Is Obama a big Liar or just a Dummy?


Well-Known Member
Almost. Except when you char a 10 mile area around the intended target, other people that are NOT the target, innocent people, are likely to die or be maimed. Wouldn't that be murder?

Yeah That's the point. Maybe next time they wont harbor a mass murderer in their back yard


Well-Known Member
Last time you had solid information on UBL pre-911, 'billy couldn't push the button* - at least not the one that would've prevented 9/11...
Something about a stain and a book called "Wag the Dog" had a lot to do with Billy not being able to push the button


New Member
Something about a stain and a book called "Wag the Dog" had a lot to do with Billy not being able to push the button
He had no problem playing with her button*... And he did try remember? turns out it was a pharmaceutical plant... Hit and Miss...


Well-Known Member
Bush lied us into war, and Obama lied us into.... Benghazi? Too much Fox dude, it's clearly warped your ability to reason.
Clinton was saying the same thing at the time. As was just about everybody, but only Bush lied? And the 35,000 dead Kurds weren't really gassed, they were just sleeping.


Well-Known Member
You want to talk honesty, I wouldn't believe a Republican if he told me the sun will rise tomorrow. There had to be an angle somewhere in their devious little minds.
So you're going to disbelieve an obvious truth just because of the source? Does that mean you'll believe an obvious lie just because of the source? Perhaps we DO need some sort of intelligence test for voting.


Well-Known Member
No actually... they knew the intell was flawed, they proceeded anyway,...
Saddam gassed 100,000 Iranians and 35,000 Kurds, so obviously he had and used WMDs. Saddam either buried them in the desert, or sent them to Syria. Either way, stating there were no WMDs is just wrong.


Well-Known Member
This is the best President since GWB. And W was a doosy. See W was the very first President to ever lie. All Clinton did and Carter, Nixon, Kennedy, those other guys, oh yeah, Fuuurd, was they just told the truth.....riiiiiight.
Carter left the Shah of Iran to the wolves, and this and more to come is the result. Carter was a "moral" man, but a fucking idiot. We will be paying the price for his idiocy for decades to come.


Well-Known Member
and ya know..screaming from the highest mountain..liar, liar, liar..but YOU have no idea what it takes to run a country and all anyone can do is be critical of this GOOD man.. complain, complain, complain on the ACA..but what is GOP's idea for healthcare? hmm?..i didn't hear you..what was that?..Oh that's right the GOP has no ideas.. I don't hear any positive comments regarding the IRS 501 (c) (4) scandal and how all that turned out to not be a scandal after all.. every single thing this person does..every single can keep your political forum!
How did that turn out to NOT be a scandal?


New Member
Saddam gassed 100,000 Iranians and 35,000 Kurds, so obviously he had and used WMDs. Saddam either buried them in the desert, or sent them to Syria. Either way, stating there were no WMDs is just wrong.
US waited over a decade to do anything about the weapons you gave him... And even then it was a contrived farce the second time too... Shit, Cheney before even taking office was hounding the outgoing administration about Iraq intel and moving his pawns into position to better manipulate the incoming intel on Iraq and its capabilities...


Well-Known Member
Saddam gassed 100,000 Iranians and 35,000 Kurds, so obviously he had and used WMDs. Saddam either buried them in the desert, or sent them to Syria. Either way, stating there were no WMDs is just wrong.
that was 15 years before the invasion you fucking dullard.

there were no WMDs. that is a fucking fact, assface.

How did that turn out to NOT be a scandal?
what part of a "conservative republican" OKing extra scrutiny for groups both conservative and progressive is scandalous?


Well-Known Member
that was 15 years before the invasion you fucking dullard.

there were no WMDs. that is a fucking fact, assface.
we found the labs where they made chemical weapons but they had already moved the chemicals out (to Syria?). Either chemical weapons are WMD for both presidents or neither.

One thing we know for sure though, tomahawk missiles most definitely qualify as WMD.


Well-Known Member
we found the labs where they made chemical weapons but they had already moved the chemicals out (to Syria?). Either chemical weapons are WMD for both presidents or neither.

One thing we know for sure though, tomahawk missiles most definitely qualify as WMD.
so no chemical weapons were found, which do count as a WMD, thus we found WMDs?

justify that logic to me.


Well-Known Member
so no chemical weapons were found, which do count as a WMD, thus we found WMDs?

justify that logic to me.
You will not see me try to justify acts of war against sovereign countries, above my pay grade and I don't believe we should be the world police.

Can you justify Syria without justifying Iran? That was the point I was making. We KNOW Saddam gassed his own people, we know gas was used in Syria... Syria is actually the weaker argument.