If the cannabis still holds water molecules, (and it does unless it is bone dry) then it doesn't show you it's full potential. Cure time is beneficial and does change structure of taste, quality and potency. But when you smoke it, no matter how long you have cured it. You get a better buzz, if the bud is totally dry...
I agree. im pretty sure we are all aware of what curing does
the op was wondering why sometimes fully dried bud that has not been cured can taste better than weed
that is half cured, or even fully cured
i suspect it is about the level of moisture left in the bud, when bud is fully cured it is still spongy
as its usually been kept with other buds in a jar, also as i said before, buds will also re-absorb moisture from their surroundings
i think people do not make the connection between just how much this tiny left over moisture can affect the smoke
bud that is not crispy will taste thin and lack the lung expansion and full flavour compared to crispy bud
any moisture left in the bud stops it burning right
to the op try letting your buds sit out after they are cured in a dry place so they can be crispy again it does not take long
i would not suggest not to cure them ,
but take account of the texture of the bud when you are smoking it
i think you will also notice that fully dried bud, (crispy on the outside, crumbles with just the fingers, no grinder is needed, the inside of the bud is still sticky)
this will taste better than cured weed that is still spongy, for this reason i do not smoke the cured weed straight from the jars, i get out enough for a day or two and leave it in a
dry room before i need to smoke it
the cure itself has a more subtle effect on the flavour imo, its a good idea
curing is something that occurs within a given range of humidity , this indicates the bud has moisture in it
any loss of moisture is still a form of drying, the cure is part of the final stages of "drying" not a magical process that will turn shit weed into good weed
curing removes some of the green colour but again this is slight , some weed is very dark green some weed is very light green
strain will have more effect on how green the final product is
once when i was bored i dried buds from start to finish in a sealed box with silica gel , it took 3 weeks to dry many of the pistils turned pink or stayed white
the texture was very crispy, it was nice, looked pretty but it didn't taste any different from bud dried in 80f in 7 days (warm room)
and only slightly different form cured bud
have fun with your experiments