So if the cause of their homosexuality is from being molested as a child,your basically saying they should be inhumanely alienated and persecuted based on the dogma of the bible?To have no compassion for their affliction and just simply judge them as abominations without consideration?That is insanity and bullshit.Kids are having sex at an earlier age for a myriad of different reasons, one of them could be molestation at an early age,but it is not the sole reason nor the tantamount of such occurrance.If homosexuality is not normal then why has it been around as long as humans have?I bet 10 to 1 the earliest human tribes and civilization had lesbos and gay dudes in the mix,it didnt just start recently happening out of the blue.
I didn't watch it, but I think it is a great video because it is exactly 4:20 minutes long...
I never said that so that statement is insanity and bullshit. The cause is the media simple as that what kids see on tv makes them curious. Just cause something's been around doesn't make it normal.
If only the world had more Christians like this man.
If only the world had more Christians like this man.
The religious left always make more sense than the religiousright but they come out of the same church and both feed the intolerancewhether they want to or not.
I was asked how to deal with gays. How do you deal with thegay condition when you find it?
My answer was a bit simple.
You recognize and describe it as a genetic defect and moveon without doing damage to the ability to love of the one who has it.
Nature has caused all of us to be as we are with our variousgenetic defects. Be nice when that condition happens to one in your family asit inevitably will. That is how family value is expressed.
You just tell them the truth and then let gays follow theirnatural tendencies and as long as things are kept between consenting adults,there will be no problem. You then tell them to seek the highest human ideal,love, find it with whomever they choose, and have a great life.
That is what moral people would do when that conditionenters their genetic line as it inevitably will.
That is what moral parents and people would do.
That doesn't fix anything
The problem isn't that people are gay, it's that people don't accept them as equal. The problem therein lies with the people being intolerant.
It's not a defect of any kind, and I think telling someone that it is is offensive, especially if they're gay, in the same way it would be offensive to you if someone said being straight is a defect
You recognize and describe it as a genetic defect and moveon without doing damage to the ability to love of the one who has it.
Nature has caused all of us to be as we are with our variousgenetic defects. Be nice when that condition happens to one in your family asit inevitably will. That is how family value is expressed.
You just tell them the truth and then let gays follow theirnatural tendencies and as long as things are kept between consenting adults,there will be no problem. You then tell them to seek the highest human ideal,love, find it with whomever they choose, and have a great life.
See man you're not part of a solution, you're part of a problem!!! Genetic defect, who are you to say there is a genetic defect?