super soil 17 days flower hows it look?? very first grow

the formula

I'm using subcool super soil. I followed the recipe exactly for 1/8 batch and wet it and let it "marinate " for atleast 30 days not sure exactly. During the course of the grow I added Humboldt myco madness when I transplanted from cups to 2 gal containers. Then I started using some humic/fulvic acid powder I would make a solution then add like 2oz/gall and I got some bennies free from microbe life it was 4 different bottles but they were all pretty much the same thing. Really good stuff tho. What it didn't have was strains of trichoderma which fight pythium or root rot and also protect against disease and pests. The myco madness had richoderma but I didn't know this bacteria aided in preventing and fighting root rot until about two weeks ago. Anyway that's what I added until like 12 days into flower I got a free sample of Humboldt crystal burst and bought botanicare florabloom I believe it was called. I used those together with molasses and the bennies at very very low strength for 1 or 2 waterings then left on vacation for 15 days with nobody to take care of them but they survived. On a side note the crystal burst is 0-15-15 with b1 and the botanicare is like 0-10-4. The very first time I used them was June 24th i remember cuz I woke up on my birthday (25th) to a horrible sight of nute burn all over my entire good plant. I flushed it immediately and by next day it was pretty much back to new. And that was at about 1/4 strength so I let em recover and fed lightly rt before I left on vacation. When I got back I had fungus gnats and root rot I'm guessing cuz of the water the cloth pot was sitting in. So long story short I've fed very lightly maybe 4-5 times over past month since vacation that's all the nutes. I got some hygrozyme a couple weeks back but only got to use it 3 times cuz I was waiting longer between watering cuz I think I overwatered which led to root rot and fungus gnats. Not sure whether to use hygrzyme during flushing as someone made the point that it breaks down organic material releasing nitrogen which is one of the things were trying to get rid of. Don't know if that's true but haven't found any conclusive evidence for or against mostly just pissing contests in forums that have nothing to do with original post. So that's what's in my soil. I know all of my buds aren't ready yet cuz they have all clear and hardly any cloudy but some are getting a few amber spots. Oh I just said eff it the last two weeks on the bennies and tried the peroxide. The bennies did their part all through the grow for me so I had to get that last bit of oxygen I cud to roots to regenerate, absorb and flush I don't care if I need to flush or not the plant needs to transpire properly for a while its been stunted and beaten pretty bad by elements that I now have under better control. It stopped being sticky to the touch and not a lot of smell on fingers after a pinch like before. The h2o2 turned it around visibly overnight. New white pistalls from multiple places on larger buds and foaming out of popcorn buds. By today the branches felt soft and moist and pliable like 360° turns the buds were sticky and smelled like trix cereal and skunks. So. That's why I abandoned my bennis this late. Frigging fungus gnats are all but gone tafter peroxide treatment and I believe I went llightly according to some peoples crazy asses. I think people put shit on here sometimes to purposely fuck with people. So even tho I went light on nutes ( my bottle of crystal burst got tipped over and when I found it it had salt/sugar like residue around the cap. Stopped using it but only had 1 more feeding left anyway. I still want a propped flush I believe in my last post I said I was 95% organic LOL. 5 feedings with low doses of pk nutes shouldn't effect the product but after all I put into that soil and equipment I need some descent smoke to last me. I plan on buying a zip of some dank rt when I harvest to hold me over till I slow dry and do a propper ass cure. Damn I do all this from my phone so I can't look up and read what questions u had hope I got em all if not I will.

