1st grow! 2x600w HPS + 200w CFL (6500k)


New Member
Hello all and welcome!

Staring my first indoor grow :clap:

Growing room: 1,6m x 1,6m x 2m and im tryng to fit 18 plants into that room.

Strains: 9 x critical kush 9 x skywalker OG kush

I will be using automatic feeding system (drip irrigation). Seeds are starting in rockwool cubes and later on goin into 6L pots with hydroton as medium. I managed to move 90L reservoir outside from the growing room. The waterpump im using is 2400l/h to feed all 18 plants. I will start with feeding them in veg state 2x 15min a day. Once i switch them to flowering there will be 1x15min feeding /h

Air flow: Intake fan-300m3/h ----- outlet fan-450m3/h controlled by smart controller 5A + carbon filter 480m3/h

Light: 2x supernova aircooled reflector hoods with 2x 600w HPS lamps (sunamasters). Both will run with digital ballest. I have 200w CFL 6500k lamp with reflector and thinking to add that through out the whole grow.

Nutrients: Hydroponics micro, grow and bloom + Earth juice + Pro sillicate + Nutriboost

Feel free to ask any questiong about my growing op. I will try to add some pictures later on ( not much to show atm )

EDIT: Allso let me know what you think of my grow op. and how much will I yield ?
Thats going to be a tight fit, i grow in a 4x4 foot tent and with 2 gallon buckets i can safely fit 5 plants in without them touching each other. Welcome to growing and have fun, its addicting.


New Member
Thanks for the comment! I will try to fit 3x3 plants under each 600w lamp and the cfl will go in middle of them. Right now it seems to fit well.

EDIT: I will veg them 2 weeks the most and will use SCROG growing style. I will like to top them or FIM 2-3 times atleast, can i do that after switching to flowering 12/12?

Pictures will come soon!


New Member
All 18 seeds have germinated!!

Its my second germination and 100% success I could not be happier ( the first germination was 0% success... all 12 seeds died..)

I used rootstimulator with PH 5.8 mineral water and soak the rockwool cubes in it for 24h. The seeds went straight into rockwool cubes. The cubes were in dark for the first 48h and from there under 200w CFL 6500k.

For the first few days I had them under the light 24/24. Just today I switch to 18/6 just to give them some rest. Should i give them more light or is 18/6 the best way to go for now ?

I will be using hydroponics nutrient micro, grow and bloom. Should I already start feeding them ? When to I know they are ready for it ?

Thanks for stopping by!

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
What kinda yields did you pull outside? How long did you Veg?
I wouldnt count on more then a quarter a plant.

I'm watching, better not flake on us... Throw up some pics of the outdoors while we wait!!


New Member
Thanks for the comment!

Like I said my last germination did not end well.. I had 12 afghan kush ryder seeds and all died.. I was planing to grow them outside..

Since the summer has ended and I live up in north I needed to move my growing operation to indoor, right now im waiting for the lights and ventilation system for the flower room that i orderd from UK(I live in europe).

I will give you pictures next week ;-)

...and is that quarter pound or ounce your talkin about ?


New Member
That would be great! I was hoping to hit 2.5 pounds from all 18 plants total, under 1200W HPS + 200W CFL 6400k. Will they do fine if I use 2x200W CFL 6400k for veging? Or is MH bulbs must for a great result ?

Fenian Brotherhood

Well-Known Member
MH is deffinatly faster. Tighter Nodes. Explosive growth.
They also run 10x hotter than HPS, on top of using more electricity than HPS.
So you'll have a harder time cooling MH than HPS. While usig even more electricity to cool the room.

Cfls are slower. If the bulbs aren't close enough the plants will stretch and you won't have tight nodes. Explosive growth is a No go.. Do they work? Yes. And you'll probably save $100s on electricity.

Do what you gotta do man


New Member
Yesterday I destroyed all my plants when i saw police car stopping by my house, i got too paranoid and I didnt want to take any changes.. I guess this growing thing is not for me.. maybe il start a new grow once it is not a crime to grow these plants.. i am just to paranoid about it.. I am not growing for profit, I just want to grow my owne supplies, but it feels to risky..


Well-Known Member
Yesterday I destroyed all my plants when i saw police car stopping by my house, i got too paranoid and I didnt want to take any changes.. I guess this growing thing is not for me.. maybe il start a new grow once it is not a crime to grow these plants.. i am just to paranoid about it.. I am not growing for profit, I just want to grow my owne supplies, but it feels to risky..
Wow dude... Tell no one and there isn't anything to worry about. Don't ever let a cop in your home. Walk outside to talk. If he has reason to be in there, he would bust your door down not be knocking.


Well-Known Member
Rather be safe than sorry.I got busted on a outdoor grow 4yrs ago now.have been to paro's to grow for so long now.u live and learn tho.go stealthy,take your time and don't start to big.go for just one 600w and 4-6plants to begin.you'll get descent yields for personal use.if u know your grow is well hidden,and no-one but u knows about it,you'll sleep better.


Well-Known Member
Rather be safe than sorry.I got busted on a outdoor grow 4yrs ago now.have been to paro's to grow for so long now.u live and learn tho.go stealthy,take your time and don't start to big.go for just one 600w and 4-6plants to begin.you'll get descent yields for personal use.if u know your grow is well hidden,and no-one but u knows about it,you'll sleep better.
I agree. Only 2 people know I grow. Myself and my mom that's it. I sleep well at night. Even when I got people over they don't question it or anything they don't even mention growing so I think I'm pretty stealthy


New Member
Thanks for support guys!

I never tought i could get so paranoid about it and I wanted utilize all the space that I have once Im already on it..
I have some seeds left ( 1 critical kush, 1 skywalker OG kush, 2 white widow (gift), so I might start new grow op with just 4 plants when Im ready.. Only I know about my growing and I think there is noway someone could evan think Im planing to grow some. My main concernes are that police can track me from the purcheses I made from seedbank and grow shop. I ordered from pickandmix seeds and progrow.co.uk (both from UK) and I used my personal creditcard (shipping adress was my grandmothers). And what about forums like this ? They can track you with IP adress ?