How long for paint to dry?


New Member
Hey this is my first time growing, without thinking about it today I spray painted my grow box. I took out my baby before doing so and did it away from it. I have had the fans running all day and some big ones too to help get all the fumes out faster. Still pretty bad in there though. About how long should I wait until I put it back in? I can't wait too long because it's not getting the proper needed light outside of the box. I bought that cheap 88 cent spray paint from walmart to paint it. I realize now I should have used a roller, but it's too late now. So any suggestions?


Well-Known Member
The smell of paint will linger for quite a while, in some cases for days perhaps but IMO when the paint is dry to the touch and not sticky anymore you should be good to put the plant back.


New Member
Stick your face in the box.

You in there? Good. How is it? Do you like the air quality, or are you choking a bit?

There ya go, you're welcome.

Oh, you can take your head out of the box now

:-) Haha welcome to RIU :-)


Well-Known Member
Read the can it should tell you how long the paint takes to cure, not dry but cure.
Stick your face in the box.

You in there? Good. How is it? Do you like the air quality, or are you choking a bit?

There ya go, you're welcome.

Oh, you can take your head out of the box now

:-) Haha welcome to RIU :-)
perfect answer, only grow in air that you would breathe 24/7, because in a long convoluted way, you will be breathing this air!


spray paint drys very fast but takes ages to cure and will let off fumes for weeks. thats why when you spray a car you cannot wax it for about 3 months. but should be ok after a good few hours just open up your grow room every now and then and make sure its well ventilated


New Member
It's killing it! I have it sitting in the sun right now getting some fresh air, but it can't stay outside. Any suggestions? Anything I can give it to bring my little one back?


New Member
Just plain tap water, I let it sit for a say before I give it some. I give it water every other day. Growing it in one of those tupperware boxes. 4 cfls.


Well-Known Member
The cow manure is probably too hot for little seedlings and burning them , I'd imagine it's full of nitrogen.
You should repot them into some soil asap.