Buying weed on craigslist


Well-Known Member
Ok, I get the federal implications, BUT Obama did say that prosecuting individual users and small time growers was not a top priority.

Also, in Denver and other communities simple possession is not criminalized.

So.... why not buy an 1/8 off some guy on Craigslist????? They are advertising it every day.

No really, I want to. Let me know how stupid, or uselessly paranoid I'm being. In less than 5 months it will be legal to buy in stores anyway so what's the big deal?

I had to stop growing 7 months ago due to being underemployed, losing my condo, and moving into a small apartment. Or maybe I'm a loser, you decide. But if you call me a loser I'll hunt you down because I have nothing else to do with my life.

I used to do many craigslist deals on wax but I've always been carded. Strange thing is nobody on craigs really gives/gave a fuck about a card. I think they'd rather not ask to see yours so they don't have to show you theirs. Who wants a perfect stranger knowing your address. Having said that I'd say I showed my card maybe twice out of many many deals. I even bought craigslist wax from two little ol ladies in a kmart parking lot!
How 'bout get a red card and go to a dispensary? If you can't afford to do that, you can't afford to get high, spend more time hustling up some money, then you can get high.:bigjoint:

Serious here, get a career going, make some money and then you can kick back. Might have to go to school first, OK, take out a student loan to get the training for a decent job, and do your time in the job. The reason they pay you is because nobody wants to to do the work, there has to be some money as an enticement to go to the job every day. Good luck with that and PLEASE try to be legal, being in jail sucks ass.
How 'bout get a red card and go to a dispensary? If you can't afford to do that, you can't afford to get high, spend more time hustling up some money, then you can get high.:bigjoint:

Serious here, get a career going, make some money and then you can kick back. Might have to go to school first, OK, take out a student loan to get the training for a decent job, and do your time in the job. The reason they pay you is because nobody wants to to do the work, there has to be some money as an enticement to go to the job every day. Good luck with that and PLEASE try to be legal, being in jail sucks ass.

I have a $30k+ student loan I'm paying back already for 15 years... no thanks. Nobody wants the skills I learned in college, thus I'm only getting dead end jobs I'm otherwise qualified for.

Plus learning website design, development, and marketing... not sure what else I can do to hustle up some money. I've started my own failed business. I even tried to write a book.

Thanks for the insight, but I'm nearly 40. I've almost given up now.
I used to do many craigslist deals on wax but I've always been carded. Strange thing is nobody on craigs really gives/gave a fuck about a card. I think they'd rather not ask to see yours so they don't have to show you theirs. Who wants a perfect stranger knowing your address. Having said that I'd say I showed my card maybe twice out of many many deals. I even bought craigslist wax from two little ol ladies in a kmart parking lot!

Oh snap, Kmart. There's like 7 left in all of Colorado. I'd be scared to meet some old ladies there...
The best reason is that it remains illegal to do so under state and local laws too. Amendment 64 didn't authorize person-to-person sales without appropriate licenses and permits, period. You'd be just as exposed to law enforcement as if you were buying crack on craigslist. Be safe.

The best reason is that it remains illegal to do so under state and local laws too. Amendment 64 didn't authorize person-to-person sales without appropriate licenses and permits, period. You'd be just as exposed to law enforcement as if you were buying crack on craigslist. Be safe.


You seriously believe cops are setting up stings on craigslist to bust people buying eighths of weed? Its not illegal to buy or possess it, only to sell it.
You seriously believe cops are setting up stings on craigslist to bust people buying eighths of weed? Its not illegal to buy or possess it, only to sell it.

Not necessarily, although it wouldn't surprise me one bit either. Many in law enforcement aren't in favor of legalization, and may crack down as much as possible, and all it would take is a few minutes online to post or respond to an ad/e-mail or two. If they set up a Dateline NBC style sting, they could bust person after person, only after a couple e-mails exchanging info and sitting back waiting for the person to show up.

Not necessarily, although it wouldn't surprise me one bit either. Many in law enforcement aren't in favor of legalization, and may crack down as much as possible, and all it would take is a few minutes online to post or respond to an ad/e-mail or two. If they set up a Dateline NBC style sting, they could bust person after person, only after a couple e-mails exchanging info and sitting back waiting for the person to show up.


