A Message For Sub:

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Mad Hamish

Well-Known Member
Hi Sub,

I am writing this as a humble guy that loves reefer and reefer culture. And I am doing so because I find myself concerned for you and I do not even know you from a bar of soap.

Let me start by stating that I have MASSIVE respect for you and what you have done for the global reefer community. You give and give, then give some more. This means that I wish nothing but the best for you. But it has become incredibly evident that you are no longer having a good time giving huge parts of yourself, heart and soul. It has become evident and plain that your heart has been broken by the very community you chose to serve. I know this feeling, I have felt the same heart-break in a community I have served for over ten years, a tight little music circle.

Perhaps letting you know how I have coped with this can help you find some peace. First off, your decision to distance yourself from the general public (as you say, you will not be helping out here any longer) is a very good one. Both you and I made the same mistake: We counted on the support, mentally, of those we have served, seeing as we have literally dedicated our entire lives to service of a beautiful ideology. But Sub, the general public does not care to know of matters they cannot understand. In my case, all they want to do is have a party and then go home. In your case, all they want to do is grow a tree and smoke it.

In my case, they can always choose another party. In your case, they can always choose another tree to grow, dry and toke on.

In both our cases, we came across stuff that directly contradicts our personal moral code. Just like you, I made a PUBLIC stand. I raised my voice and said NO, FUCK THIS, it is wrong. And just like you, I found a wave of opposition from individuals that are blissfully ignorant as to what our beloved 'scenes' can become if the bad apples were removed from the bunch. It makes you wonder why you ever did the favours you did, why you dedicate your time and money to charitable causes.

So just like you, I kept my distance. But you know what... a few years later, after pulling out completely, people are getting hold of me letting me know how much I am missed. This will be the truth for you also. Realise that no matter what you are feeling right now, you have done your part to make the world a better place. So what ol MH here did was to re-connect with the source of it all. I mentally 'time travelled' to my state of mind ten years ago. I found the little things that fascinate me again. In short, I remembered about ME. Perhaps you should try the same, Sub. What I see here in your organics section MUST have grown out of an infinite fascination with a lot of little things. If you can find those little things, YOUR little things that got you into this in the first place, and find the time to nurture them again, you will also find your peace.

From the Karma thread it is plain and evident that you have dealt with a lot of people that do NOT share your ethics. Have no mercy, cut people like that from your life like a fucking KATANA WIELDING NINJA! And that means your mind too. No matter what, whenever you think of these people, you will pollute yourself. Even when they get what's coming to them, thinking about the justice of it is not keeping busy with what fascinates you. It is a distraction you do not need nor deserve, and it is handing them a weapon to harm you with.

Get the hell out of the public eye. Everybody loves to hate a public figure. There are people you can pay to represent you publicly. It is worth every penny. You cannot put a price on peace of mind. I understand that you love your business, but this is the exact reason you cannot be the guy out front and in the open, the first possible target guys can aim for. If you get fucked up, who is left to make sure it is done the way you need it to be done? I am willing to bet you have many loyal hands that will assist you in any and all matters.

One thing I have learned is that the general public hates passion. You are a very passionate character. There is always, ALWAYS, an opinion out there that will be in contradiction to yours, and that contradicting opinion will ALWAYS gather more support than whatever it is you have to say. ALWAYS. Your group is small, but the public, the public is LEGION.

You have a great gig going. You are doing your work legally and freely, paying your taxes. DO NOT ASSOCIATE with people that work on or with the underground market. To survive in the underground, people become gangsters. It is the nature of what happens under prohibition. Once an individual is an outlaw, the rules change for them. Being an outlaw is living in a dog-eat-dog world. You need not ever come into contact with that world.

So let me end this rant by saying this: You are loved. By many. The people that love you will love you for eternity. Those that hate you will move on to hating somebody else pretty soon. Your health alone should not allow any negativity to enter your life man. All of us come to a time that we have to step back from the great big fucked up world we live in.

Wishing you all the best, and hoping you find your 'muse' again.

Warmest Regards from South Africa,

You can please some of the people all of the time, you can please all of the people some of the time, but you can’t please all of the people all of the time.
Not exactly trying to be a dick, but

Get the hell out of the public eye.

this is some of the worst advice I have seen.

I'm not quite sure if you're being dumb or if you're just a really subtle troll. With everything that you said (I COULD dissect every little bit, but I don't think it's worth it), I'm definitely leaning towards the latter.
He's not leaving the public eye just RIU because of all the trolls and newbs that can't Google anything.
Nice compassionate post though Mad Hamish
Subs is the reason I continue to grow. His teachings have been the drive to make every plant I grow better. And as long as there is a way to follow the weed nerd I will forever b one.
Nerd 4 life and all the best to sub and the rest of the crew. Hope it all mellows out
I dont come to RIU that often anymore myself as it has changed since it was started. The owner;s madness and lack of care for the people that make the site and the huge influx of jagbags and wanna be cartel imposters. What did I miss is Sub leaving this forum too as most of us who were here from the start end up doing?
Not exactly trying to be a dick, but

this is some of the worst advice I have seen.

