is insanity and bullshit.Kids are having sex at an earlier age for a myriad of different reasons, one of them could be molestation at an early age,but it is not the sole reason nor the tantamount of such occurrance.If homosexuality is not normal then why has it been around as long as humans have?I bet 10 to 1 the earliest human tribes and civilization had lesbos and gay dudes in the mix,it didnt just start recently happening out of the blue.

I never said that so that statement is insanity and bullshit. The cause is the media simple as that what kids see on tv makes them curious. Just cause something's been around doesn't make it normal.
Being gay isn't something that you decide one day, and sexual abuse and certainly not homosexuality on TV does not encourage being curious with the same sex. I grew up around my sister watching the l word, and broke back mountain and other shows of the like, and I never wanted to do anything homosexual, because well, I am not gay. This isn't a religious or social issue, its a step over the line into personal freedom and morality. People need to realize that being homosexual is just as natural as being asexual and heterosexual. Everyone is different and to be honest I find it silly that people care so much about stopping two people in love from being able to share the same benefits of heterosexual couples. Whether you think being gay is morally wrong based on your religious or your social morals only really matter to people with your same morals. And let's face it, everyone has different opinions on what's right and wrong. Who are we to say someone is weird for doing something that is natural to them? Just my .02.
How can he admit that sexuality is a inherited, non choice, but then allow others to go to hell? How can he say that sexuality is determined, but other choices are not? Im supposing that he believes in free will, otherwise the idea of hell would be completely pointless and his religion would be obviously illogical. He probably took this stance to get votes.
Drove by a church the other day that had a rainbow sign in front that read "God excepts Everyone" I had to double take
Why is it so important to know what other people do in their bedrooms? Two people like each other and thats what count.
That guy looks like he's about to bust a nut through the whole video. Universal love ftw!

If only the world had more Christians like this man.

The religious left always make more sense than the religiousright but they come out of the same church and both feed the intolerancewhether they want to or not.

I was asked how to deal with gays. “How do you deal with thegay condition when you find it?”

My answer was a bit simple.

You recognize and describe it as a genetic defect and moveon without doing damage to the ability to love of the one who has it.

Nature has caused all of us to be as we are with our variousgenetic defects. Be nice when that condition happens to one in your family asit inevitably will. That is how family value is expressed.

You just tell them the truth and then let gays follow theirnatural tendencies and as long as things are kept between consenting adults,there will be no problem. You then tell them to seek the highest human ideal,love, find it with whomever they choose, and have a great life.

That is what moral people would do when that conditionenters their genetic line as it inevitably will.
That is what moral parents and people would do.

The religious left always make more sense than the religiousright but they come out of the same church and both feed the intolerancewhether they want to or not.

I was asked how to deal with gays. “How do you deal with thegay condition when you find it?”

My answer was a bit simple.

You recognize and describe it as a genetic defect and moveon without doing damage to the ability to love of the one who has it.

Nature has caused all of us to be as we are with our variousgenetic defects. Be nice when that condition happens to one in your family asit inevitably will. That is how family value is expressed.

You just tell them the truth and then let gays follow theirnatural tendencies and as long as things are kept between consenting adults,there will be no problem. You then tell them to seek the highest human ideal,love, find it with whomever they choose, and have a great life.

That is what moral people would do when that conditionenters their genetic line as it inevitably will.
That is what moral parents and people would do.


That doesn't fix anything

The problem isn't that people are gay, it's that people don't accept them as equal. The problem therein lies with the people being intolerant.

It's not a defect of any kind, and I think telling someone that it is is offensive, especially if they're gay, in the same way it would be offensive to you if someone said being straight is a defect
That doesn't fix anything

The problem isn't that people are gay, it's that people don't accept them as equal. The problem therein lies with the people being intolerant.

It's not a defect of any kind, and I think telling someone that it is is offensive, especially if they're gay, in the same way it would be offensive to you if someone said being straight is a defect

You are right that it is all about intolerance but my answeris still the most honest.

Telling a member of a species that must reproduce to sustainitself that it is not a defect to not have the motivation or desire toreproduce with one from the opposite sex, is the truth and not a lie.

If all of us had that defect, the species would die out.

"It is demonstrable that things cannot be otherwise thanas they are; for as all things have been created for some end, they mustnecessarily be created for the best end.”

The best end for a human or any animal is to pass on hisgenes.

If not having the sexual drive that sustains life is not agenetic defect then what is it?

You recognize and describe it as a genetic defect and moveon without doing damage to the ability to love of the one who has it.

Nature has caused all of us to be as we are with our variousgenetic defects. Be nice when that condition happens to one in your family asit inevitably will. That is how family value is expressed.

You just tell them the truth and then let gays follow theirnatural tendencies and as long as things are kept between consenting adults,there will be no problem. You then tell them to seek the highest human ideal,love, find it with whomever they choose, and have a great life.

See man you're not part of a solution, you're part of a problem!!! Genetic defect, who are you to say there is a genetic defect? Peruvian tribes deep in the jungle are for the most part bisexual, they bond with men and have gay acts with them while also having a wife. In a society far from "civilized world" and primitive as could be their bi sexual (lets not forget the romans and their butt sex). Gay is not a defect is natural and occurs far more often than is recognized because of people like you who see it as a DEFECT!!

You're answer is a backhanded acceptance... "Oh I except you for being defective", what the shit is that about? How many people get pregnant by accident or how many people have babies that should not are you glad when a 16 year old gets pregnant? I know plenty of straight people that are beyond baby making years and never had one are they as defective as gays? There are plenty of idiots having kids, too many kids for a million gays to affect our society by not reproducing... and hell those DEFECTIVE fuckers adopt that 16 year olds unwanted child, what awful people!!

Until People like you and to a higher level the truly intolerant change their tunes children will continue to be molested by men/women who are in the public eye "straight". Look at Penn State, you had a man of high power married with kids but a closet gay but because of our intolerant society he just can't be openly gay so he preyed on the young and weak no doubt black mailing them to stay quiet... this worked for 20 years. I'm not saying if everyone excepted gay/bisexuals this wouldn't happen, I am saying if everyone excepted gay/bisexuals it would happen LESS because people would just be open to say "Hey I love my wife and my family but sometimes I like to smoke a little pole" That is something marriage counseling and the couple can work out but it's not for the church or radicals to figure out for them!!
See man you're not part of a solution, you're part of a problem!!! Genetic defect, who are you to say there is a genetic defect?

Let’s ignore the rest of your rant for now.

If not a genetic defect, then what cause people to be gay?
