Neighbor has some Plants


Well-Known Member
While I was working out in the backyard I took a deep whiff and thought I smelled a skunky scent. I looked around and sure enough I found out that my neighbor has some plants in his garden.

If you were in my position, how would you start a conversation with my neighbor? We just moved in and I want to see babies really bad :mrgreen:


Well-Known Member
While I was working out in the backyard I took a deep whiff and thought I smelled a skunky scent. I looked around and sure enough I found out that my neighbor has some plants in his garden.

If you were in my position, how would you start a conversation with my neighbor? We just moved in and I want to see babies really bad :mrgreen:
Just invite him over for a smoke :peace::joint:


Well-Known Member
Dude. I wish my neighbors smoked. Could've had some nice session.

Now you know you can grow some bud on that side of the yard:)


Well-Known Member
Kind of a tough call. On one hand, there is something to be said about minding your own business. On the other hand, you could go say hi, maybe right after you smoke one so you stink like the ganja. It might let him know that you are "cool".


Well-Known Member
Invite him over or just talk with him. I guess you just need to become friends with him and if you feel comfertable bring it up in a conversation.

He could be very pissed about it, but just think about a neighbor who didnt care about growing or smoking bud.


Well-Known Member
Wear a pot shirt. Something that says Legalize It:-) He should get the point.



Well-Known Member
have him over for a beer or somthing, and just happen to leave some bud, papers, or a piece out :P.


i would say to just not beat around the bush....unless you were being invasive to his privacy to be able to see the plants, if they were in sight from your yard though; just go bullshit with him next time you see him out in the yard; in the middle of your conversation just be like, "hey man, you got somewhere we can relax and smoke this j i got?" followed immediately by "i smelled something tasty the other day, and saw your plant. so i put 1and1 together and figured you smoked."


Well-Known Member
Kind of a tough call. On one hand, there is something to be said about minding your own business. On the other hand, you could go say hi, maybe right after you smoke one so you stink like the ganja. It might let him know that you are "cool".

lol fuunny shit i all ways smell ganja lol that how i role people know im kool lol

man it will be kool you play it kool lol why you want to go over thir ne ways lol lol his plants lol wat if hes a mean pot head :|.
ya i mean not muuch to do lol go over if he is a dick to ya take his shit when it get some bud on it loL!!!!!
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Well-Known Member
On one hand, there is something to be said about minding your own business.
Everybody perceives things differently.
If you go up to this neighbor of yours and say something about it, Your neighbor might perceive you as being nosey.

If it was me, I would let it go for awhile. Then oneday I would try and be neighborly and just welcome him to the neighborhood. Maybe even invite him over for dinner. If your neighbor brings it up then it's all good. If he doesn't, then while your in conversation nonchalantly bring up a topic that is about marijuana. If he let's you know at that time that he's growing, then I would play dumb and act surprised.
Playing dumb goes further than being inquisitive.


Well-Known Member
Everybody perceives things differently.
If you go up to this neighbor of yours and say something about it, Your neighbor might perceive you as being nosey.

If it was me, I would let it go for awhile. Then oneday I would try and be neighborly and just welcome him to the neighborhood. Maybe even invite him over for dinner. If your neighbor brings it up then it's all good. If he doesn't, then while your in conversation nonchalantly bring up a topic that is about marijuana. If he let's you know at that time that he's growing, then I would play dumb and act surprised.
Playing dumb goes further than being inquisitive.
i agree and disagree with you. on one hand he might seem nosey if he says something, but on the other hand it wouldnt be right to act al suprised, and i dont think thats the way to go.

i would maybe invite him over for dinner and then casually light up a joint, like its the normalelst thing to do (which it is)
i'll bet you any amount of money hes gonna want some puffs :mrgreen:

or ring his doorbell and ask him if hes holding (not recomended, he may freak out and think your with the feds or something )

my answer: :joint:



Well-Known Member
i would maybe invite him over for dinner and then casually light up a joint, like its the normalelst thing to do (which it is)
i'll bet you any amount of money hes gonna want some puffs :mrgreen:
He's gonna do whatever feels normal to him.

But personally lighting up in front of a complete stranger is never normal.
Maybe it is in your neighborhood. But I live in a very "Well Off" neighborhood in the suburbs and most of the people in my neighborhood complain if you set your garbage out a day early.


Well-Known Member
ive found that you can discuss anything by starting with politics... ... "its too bad ron paul isnt in the running, i liked his stance on medical marijuana"