noob grow purple chemo`s


Well-Known Member
well with all the drama around here (everything is cool now) i screwed up and my soil locked up so had to do a flush it was 6 days last night and i gave them another 1/4 mix flower and shot of liquid karma. they bounced back right away. these pic`s are from day 23, yesterday.

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Well-Known Member
Looking real good man, not long now. Crystalizing nice too!! What a change in less than a week. Have you looked at any trics yet?
It looks as though you are going to have some great smoke.


Well-Known Member
how fat are those bottom fan leaves shit. looking good buddy
ya they are quite big, thats a 5 gallon bucket and some of them are the same size as the opening, about 10 inches or so. supposibly outdoor they advertize they get 10 feet tall and can produce quite a bit. we`ll see i do have 6 out side.going to see them this week i`ll get pic`s.

thanks everyone, cant waite to be smoking, 8 week flower time


Well-Known Member
well i am trying a homemade co2 set up tonight. not much new just straight watering for a coupl more days. yestarday i took my next batch of plants outdoors to try a new spot. i love the bc outdoors so many places so few plants. there is 7 outside now,veged for a while inside so they have a good jump because of being a bit late in my season. i1ll load some pic`s in a bit here of the outdoor set up.


Well-Known Member
here`s some shots from planting day (yesterday) some shots of thier peacfull environment. i will probably go there once a week and keep this updated to. this strain is supposed to get 10 footers, we`ll see. that would be nice compared to what i`m going to get from little 3 footers indoors

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Well-Known Member
this is a 20 miniute bus ride from downtown vancouver. i wish i could just live there in the bush and do my thing. this is a new spot so if this works this year with 7 or 8 plants were going to go heavy here next season


Well-Known Member
just read your journal Bonz......jeez!!!awesome! you got some proper fuckers growing there!!!!!!! ya bastard! lol


Well-Known Member
2 days ago gave my chemo 1/2 mix of bloom nutes and still continuing the co2 trial. cant tell if it works, i was reading somewere that you need alot more than a 2 liter bottle of it ( 5 gallon bucket )
well here`s some pic`s of today, 35 days now. starting to look sweet and sparkly.

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Well-Known Member
thx guys. i have also started bc outdoor chemo journal with some awsome bc outdoor scenery. aperently i can only have one line of info for signature so i cant add it to this one. unless i`m doing something wrong.


Well-Known Member
well another update. these calyxes are swelling nicely. i`m having a bit of a heat issue, it`s been dam hot here and will be for a while apperently. next investment ac. temps have been up to 30 to 31 in the room and down to about 22 at night. the heat has sort of slowed things a bit, i was expecting a little more out of them. but gotta be happy with what i have though. probably hit them with one more nute cocktail of pro bloom, liquid karma and some cal-mag. if i could find some no nitrogen kelp i would use that to but i cant get it here.

this is a pain doing pic`s one at a time.

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Well-Known Member
ace pix long left to harvest? betcha can't wait!
hope mine look like that in 7 weeks or so!!!!