the formula

Can I use an alfalfa tea this late while flushing since its organic or is it too late to even bother. Also if anyone's interested despite the multiple posts that it would surely die, I cut my stunted plant that was in a 5 gall cloth pot in half and loosened away as much dirt as I could while keeping roots in tact til it fit in an eight or ten inch net pot for a 5 gallon bucket DWC. I left the top 1/3 or little more of super soil on top and gently ran as many as I cud thru bottom of net pot. Then filled the bottom half with pea gravel. This is what they call true organic hydro. The top1/3 of the roots supposedly absorb nutes while the bottom 2/3 absorb o2.. so you run clean water in the bucket with ATLEAST. 2 airstones per bucket. I have 3..and let the super soil do its thing up top or add nutes to the top soil after u have figured out how much water you can run thru ur soil without it seeping into resavoir. So you get the benefits of hydro with the quality of organic. Of course you can add bennies to the Res and an enzyme that will help get rid of any organic material that may seep thru into the Res from damp soil. If u keep the bennies isolated to to top you would be able to use peroxide in the Res for a short time to kill any bacterial infection that can make your Ph rise 2-3 points in a few hours over and over til its corrected or u scrub a dub dub everything connected to that Res. I put mine in about ten days ago and rt off the rip my Ph went to over 8. Added lemon juice got it down to 5.8 and 3 hours later it was back over 8. So I read up and found out it was probably a bacterial infection. I had Bennies in there but they either weren't the rt ones or weren't working so I hit it with peroxide and it cleared rt up. Now I keep bennies up top and peroxide in Res. When I started I had 3 scraggly thin ass roots long enough to actually go in the water. Now my thick ass top roots are sticking through with fuzz and new roots shoring off there's nice white pointy roots coming out the bottom and tonight I was able to pull a ton of roots that were circleing around the pot out and down into water or close to water where they'll get splashed with o2 rich water. Waiting for a grow spurt of any kind the plant had been severely nute burned in April and was stunted ever since. Hermied but no seed ..has mad crystals and great oil making potential. Plus a chance to learn a little about hydro. I'm giving it a few days to soften up and start new green growthif not I'm harvesting it. I don't wanna since it hasn't gotten any worse if anything there's tons of new root growth. Trichs are way behind the other plant also so we'll see. Your Def right about the good plant I know there's a science and an art to harvesting at the rt time hope I catch a break on this. I've picked a few smaller buds in the past five days and they don't smell like good weed off the plant I need to dry and cure to see if flavor and aroma comes out after curing properly


Well-Known Member
my plant basically stopped growing (I know heat above 85 will pretty much stop growth completely)
this is supposedly solid info , but i call malarchy. i was discussing this with another caretaker i know and of all our decades combined we have only seen a handful of species that reacted to heat in such a way it stopped growing. when i was younger i grew in 90+ degree rooms at all times. never seen a prob other then mites. as years past , i guess i have seen a couple that slow down in 95 degree weather , but have never seen a plant stop growing..... ever.
i have read the same shit over and over about the stomota closing at 87 or some shit. well that cant be possible or the plant would stop completely.

oh and just to make my post clear , i never recommend hot rooms or anything over 80 for that matter.

1. Can I use hygrozyme (an enzyme that eats away decaying organic matter) while I'm flushing? The bottle has NO info on it.
yes , but in turn the bacteria will make more food available also. unless of course there is no food left in the soil. dont use it this late.
also almost all bennies eat away decaying organic matter..... so you dont need a certain one with a "enzyme" label on it.

2.should I continue to use molasses during flush. My understanding is that it feeds the bennies in the soil. But if I used peroxide I probably killed most of them and I'm not adding any more bennies and will probably use the h2o2 solution again during flush. Does molasses have other benefits than feeding bennies? I don't want that sugar taste in my buds tho want clean buds.
there is a very, very slight benefit other then just microbe food. it has a very small amount of food in it, but if you are not trying to breed bennies then you will get no benefits from it. every carb in a bottle including molasses is designed to feed the soil. every other selling point on the bottle is bullshit. the plant cant eat the sugar , so you wont taste it.

3. I had to switch my 400 Watt hps for 2 150 Watt hps one on top and one vertically rt in front. I rotate every couple days for even coverage. In these last two weeks would putting the 400 back on top and using the 150's on sides benefit my plants ( supposing I can keep the heat down with all those lights), Or would I even benefit from just the 400 on top without the 150's seeing that's 100 more Watts it'd be getting. Or is it just to late to make a difference??
the more light is probably better in YOUR situation...... next time. its not really too late , but it wont help that much.

4. Is dropping humidity into 40's or even lower beneficial during last two weeks. I feel like the lower the humidity the more the plant will be able to transpire and pull water from soil up through leaves and buds and flush itself better?? Or is that completely wrong LOL??
60 an under is fine ... you wont notice any difference from 30 to 60 an so on. your theory is great thinking and i dont think its completely wrong but i dont think it will actually "flush" better.
the only way to flush soil is to get the plant to use up all the food. you can lower the N by running water through it , but not all of it and the P an K among other micros will form a bond to the soil. (ions an particles an shit like that) so that shit dont just flush out like some believe.