I'm not quite sure if you're being dumb or if you're just a really subtle troll. With everything that you said (I COULD dissect every little bit, but I don't think it's worth it), I'm definitely leaning towards the latter.

He is far from a troll. Great post Hamish. He supports subcool. Take it easy. To call someone a troll for such a positive vibe towards subcool is harsh.
I just went through all 246 threads that sub started as he said he was going to be deleting them all so I saved a whole bunch to my computer, There are some very good threads back from when sub first came to RIU I suggest to any of you that haven't read these to do so while you still can and don't let the title of the thread fool you they are all packed with tons of good info and some amazing stories, if i had the patients I would copy every one of his posts
Not exactly trying to be a dick, but

this is some of the worst advice I have seen.

I'm not quite sure if you're being dumb or if you're just a really subtle troll. With everything that you said (I COULD dissect every little bit, but I don't think it's worth it), I'm definitely leaning towards the latter.

As I said, haters will hate :) Dissect ahead bro, I said what I needed to say. Peace and love to you and yours brother.
As I said, haters will hate :) Dissect ahead bro, I said what I needed to say. Peace and love to you and yours brother.

Good post man. It really is incredible how people will find a way to bash absolutely anything that is posted here. You write a sincere letter about people being inappropriate and once again, the RIU Monkeys start whipping shit at everyone.
hakuna matadaaa. it means no worries!... oh wait is everyone chill again? thats why I would want no fame. too much criticism. wheres the LOL SWERVE thread??
I don't understand why the RIU weed nerds have to be punished because of a few assholes that could easily be ignored...

Let it go, have a toke, life goes on..
so when did sub say he was leaving? i remember he left once before and went to green passion then came back
Sub needs to have his own site w/ own forum and only real Nerds join through recommendations and if u fuck up once, u loose 2 teeth! or be banned or which ever comes first!
It's the reason he's leaving. Self-righteous assholes who think they know everything and worese still think we need to hear their opinion. We have seen thus coming for a long time now it just finally boiled over.
Sub needs to have his own site w/ own forum and only real Nerds join through recommendations and if u fuck up once, u loose 2 teeth! or be banned or which ever comes first!

Isnt it what that sub-forum was suppose to be? I remember coming on here scared to ask question and reading every pages twice to be sure nto to ask something that had been ask before hahaha

More seriously you cant promote yourself and be pissed when newbies ask question. Teaching can be a pain in the ass and being a teacher is a difficult thing. If teachers where leaving the class room everytime they get upset humanity woudnt be so advance as we speak haha

Now i understand that sub does this on it's free time - anyone that denies the mkg aspect of the weed nerd is silly though - and is not "suppose" to do any of this with that said:

#1: It seems really that the Karma thread is what made him move this and the super soil question.

#2: Karma thread: If you post your opinion on the web well... beside i'm leaning toward those guy saying the thread is pretty fucked up. Every weed nerd knows that storry but every weed nerd has heard sub saying "stop with all that hater bs, mmj community should work together" etc

#3: Dumb Question: We're all human we all get pissed, all make stupid stuff, but saying that sub leaves because he's tired of arguing. I know Frenchy as not done that for a long time but his attitude seems closer to a teacher when sub's tend toward the dictator at times - DJ short story - I wouldnt start arguing for the sake of it but saying someone's a hatter when he has a different opinion seems fucked.
Sub himself said every rare dankness kushes were wack! I'm listening, and if i end up pissed at buiyng one of them kush one day i'll say "i should have listen to him". Still how can he call someone that tells him - in a respectfull fashion - that he wasnt overly impress with some of his genetic a hater when he from time to time does the exact same thing - when the vast majority of breeders are selling fem seed well...

#4: RIU: It seems like subs unhappy with RIU, i've said it in an other thread but i clearly remember a weed nerd episode where after he had left the RIU guys gave sub some kind of a Admin status where he could block people etc.
Now i dont think you should block any "newbies" question out there bt we can all navigate in a forum and pick the thread we want ot look at.

Now as i said in an other thread if less post means more weed nerd - an informative weed nerd - i cool with that. On the other hand this forum doesnt seem like the worst place on the internet quite the opposite. There's a lot of love, knowledge and a bad ass comunity. It seems kind of fucked up to let it go on such futile shit.

Excuse my language. Again nothing but love for the Nerds and Sub. It just seems to me like you cant expect to "look good and eat the cake", otherwise you're gonna have to do a lot of work out to make it up haha. If subs wants to be the "king of cannabis" he's gonna have to deal with all kind of bs - including people having different opinion than his when he's happy Gipsy goes to jail. How can you post such a thing over the web and expect people to come comment "yeah sub, that mofo deserved to go to jail for the shit he did 15 years agoand has nothing to do with the real reason his going to jail wich is actually providing seed to his clients". I'm not saying i wouldnt feel the same if i was him, but i wouldnt be shocked if reading the comment the next morning i realized people have no reason to agree with me.
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