Dinafem Auto Critical Jack - 1st journal - pics daily


hey guys and gals!
so my first attempt at growing failed when i nute burned my poor little seedlings (https://www.rollitup.org/marijuana-plant-problems/698462-update-onmt-first-post-dying-2.html)...that wont happen again!
i'm going to grow one (1) auto plant, as i have very limited space and might be moving so i want to finish fast.
my seeds should arrive within a few days, but thought id start the journal early to get the cogs moving!!

lets get right into it:

Dinafem Auto Critical Jack
ordered from Bonzaseeds.com

photo 1.jpg

70% Coco 20% pearlite 10%vermiculite (had some lying around) i also added 1tsp per gallon of epsom salt - at the advice of a coco guide.

Tap water (which is actually rainwater) after 24hrs it settles at about 6-6.2, which if i'm not mistaken is fine for coco - when i start feeding it'll ph to 5.8 (as nutes are a 'natural' ph down) but before then i feel like its just an added nuisance to ph plain water...but maybe i'm wrong...

GHE bioroots (anyone used it? any tips?)
Canna A+B (very excited to use this!! tips welcome as well :lol:)
Epsom salt
- ill probably add some into my later feedings (1/2tsp for every gallon) as to balance the calmag problems in coco, even though thats what canna a+b is for, i've read that MJ needs a lot of it.

laying around:
Garden lime (dolomite)
PH up & down
PH and EC meter both HM brand

photo 1.jpg

CFL's - 3x30Watt (2x6400k 1x2700K ) , 1x105watt (2700k) , 1x125watt (5500k)
might be overkill for one plant, but i'm assuming you can never have too much light and with cfl's ill be able to get good coverage of the whole plant. having said that, iv read a lot of posts of people using low watt CFL's for seedlings until the plant matures a little, is that a good idea?

3.5Lt (about 1 gallon) plastic - i think i'm going to buy a bigger and lower (to save space) one today probably, if the store has it a 10L one (2.5 gallon)

Grow Space:

photo 2.jpg this ones an oldie and before i put up the mylar: photo 2.jpg

65x40x40cm closet (its small and cramped but its what i got, so any tips on training or 'shaping' my plant to utilize the space would be helpful.)
mylar and white wall paper everywhere (almost...)
exhaust fan on top
small desk fan positioned next to a hole (netted) pulling in fresh air.
in my last grow the room was fairly stable at 68-75 degrees and did not drop under 40%rh. but i'm assuming this grow will be slightly different as it'll have more lights, bigger pots and less plants.

when the seeds arrive (should be before tuesday) ill be germinating with the shot glass technique and then wet towel then straight into the pots with some of the GHE bioroots (recommended at 2ml/10lt).

ill be posting daily (with a pic or two, of course) so please subscribe! and as its my first journal and hopefully first successful grow any advice and tips and recommendations are super welcome (so please subscribe ;-))!!!


so i just finished mylar'ing' my closet and put in my new bulbs, and got a new pot. its a 13litre one so i think it will fill out nicely!
unfourtnatly im stikl waiting for my seeds...they should be arriving soon hopefully tomorrow..



so my seeds got stoped by customs...but luckily the supplier i orderd from (bonzaseeds) were totally cool when i asked them why nothing arrived and sent me out a new package right away! nows the waiting game.
so no updates for a little, but when it starts its gonna be craaaaaazy balls


Active Member
Damn that sucks I was really thinking about ordering some beans but now im discouraged ima stay subscribed I hope this package comes through for ya


So i figured while we wait for the seeds ill show you guys around my growroom and the ways ive dealt with some issues i had.
So firstly i had some light leak issues that were bothering me and my lovely girlfriend and night while trying to sleep.
As my vent fan goes straight into the room and my intake hole is just...well a hole with a fan propped next to it, a lot of light was leaking out. and obviously leaking in as well, which can cause problems in flowering (something i care less about as my seeds are autos ;-))

So here you can see the light leaks, and this is during the day so imagine how it is at night!
photo 3.JPG
The exhaust fan had major leakage it was close to just an exposed light..
photo 2.JPG

Using an idea i saw in this thread (Post #3)
i made what i like to call 'makeshift light leak stoppers' - on the cheap (read: free)!!
photo 1.JPG
They block out all the light while still retaining optimal airflow.
it also doesn't raise suspicion and just looks like a storage box.
photo 4.JPG

I also positioned the 'makeshift light leak stopper' next to my window as the weather's warming up here in australia and summer is coming so it needs a little bit of cool air.
And i'm going to eventually hook up a computer fan to it, to help with pulling in air from outside as the fan i have now is just on the inside and is a small desk fan with a low CFM so it is pulling in air but its just not strong enough.
photo 5.JPG


Well-Known Member
That's funny buddy I just posted a thread about what strain I should grow because I am also pressed for time and moving and critical jack auto was 1 of 3 auto a I currently have ... I just started germination tonight . I am also only using CFLs 1 63 wat and 8 23 watts 6 of the 6500 k and 3 2700. Im Hanna start a thread as well . I'd like to watch them both grow compare in real time so to speak


Funny how things work like that! the universe is always putting of signals...

you should definitely start a journal, ill submit to it right away.
So it seems like our watts are fairly similar (yours is 247, mines about 260). what nutes/medium you using ?
My yield is gonna be small due to the lack of space i have. but i may (and thats a big may) move it outside.

So lets 'follow' eachother!!


Well-Known Member
Damn that sucks I was really thinking about ordering some beans but now im discouraged ima stay subscribed I hope this package comes through for ya
attudeseed bank is pretty good ive gotten from them and never had anystoped coming to usa. they send crazy discreet shipped inside a wallet or a tshirt even candy , they will send in either breeder packs if they fit or u can have them removed to fit inside a wallet or candy


attudeseed bank is pretty good ive gotten from them and never had anystoped coming to usa. they send crazy discreet shipped inside a wallet or a tshirt even candy , they will send in either breeder packs if they fit or u can have them removed to fit inside a wallet or candy
Yeah i've ordered from planetskunk and they were great, but sadly got shut down...im actually still waiting on a refund from them...
this is my first time ordering from bonzaseeds and the first order got stopped, but its not there fault and thankfully they sent me a new package right away.
i'm a tad limited as im in australia and not many banks (at least the ones i looked around for) ship here.

i grew out the photo critical jack, youre gonna love it dude!!
whats photo critical jack? what breeder?
and ive heard great stuff about it!


Well-Known Member
Yeah i've ordered from planetskunk and they were great, but sadly got shut down...im actually still waiting on a refund from them...
this is my first time ordering from bonzaseeds and the first order got stopped, but its not there fault and thankfully they sent me a new package right away.
i'm a tad limited as im in australia and not many banks (at least the ones i looked around for) ship here.

whats photo critical jack? what breeder?
and ive heard great stuff about it!
when he say photo hes means the photo-period version of the plant critical jack... not critical jack auto just critical jack lol
photo critical jack= critical+ x jack herer
auto critical jack = critical+x jack herer x ruderalis


anything on ur seeds bro?
nope...still waiting, its been sitting in melbourne for about a week and i'm just waiting for ti to get sent over to South ausi....
last time they were in melbourne for close to two weeks and thats when bonzaseeds told me costumes held on to them.

im gonna send them another email again. i cant believe that ill get unlucky twice in a row...