5. I've read about turning lights off for up to 72 hours before harvest. This seems like a good idea but I have probably 50 or so popcorn buds going down all the branches. Some are VERY nice and devoloped and totally worth keeping for the head stash but some aren't formed all the way but have potential to be descent buds especially for oil making. Is there any way to do this dark cycle but then keep the buds down the stems growing longer??
yes cut the done buds off and leave the rest growing. i dont ever do this though because that plant has to focus on healing itself rather then finishing them few buds.

6. I've read several places that people will not water the last few days then put in dark. Then chop the plant at the base and hang it upside down to dry for a week or so that way. Then chop buds off for cure. I'm sure ud have to check the plant daily as smaller buds would dry quicker and need to be jarred sooner. Obviously this way there wud be no way to continue growing the popcorn buds but if this method is a wise one I could sacrifice the fluffy little buds for a better smelling and tasting bud. This is 95% organic grow and I'd like it to reflect that in the aroma and taste.
there is no difference in cutting the plant at the base vs cutting the buds off except its easier to handle a whole plant then it is a bunch of buds. the "do not water" part has no logic to it at all , but the dark part is still being studied. i have done it several times and i dont notice a difference and if i do its very little. it seems to dry faster when put in the dark. the little buds (if left on the plant to dry) will take just as long as the tops to dry. i dont know why.

Any tips on harvesting drying and curing would be appreciated. Trust me I've researched the subject and there's not a lot of info that seems correct to me. I'm looking for a slow dry slow cure. I'll put in the 2 mo it takes into it to have some dankness! I'm sure I'm forgetting something LOL anyone who's read this whole post I appreciate it know it was a long one
fuck , this is the one subject that does have plenty of good info on the net. all the weed sites are about the same on that one.

ill sum it up real quick an ghetto like..... once the buds get to x amount of humidity they no longer do anything else , they dont get any better at that point and all chemical reactions in the plant have stopped. i said "x" because i dont remember the number .... its probably in the 40's. anyway cut your shit however you would like (i always pick at night.... no science , just read it in a high times 10 years ago an been doin it since..... supposed to taste better?) put your shit in a place with no stale air until its nice and crunchy on the outside , trim off all the bullshit and jar it up , letting it get air a few times a day till you reach the magic number, then its done. keep the lid on from that point on. :bigjoint:
i guess you will have to have a RH meter inside your jar to do this , but thats the way to do it best. i do exactly as i just said minus the meter cause you get used to it an dont need one.
now this is an art just like growing and its all about timing , so it is something you will have to have "hands on" for. the key is to take as much time as possible to dry without molding anything. if it takes too long to dry it will mold , if it drys too quick it wont have time to do all the chemical reactions inside the bud for a "proper cure". i like mine to be in a jar or bag within 7 or 8 days an in another 7 or 8 days its done.

soil :weed:


Active Member
formula you really should try to format your posts a little bit so that the rest of us can read it easier. one long rant like that makes it such a hassle to read. even just breaking it down into multiple paragraphs would make less people pass over your posts and more people more likely to read them.

i dont think you really understand the whole concept of organics gardening. youre messing with your plants way way too much. also seems youre stuck in the ways of stoner science and n for veg and pk for flower. in a true organic grow you allow your plants access to a quiality soil, with healthy microherd, and the plant will uptake what it needs when it needs it.

also by keeping the soil healthy the "good" microorganisms will out compete the "bad" microbes and keep your roots and plant healthy. like i said before way too much fussing around and by consistently providing a proper environment things should be fine. the way i see it is you need to get out of your old ways of chem growing and not neglect your girls the way they have been. ever hear the term too little to late? all the stuff youre doing to try to save at the last minute should all have been avoided in the first place


Active Member
ever hear the term too little to late? all the stuff youre doing to try to save at the last minute should all have been avoided in the first place
Learning process? Seems like over care to me. And the defloration or whatever its called. Dude you need to check out the outdoor grow section.... See all those leaves? Thats what equals lots of buds. Science 101 its called photosynthesis, When you removed half the plants leaves you basically sent it down to golds gym with a diet coke. Next time just leave it alone and id guarantee you will double your yields. Forget light to buds, its light to leaves that counts


