Danks Update! come on friends.. take a look! let me know what you think?

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Well-Known Member
Those are some nice trich pictures there dlf...it looks like you are doing a great job with such a new scope/camera. It also looks like you may be doing some chopping within a few weeks! Rock on bro.

BTW...Can anyone tell me where smokey has been lately?
Thanks man just got to get that tripod then I should get some better pics


Well-Known Member
Whats up everybody, hey bird talk to smokey a couple of days ago if u want to holler at him pm, i dont think hes been posting to much but he still comes on and looks i think


Well-Known Member
dank buddy how u been doing, i see the plants and all them strains u got r looking good man, my grow is comeing to a wrap, only got 4 plants left out of 18, im going to take a break until i find me a new spot, hey man did u see subcool got pissed because of all the bull shit people talk and is not comeing back to rollitup, people ant got nothing better to do but act like they know everything about growing and argue with a seasoned vet, and he got tired of it, but ne way ill keep comeing back on and checking in bro, wish u the best


Staff member
dank buddy how u been doing, i see the plants and all them strains u got r looking good man, my grow is comeing to a wrap, only got 4 plants left out of 18, im going to take a break until i find me a new spot, hey man did u see subcool got pissed because of all the bull shit people talk and is not comeing back to rollitup, people ant got nothing better to do but act like they know everything about growing and argue with a seasoned vet, and he got tired of it, but ne way ill keep comeing back on and checking in bro, wish u the best
he left cause hes sick read this sticky "the last thread"


Well-Known Member
yup i read the last thread and i know about the disease he got but yes hes leaving because he sick and pissed that every time he posts something hes attacked by people immediately somebody always has some bullshit to say, just recent racerboy jumped down his throat about gypsey getting locked up who gives a fuck about gypsey but i guess racerboy had to go there, just to much negative shit all the time gets old quick,idk man i just want to learn, life is to short going around being nagative all the time


Well-Known Member
It's actually Phosphorous Toxicity that purples in flower. Deficiency purples in veg, and resembles nute burn in flower.
From what i have read........
No need for concern. I do it all the time in non purp strains to make them purple. lol.... If you start to mature too soon just drop it a bit..
What are your nutes?


Well-Known Member
It's actually Phosphorous Toxicity that purples in flower. Deficiency purples in veg, and resembles nute burn in flower.
From what i have read........
No need for concern. I do it all the time in non purp strains to make them purple. lol.... If you start to mature too soon just drop it a bit..
What are your nutes?
Fox Farm Cha Ching little less then 1/4 teaspoon


Well-Known Member
The person i got the seed from sad it came from some purp but you never know, And i did bring the temps down a little


Well-Known Member
Holy shit are you kidding me? I gotta get on here at 4 in the morning for this thread to be slow enough for me to follow it, lol. I take one tiny little nap at 5 o'clock in the afternoon, and poof its 9 hours later and this thread has jumped like 20 pages.

I don't even know where to begin. Some crazy nice shit being posted. Dank, your outdoor shit looks nice as hell. Stew- all I gotta say is holy fucking trichromes batman. Those things are perfect little mushrooms lol.


Well-Known Member
Dank. New Sketch. Still looking for a font. so i'm using a random cool font at the moment. just fuckin around. :)



Well-Known Member
Ah, hell yeah! So are you guys starting up a breeders collective? That would be badass... I'm really hoping incan find a new place before too long. I'm looking for something out in the country with plenty of space to play around with some males and shit, lol. Jeezuz that sounded bad..

Anyways, I think that font looks pretty sweet. If you cleaned it up around the edges I bet it would look badass as hell.

BTW I blew up some pics I took of the little ball things I'm noticing on my flowers. They are all growing at the exact same part of the plant-right at the bottom of the node, right above the stipule.

Screenshot_2013-09-06-03-31-20.jpg Here's the close up. Totally looks like a swollen calyx, but I dunno... I'm just hoping its not a seed, BC I've noticed a lot of these. Basically at the base of every one of the buds, on one or two of my plants. Here's another one:



Well-Known Member
i've gotten almost 1000 in rep today, not sure how much i can handle. haha
Wooo hoo! You go bro! ;) I hardly get rep+, and to think, all the updates I do do, I take that back! Dift +rep me.. ;)
I don't really care bout all that stuff myself. Just here to try and make a fews friends, and show alittle trees off, and also try & help others learn how to grow some massive tree's. :mrgreen:
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