Note to retirees - It is not your money...

between 2000 and 2010, the minimum wage went up about 50% but the purchasing power of the dollar versus the big mac became stronger.somehow, the workers got paid 50% more, but the dollar could buy more big mac after that increase in wages than before.your assumptions are stupid and unfounded. all you have is hot air and bullshit with which to baffle. it might work on racist rabbits and retarded sock puppets, but not anyone who has half a brain.
Should we be weighing the dollar against a basket of fast food products....Please come back when you understand child
Should we be weighing the dollar against a basket of fast food products....Please come back when you understand child

yes, we should. it is a good index. it takes into account energy costs (to run the restaurants), transportation costs (to transport the food from "farm" to kitchen), costs of food (beef is a huge staple), and rent (need a storefront).

it wasn't my idea, either. it was the economist who invented the big mac index.

maybe it is you who is the child, child.
between 2000 and 2010, the minimum wage went up about 50%
Citation Needed

but the purchasing power of the dollar versus the big mac became stronger.
Citation Needed

somehow, the workers got paid 50% more,
Citation Needed

but the dollar could buy more big mac after that increase in wages than before.
Citation Needed

your assumptions are stupid and unfounded.
Citation Needed

all you have is hot air and bullshit with which to baffle.
Citation Needed

it might work on racist rabbits and retarded sock puppets, but not anyone who has half a brain.
Citation Needed

if the cost to manufacture of any item, from apples to zebra skin coats raises 10% (whether by taxation, regulatory costs,, wage mandates, etc) then the manufacturer has several options:

make the product smaller
reduce product quality
cut workforce and try to squeeze more productivity out of the remaining workers
move production to a new location where costs are lower
Raise prices
Cut into Profits

who here can tell us what combination of these options Mc Donalds has adopted to keep the Big Mac price steady?

(hint: "Cut into Profits" is NOT one)
yes, we should. it is a good index. it takes into account energy costs (to run the restaurants), transportation costs (to transport the food from "farm" to kitchen), costs of food (beef is a huge staple), and rent (need a storefront).

it wasn't my idea, either. it was the economist who invented the big mac index.

maybe it is you who is the child, child.

Yes I have seen the cute Big Mac index you do realize its kinda a tongue in cheek index...

firstly in 2000 Big Mac was about 1.89 in 2010 3.73 looks like more Big Mac for your dollar right

secondly it is used to measure ppp with other curencies

use the CPI for your point however flawed it is....much better for you child
no need to cite the part about you being a baffler with bullshit, or racist rabbits flocking to you. that's just obvious.

you can google min wage graphs or the big mac index if you want.


you dollar bought more big mac in 2010 than in 2000, but wages went up about 50% in the meantime.


Oh Bucky get back to me when you freshen up on macroeconomics and stop peddling your unique brand of bullshit....nice try though
Oh Bucky get back to me when you freshen up on macroeconomics and stop peddling your unique brand of bullshit....nice try though

says the guy who had never heard of the big mac index...and then tried to pretend he did.
no need to cite the part about you being a baffler with bullshit, or racist rabbits flocking to you. that's just obvious.

you can google min wage graphs or the big mac index if you want.


you dollar bought more big mac in 2010 than in 2000, but wages went up about 50% in the meantime.


You realise during a recession, initially this magical force called deflation does it thing.

Cos when people have no money, leisure/optional products decrease in price or they sell far less.

If you'd looked at your list, none of those items are considered staples and some of them have perhaps just lost popularity.

Keep failing dude.
says the guy who had never heard of the big mac index...and then tried to pretend he did.

You are comical, hop on any of the popular forex websites with the same name I am sure I will see you around we can speak of your Big Mac index and the import of it. Will definitely be a learning experience.

real quick according to the Big Mac index 2000 the price of a Big Mac was $1.89 and in 2010 it was $3.73 there was an average of 2.52% inflation for those years you do the math instead of throwing up bullshit charts Bucky boy
You realise during a recession, initially this magical force called deflation does it thing.

Cos when people have no money, leisure/optional products decrease in price or they sell far less.

If you'd looked at your list, none of those items are considered staples and some of them have perhaps just lost popularity.

Keep failing dude.

nuhh uhh!!

when faced with declining sales and a tightening of purse strings the first thing EVERY RETAILER DOES IS RAISE PRICES!!

everybody knows that!!
no need to cite the part about you being a baffler with bullshit, or racist rabbits flocking to you. that's just obvious.
you can google min wage graphs or the big mac index if you want.

you dollar bought more big mac in 2010 than in 2000, but wages went up about 50% in the meantime.



so wait, i thought the "minimum wage went up 50% between 2000 and 2010???

$5.15 to $7.25 is not a 50% increase, therfore your arguments are ALL INVALID

*note: many states and municipalities have their own minimum wage, and most of those have NOT gone up at all over the last 10 years.
so wait, i thought the "minimum wage went up 50% between 2000 and 2010???

$5.15 to $7.25 is not a 50% increase, therfore your arguments are ALL INVALID

*note: many states and municipalities have their own minimum wage, and most of those have NOT gone up at all over the last 10 years.

i said about 50%.