Well-Known Member
formula you really should try to format your posts a little bit so that the rest of us can read it easier. one long rant like that makes it such a hassle to read. even just breaking it down into multiple paragraphs would make less people pass over your posts and more people more likely to read them.
seriously? were all stoners (or should be) if you guys are too lazy to read the whole shit , then dont , skip this one an go to the next. :bigjoint:

also by keeping the soil healthy the "good" microorganisms will out compete the "bad" microbes and keep your roots and plant healthy. like i said before way too much fussing around and by consistently providing a proper environment things should be fine. the way i see it is you need to get out of your old ways of chem growing and not neglect your girls the way they have been. ever hear the term too little to late? all the stuff youre doing to try to save at the last minute should all have been avoided in the first place
i believe he has read all this shit more then once. this aint some catt askin what to feed or how to germinate. he is using SS , he is more organic then most folks on this site.
"get out of your old ways of chem growing" ?? you gotta READ to find out if he even knows what a chem is. if you dont read the thread , you cant offer this man anything good.

Learning process? Seems like over care to me.
yes the learning process ......same one you went through.

your guys info is solid but your not reading to see if you can help.

soil :bigjoint:

the formula

Wyteboi ur my hero! Thanks for the defense. I know I ramble but I do this from my phone sometimes I have to put my phone down and come back plus that's just how my brain works I think of more things as I'm typing. Anyway side note..there was a question about transpiration on jeapordy the other day..rt after wyteboi had
answered a question for me about it. I think I know a thing or two about organics seeing is I made the super soil and read up on why each ingredient was used and what they provided. I also used humic and fulvic acid with lots of bennies. I did add two chemicals about 5 times during flower Humboldt crystal burst and botanicare flrorabloom at extremely low doses. I had serious heat issues which I did not know whould be an issue when I started. Also humidity issues the first dehuey I tried to use didn't work so I didn't have money for a dehuey till about 3-4 weeks ago. Plus multiple other environmental issues out of my control. This grow is Def a disappointment but I've learned a lot of shit. I
don't know what chemical frame of mind or whatever dude was talking about but just cuz I defoliated and have small buds don't mean I don't know about organics or botany 101 about photosynthesis I read and saw results of multiple
defoliators and read there's enough leaves around buds to photosynthesise so I tried it. Sorry I offended so many of you. I think it would work better in hydro and if started in mid veg and
continued to early flower. I might try it again in a
place with optimal conditions and with hydro. I bought a huge lot of equipment few months ago and I have everything I need to go hydro. I do like soil and organics but I think Ima dabble in organic
hydro. My girl just bought a house she wont let me grow herb but said I cud grow some hydro veggies
to learn the ways.

My plants leaves are crispy and some are dying and crumbling. Still no amber trichs and these leaves that are dying have crystals so it sucks I'm losing that trim. Any idea what up with that.

It hermied a week ago or so and is growing starfish looking false seed pods. They have crystals but I heard when they hermie they start to lose potency. Also read some people say hermie bud was some of the best smoke they have had so I don't know. Any comments on this.

Kinda goes along with first question but what up with the trichs not turning amber. Its been like 11 weeks and its a 7-9 week plant and 70-30 indica I believe. I don't like this strain its like all leaves and NO smell. Tons of hairs but not a lot of calyxes. Plus both plants hermied, from stress I'm sure, but still. Probably order from tga genetics next round.



Well-Known Member
My plants leaves are crispy and some are dying and crumbling. Still no amber trichs and these leaves that are dying have crystals so it sucks I'm losing that trim. Any idea what up with that.

It hermied a week ago or so and is growing starfish looking false seed pods. They have crystals but I heard when they hermie they start to lose potency. Also read some people say hermie bud was some of the best smoke they have had so I don't know. Any comments on this.