What would the charge be? Possession? Its not illegal to possess up to an ounce. If they're going to waste their time with that it makes more sense and it would be much easier to go after the sellers on there as they are the ones actually breaking the law. If a cop has the choice to pop a seller or a buyer he will choose the seller every single time.
just watch out for this guy.....[video=youtube;vUxpKgJVT0Y][/video]
Theres some dude on craigslist who goes by joe 719 243 7557 my homie jesse said that that dude I guess pulled out a gun and robbed him for $345 dollars which he was gonna use to buy the bud from ill never fuck with anyone off of their thank god I got my REDDIE.
What would the charge be? Possession? Its not illegal to possess up to an ounce. If they're going to waste their time with that it makes more sense and it would be much easier to go after the sellers on there as they are the ones actually breaking the law. If a cop has the choice to pop a seller or a buyer he will choose the seller every single time.

Well, if you want to get technical about it, conspiracy. Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-18-406(2)(b)(I).
Well, if you want to get technical about it, conspiracy. Colo. Rev. Stat. 18-18-406(2)(b)(I).

CRS 18-18-406(2)(b)(I) is an OLD POSSESSION law. You do realize in May the Gov signed into law that wiped that statute out, don't you?

In order for there to be conspiracy you have to be conspiring to commit an illegal act, acquiring and/or possessing up to an ounce is not an illegal act. What part of that don't you understand?
CRS 18-18-406(2)(b)(I) is an OLD POSSESSION law. You do realize in May the Gov signed into law that wiped that statute out, don't you?

In order for there to be conspiracy you have to be conspiring to commit an illegal act, acquiring and/or possessing up to an ounce is not an illegal act. What part of that don't you understand?

Wrong. That is directly from sb 283, which was among the provisions signed into law this year. The conspiracy is conspiring with another person to commit an unlawful sale. But, whatever, buddy, I'm not trying to argue or be a jerk. Let's just call it a difference of opinion.

Love the way Jus handles himself..props to Jus.

This is a perfect example of members getting caught up in differences of opinion, and turning that into a flame exchange.
Forums are designed for sharing and exchanging thoughts, advice and, many, more positive aspects.

This is a cannabis forum, and the posts should reflect that.

” stoner kulture” should consist of nothing but peace harmony, and some joking around here and there.

I can't for the life of me why folks get angry on these forums RIU in particular.
Why risk your freedom for an eighth of herb that you could obtain legally?..

The CL deal is...shady to say the least.

I'm not sure on the actual law, but just because the The State's Constitution has decriminalized it..

The fact remains; cannabis is a Schedule 1 narcotic at the Federal level.
These ” back channel” sales could potentially destroy the progress we have made in the legalization movement.
You don't have one friend that could acquire meds for you until the law settles and all the fogginess clears up?

Again, I'm not trying to argue..simply adding my opinion.
Hey Sir, as always you have the voice of reason, if these people were in a room together they would get along great without being rude or 'snippy' as my grandmother would say. The reason to use CL is money, it is supposed to be cheaper there. I don't see it that way because you can get decent buds from a shop cheaper than CL. You do need a card, so shop for a deal where the shop will pay for your card and give you some free buds, then you can buy it anywhere and still get the free stuff. You do not have to go illegal anymore. Let's just do it legal so the cops can get to doing stuff like protecting and serving instead of harassing and busting.:peace::bigjoint:
I would never buy weed off of Craigslist.
Quality is unknown...
Has it been treated with chemical sprays ?
Has it been flushed ?
Was it diseased ? PM, Bud Mold etc.
Is it cured properly ?
Are you going to get ripped off or even hurt ?

Of course I have not bought weed in 5 years either. I'm too anal regarding quality,taste, smoothness and being organically grown and well flushed and cured weed.
To get around this I just grow my own.
Cost me 10 bucks an ounce to grow...why buy?
I would never buy weed off of Craigslist.
Quality is unknown...
Has it been treated with chemical sprays ?
Has it been flushed ?
Was it diseased ? PM, Bud Mold etc.
Is it cured properly ?
Are you going to get ripped off or even hurt ?

Of course I have not bought weed in 5 years either. I'm too anal regarding quality,taste, smoothness and being organically grown and well flushed and cured weed.
To get around this I just grow my own.
Cost me 10 bucks an ounce to grow...why buy?

Not everybody can produce an oz for $10 :roll:. Even if we all could the minimum wait time for 'most' grow + cure is 7wks. (Minus rotating grows) Most want their medicine/rec buds now, not in 60 days. I guess if we could grow herb in 30 minutes at $.50/gr this whole thread wouldn't even be relevant eh. I do agree with the rest of the posting about not knowing exactly what you are getting on CL or who you are getting involved in.
Looks like someone who should research cabinet or closet growing. If you are going to ingest it, make sure it is at least safe.