Califooorniaaamiddle america is like going back to 1965, some states will never have legal mj i'm pretty sure of that.
fuck it let's all go out west and enjoy what california has to offer
looks at pic..... then at wondering were it all went wrong!!
i dont think a 250 ballast would handle a 400w bulb in it wud prob blow the fuse or trip the power supplyquestion
goetting this hood of spoon, so adding my 250 to the 400 over the 3 plants,
but only got a 400 sonT bulb,
will using the 400 bulb in the 250 ballast be reet? or will i get less lumens than if i put a 250 in it?
answers and thoughts
ive run ballasts before as long as the bulbs boigger than the blalaast its fine, i think,,, never blown just wondering if it will work as good as if having a 250,, if i had a 250 in a 400 ballast it would blow the bulb obvioulsy but....i dont think a 250 ballast would handle a 400w bulb in it wud prob blow the fuse or trip the power supply
i was always told "for every fit bird ya see son, just remember theres some geezer out there sick off shagging it!"View attachment 2805489 mmmmmm....i wonder where i could find some of these bad girls
ive run ballasts before as long as the bulbs boigger than the blalaast its fine, i think,,, never blown just wondering if it will work as good as if having a 250,, if i had a 250 in a 400 ballast it would blow the bulb obvioulsy but....
11 qwid actually, im just a cheap cunt and using what ive got, i lent my 250 out so pff,, guess im ordering the 250 on sunday lol,,, unlessYou know you can buy a 250 bulbs for like 15quid right?
Why risk fucking around with it?
lolz,.,, cost me more to post than to order new one to u cunt!LOLonly if I get a multi coloured swapshop scarf thrown in...
next post will be him asking if any one has a free old bulb lmaowhat, the scarf? ffs, tightwad!