Kinda goes along with first question but what up with the trichs not turning amber. Its been like 11 weeks and its a 7-9 week plant and 70-30 indica I believe. I don't like this strain its like all leaves and NO smell. Tons of hairs but not a lot of calyxes. Plus both plants hermied, from stress I'm sure, but still. Probably order from tga genetics next round.

well you need a decent piece of glass to see the amber heads on the crystals and if you aint seen the amber color yet , then you missed it. its already been done for awhile now so its proly trying to regrow again...... not sure , but it was done awhile ago an these last weeks of stress have hermied them. when a plant does turn herm and it actually starts pollonating the bud , it will focus more on making seeds then it will anything else. if it just has bananas an it never started to pollenate then it wont affect the bud or the potency.

dont give up on the species yet , all the hairs is more your fault then the plants. keep her around if you can just incase. if you get any good seeds , keep them too.... might need um.

oh , and of course the genetics you have might already be hermie too , so its not 100% the herm was from stress. (75% in my opinion)

if a leaf has crystals then it is still fine to put with your trim. leaves are proly brown from lack of N or too much of something.... never know in organics. i love it.



Active Member
quick random question, cause im stoned and bored lol, why do you put "soil" at the end of every comment... hahah just wondering


Well-Known Member
quick random question, cause im stoned and bored lol, why do you put "soil" at the end of every comment... hahah just wondering
my real name is soil bongsmilie my stage name is wyteboi :eyesmoke:

soil :bigjoint: <--- an the face is because i love joints !


Well-Known Member
One big cola....some smaller side "buds".....defoliation sucks unless your a SR in HS and she's a FR.....why did you do that?


Well-Known Member
One big cola....some smaller side "buds".....defoliation sucks unless your a SR in HS and she's a FR.....why did you do that?
you wouldnt believe the tons of folks who still believe in this "method". you cant learn if you dont try it all though.



Well-Known Member
don't worry soil, I will help if you have any question on defoliation as I have used it for years and get some good yields


Well-Known Member
don't worry soil, I will help if you have any question on defoliation as I have used it for years and get some good yields
i never worry :joint:

would like to hear your results though. an would like to know why you would do that.

great day!
soil :weed:


Well-Known Member
i never worry :joint:

would like to hear your results though. an would like to know why you would do that.

great day!
soil :weed:
my views on defoliation

This is one of the most advanced ways of growing as every leaf you remove has a direct impacted on the plant, sometimes its good and other time you will stunt the plant
but with the right strain/ phenotype and know what leaves to remove at what time you will have full control over the canopy shape and you will yeild loads more

imo the reason a lots of growers don't defoliation is there friend tried it and had no ideal what he was doing, striped 50 of the fan leaves off in flower and messed the grow up

the reason I would help
It's the hole ideal of a grow site but a few grower seem to have lost there way and want to tell you how to grow your plants :wall::wall:

why, this is your grow and you should grow the way you want to and you should get help from other growers like me

I have tried loads of different strains/system and trained the plants in every way I can think of just to see how it turn out

I know formula start this grow but you have a lot of interest in defoliation too and I feel the more growers need to help instead of given out insults

the formula

Jacksthc you seem cool. I kinda get discouraged when I ask for help and get dogged instead. Shit most posts and other sights start off with a question you may get one or two replies that pertain then either a pissing match of misinformation or everyone goes off topic. Appreciate the fact you and wyteboi let me do what I wanna but wanna help guide from experience. I didn't start defoliating till like 2 weeks flower i know now I Shud have gone way lighter if at all since I think it Shud be trained during veg. Wyteboi, I have a nice 60x100 lens with a light I've been checking since week seven. My boy that grew like 5 cycles of AI said Nirvana is full of shit on theflower time and potency. Suppose to be their strongest indica. Northern lights x Afghan. But I still see clearish and cloudy no real amber in the tops or stalks of trichomes. I mean its been stunted several times and heat issues could that be making it take longer to mature?

Wyteboi u mentioned something about harvesting in morning I read that because at night the nutes or whatever go into the roots to work and if you cut before lights on early it doesn't have as much
crap in the plant. Makes sense but how tru I don't know.

I'm done waiting I'm gonna use straight water for a week and then darkness for 48hr then chop.

I chopped a medium sized branch last night and have it drying now. I trimmed pre dry cuz I have picked little buds and left leaves on and just a small bud was a pain to trim dry. I read leaving leaves on will help slow dry which gives more time for chlorophyll to evaporate and the thc to convert to more active form.