$2.10 is 41% of $5.15.

41% is about 50%. maybe. more or less.

fuck you :cuss:

edit: i was indeed looking at 1990-2000. i am the stupid.
i said about 50%.

$2.10 is 41% of $5.15.

41% is about 50%. maybe. more or less.

fuck you :cuss:

edit: i was indeed looking at 1990-2000. i am the stupid.
41% is not 50%,, therefore every argument you make is invalid.

remember we are not allowed to be anything less than precise in a thread where you are present.

mind them typos lads, stay sharp!

Edit: Oops! Two Commas!! now everything I say is invalid too!
41% is not 50%,, therefore every argument you make is invalid.

remember we are not allowed to be anything less than precise in a thread where you are present.

mind them typos lads, stay sharp!

Edit: Oops! Two Commas!! now everything I say is invalid too!

41% is about 50%. it's close enough for rural work.
41% is about 50%. it's close enough for rural work.

You complain that I am a couple percentage points off yet you can be almost 10% off?? Talk about hypocritical double standards...

Maybe I should give you a little slack since you learned new math and all... Probably the reason you cant get a real job...
People who are retiring or living off of social security like to say that it is *their* money. They believe they threw their cash into a big pot and they get to take it out now.

That is a lie.

The money that was put into the pot was stolen by the government and spent already.

The money they are getting paid multiple times over in return is being paid by the kid making minimum wage at McDonalds having 15% withheld from his paycheck.

Social Security is a ponzi scheme and until people realize that we are going to go right over a fiscal cliff that we cannot recover from due to blatant misconceptions over the government confiscation and wasting of taxpayers money.

There aint no money, the government already spent it all...
Well the same government that re-directed SS moneys can just put it back. If it was that easy to divert the funds then it's just that easy to re-direct them. You youngsters need to accept that SS WILL continue to be funded because the Grey block of Baby Boomers that bought into it, will see too it. You young people better just quit squirming around and get used to the feel of the yoke around your necks, because us retirees ain't going anywhere. Retirees can see the obscene profits, companies are making in America, and we can't find a way to fund our obligation to our retired workers? IDTS!....Not while I can still vote!.......Oh look it's the 1st of the month again, my retirement check has been deposited!:hug: Sorry kids, pay your debts!:hump:
Well the same government that re-directed SS moneys can just put it back. If it was that easy to divert the funds then it's just that easy to re-direct them. You youngsters need to accept that SS WILL continue to be funded because the Grey block of Baby Boomers that bought into it, will see too it. You young people better just quit squirming around and get used to the feel of the yoke around your necks, because us retirees ain't going anywhere. Retirees can see the obscene profits, companies are making in America, and we can't find a way to fund our obligation to our retired workers? IDTS!....Not while I can still vote!.......Oh look it's the 1st of the month again, my retirement check has been deposited!:hug: Sorry kids, pay your debts!:hump:

thats a prety awesome Knee jerk Reflex gramps.

heres the Bullet Points:

1: Social Security IS a Ponzi Scheme, requiring several new investors to pay out for each old one, untill eventually it WILL collapse.
2: the SS trust fund is an imaginary construct that only existed for 3 or 4 years before it became just another pipeline into the Discretionary Fund
3: those who are NOT retired are funding the retirement of those who ARE retired, and only an idiot plans on Social Security being there in the future if he is under 50.
4: NOBODY HAS SUGGESTED ending this entitlement and fucking over those who are already dependent on the program
5: the faulty and untenable Social Security scheme is doomed to fail, no matter what any booster says. the math just doesnt work.
6: we, the Post-Baby-Boom generation are already on the hook for your generation, we are resigned to that fact, we are well aware that we WILL be funding YOUR SS, but we have ZERO CONFIDENCE that we shall receive the same benefits.
7: We, the Post-Baby-Boom generation want to see the program either fixed, or ended, but NOT in a manner that will reduce Gam-Gam and Pop-Pop to living in a cardboard box eating dog food.
thats a prety awesome Knee jerk Reflex gramps.

heres the Bullet Points:

1: Social Security IS a Ponzi Scheme, requiring several new investors to pay out for each old one, untill eventually it WILL collapse.
2: the SS trust fund is an imaginary construct that only existed for 3 or 4 years before it became just another pipeline into the Discretionary Fund
3: those who are NOT retired are funding the retirement of those who ARE retired, and only an idiot plans on Social Security being there in the future if he is under 50.
4: NOBODY HAS SUGGESTED ending this entitlement and fucking over those who are already dependent on the program
5: the faulty and untenable Social Security scheme is doomed to fail, no matter what any booster says. the math just doesnt work.
6: we, the Post-Baby-Boom generation are already on the hook for your generation, we are resigned to that fact, we are well aware that we WILL be funding YOUR SS, but we have ZERO CONFIDENCE that we shall receive the same benefits.
7: We, the Post-Baby-Boom generation want to see the program either fixed, or ended, but NOT in a manner that will reduce Gam-Gam and Pop-Pop to living in a cardboard box eating dog food.
Never heard of a "Contributary Pension" over there?