**Official Breaking Bad Finale Thread**


Well-Known Member
Well at least we Know Hank cares for Jesse (sarcasm)
like i said..it ain't over..if jesse can roll over and skyler order his hit in one episode..there are still 4 more to go..i have a feeling our mouths will be hanging open and the "end" most talked about show in tv history..


Undercover Mod
My big thought. Walter says who is gonna believe you that I was capable of doing this.

I think Jessie is overcome with guilt. He is going to testify against Walt.

Walt is going to use the poison on Jessie. Walt is obviously in hiding and my guess is Jessie is in witness protection.
Half my prediction is right. Let's see about the rest

joe macclennan

Well-Known Member
I think walt is saving the poison for himself in case he gets caught.

I am real curious as to what the m60 is for. He wouldn't need a gun this big to go after jesse. I bet somehow todds uncle and walt have a falling out and the machine gun is for defense against that crew. Them guys are hard core and we know lydia is pretty cold and calculating

It doesn't make sense he would need a gun like that against hank and his cronies either imo.


Well-Known Member
He just likes a BFG around?

Hey, how about that scene about which garbage to put the gas can? Those looks. Classic.


Well-Known Member
(yes the cigg has long been spent)
but what if it was still in the house and jr found it...then decides to break bad into tobacco in effort to relieve his stress over mr whites cancer?
then i, uh er i mean Jesse runs off with mrs white and they hump happily ever after...(mr white of course is eventually elected president...)


Well-Known Member
(yes the cigg has long been spent)
but what if it was still in the house and jr found it...then decides to break bad into tobacco in effort to relieve his stress over mr whites cancer?
then i, uh er i mean Jesse runs off with mrs white and they hump happily ever after...(mr white of course is eventually elected president...)
You're obviously not up to date...


Well-Known Member
All I am going to say is, Heisenberg better get away with everything! He has never killed an innocent once (Meth Damon killed the kid) and everything he has done has been about surviving.