Well-Known Member
Jacksthc you seem cool. I kinda get discouraged when I ask for help and get dogged instead. Shit most posts and other sights start off with a question you may get one or two replies that pertain then either a pissing match of misinformation or everyone goes off topic. Appreciate the fact you and wyteboi let me do what I wanna but wanna help guide from experience. I didn't start defoliating till like 2 weeks flower i know now I Shud have gone way lighter if at all since I think it Shud be trained during veg. Wyteboi, I have a nice 60x100 lens with a light I've been checking since week seven. My boy that grew like 5 cycles of AI said Nirvana is full of shit on theflower time and potency. Suppose to be their strongest indica. Northern lights x Afghan. But I still see clearish and cloudy no real amber in the tops or stalks of trichomes. I mean its been stunted several times and heat issues could that be making it take longer to mature?

Wyteboi u mentioned something about harvesting in morning I read that because at night the nutes or whatever go into the roots to work and if you cut before lights on early it doesn't have as much
crap in the plant. Makes sense but how tru I don't know.

I'm done waiting I'm gonna use straight water for a week and then darkness for 48hr then chop.

I chopped a medium sized branch last night and have it drying now. I trimmed pre dry cuz I have picked little buds and left leaves on and just a small bud was a pain to trim dry. I read leaving leaves on will help slow dry which gives more time for chlorophyll to evaporate and the thc to convert to more active form.
thank for the warm welcome my friend, I will do my best to point out any mistakes so you can improve your grow the next time :)

going heavy on defoliating was not the problem, its down to the canopy shape, your light could penetrate into the canopy but the canopy was so far down, so defoliating the plant could not of help


Northern lights x Afghan sound like a very strong indica and the best thing with indica is they need less light than sativa and yield a lot more dank bud, indica strains don't stretch much in flower and have a shorter flower time

flushing the plant for a week is good and chopping after at least 12hour of dark is the best way imo

don't know if chopping the plants after 48hours helps with more crystals and yield, some growers swear by it

drying the weed, well I chop the plant up into 12-18" branches and hang with a little air flow just to keep the humidity low for about 4 days
and put in a box so the buds go damp and hang the buds to dry again keep doing this for the next 3-4 days as I don't want to over dry the buds.
drying the buds properly has made the biggest impact on quality for me

the formula

What up. So I was gonna chop a while back but said fuck it and let it go. I'm doing a big ass flush in a little bit then at lights out leave em in dark for a while. My buds legitimately doubled in size, except the cola, but the crystals are all cloudy with a little amber here and there. A far cry from two or three weeks ago. This grow has been nothing but problems including the bitch where I grow at (my dudes wife) starting tripping about the plant after it was already in flower and I had spent hundreds of dollars on seeds and equipment. Any way thanks to her its coming down today.

I'm fitting to do one final Mega flush but don't have 21 gallons of r/o or non chlorinated water on hand. I keep a 3 gall bucket filled and with two airstones on hand at all times but not 21 gal. And to be blunt I don't have 20 dollars to go get bottled water. Ya what's $20 dollars in the grand scheme but I just don't have it and they gotta be done today. Per the wicked witch of the west.

So can I put this bitch in the stationary tub and just run tap on it since I'm gonna chop it down rt after the dark period ( like two days) or will HONESTLY 2 days of tap really fuck it up. I just read that molasses can bind to salts and help them wash away. If true I could let the water run slowly thru the plant and add gallons mixed with molasses as I go. I read clearex is like electrolyte balanced shit with basically sugars in it.

To shorten this up my main question is can I use tap water for this very last flush where the plant will only be alive for 2-3 more days. Part two should I try to incorporate molasses into the flush.

Speedy replies greatly appreciated my boy s on way over to help me clean out all my supplies /equipment to my new house( where my girlfriend wont let me grow till its legal in 2014, bullshit). Anyway hit me up. IMG_20130921_140241.jpg


the formula

well shit, I got 32g's dried buds. so with all the problems I had im happy with that. im sure if I would have been around for weeks 2-4 of flowering and not had temps in the hundreds and humidity in the 90's it would have been a lot better. also I didn't use any bloom boosters or other flowering nutrients it was an organic grow until late in flower I added some 0-15-15 crystal burst from Humboldt and only like 1-2 ml per gallon but it was pretty much to little to late. so whatever its cool I learned a lot for sure and cant wait to grow again..problem is I have nowhere to grow right now. my state is about to get medical in nov 2014 so I can wait I guess. so im out I'll check in if anyone wants to comment. I got some pics I'll try and upload them later.