subcool LOL!

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Frenchy Cannoli

Well-Known Member
I am not a grower and have not much knowledge on genetics but I am quite good at judging trichomes

If that comes from shitty genetics please introduce me to a better world
PS: 10 more pages of bashing this morning BRAVO, doing well with nice vibs in the morning!!!!!! May you all have a beautiful day


Well-Known Member
You should maybe ask your buddy, dude. This thread was on page I-don't-know-what until the little turd-polisher showed up and unearthed this thread.


Well-Known Member
I find a few things humorous about subcool doing a post on DJ short blueberry.
First of all, he is a competitor. He has no interest in doing a fair assessment.

Secondly, I'm sure the problems encountered were self-inflicted. This is done to make DJ short look bad and to rally his fanboys around him. In fact, he levels ad hominems as he's conducting his bullshit "run".

In conclusion, DJ short blueberry is in more cross is there any of TGA's bullshit. Hmmmmm, i wonder why. Perhaps its due to him using hermi prone males, and having such a messy genetic pool that one cannot breed with such an unstable genetic pool.
I'm currently growing a cross that wss using DJ Shorts Blueberry mother from Bodhi. While its still in veg, I must say it is a solid fucking cross. Little variation in veg and I can't wait to flower these plants.

I don't see other real breeders wasting their time on any of the genes coming from TGA.

Uncle Pirate

Active Member
I am not a grower and have not much knowledge on genetics but I am quite good at judging trichomes

If that comes from shitty genetics please introduce me to a better world
PS: 10 more pages of bashing this morning BRAVO, doing well with nice vibs in the morning!!!!!! May you all have a beautiful day
That shit could have came from anything. TGA's the only one with strains that produce trichomes? Or are you showing off the guitar pick? I don't understand what you're trying to get at here.


Well-Known Member
Nice summary, TY

Uncle Pirate... Jesus man... clearly he's pretty fuckin' proud of that pic!


Well-Known Member
Ahahahaha a branded guitar pick. Yea, that's what I want from a breeder. One who focuses more on branding than creating stable strains.


Well-Known Member
after everything about how cool subcool is or the lack there of and his cool genetics,this thread took a whole different direction when people took shots at the mans wife. im enjoying what IG is doing because he isnt throwing lowblows, too late for other people though.


Well-Known Member
I think we should all be a little more professional then what we are exhibiting. While yes there has been some posts sub has made that I felt could have been worded differently but there done and over with.

I haven't seen this much girl locker room talk since high school!

If your this butt hurt by subcool I'd hate to see if it was swerve or someone else who had their own section on this forum. I actually feel it would be the same remarks just toward another name.

Cannabis should bring us closer together not make us hate. If we all stopped combating eachother and meathods that one uses vs another, we could all work together and the possibilities would be endless.

buckaroo bonzai

Well-Known Member
I think we should all be a little more professional then what we are exhibiting. While yes there has been some posts sub has made that I felt could have been worded differently but there done and over with.

I haven't seen this much girl locker room talk since high school!

If your this butt hurt by subcool I'd hate to see if it was swerve or someone else who had their own section on this forum. I actually feel it would be the same remarks just toward another name.

Cannabis should bring us closer together not make us hate. If we all stopped combating eachother and meathods that one uses vs another, we could all work together and the possibilities would be endless.


Well-Known Member
Gang mentality. But we were all MI people talking about a MI thing, and when we talk about this one dood, we get visitors from all over the country.

Sub disses the whole state, so I'm thinking he asked for this. Same with anyone in the public eye. Not everyone is going to be liked.


Well-Known Member
Please do tell more about the girls locker room as I want to know if any more of my fantasies were accurate.

Just playing, I agree it is suppose to bring us together but there is always bad actors in every group.


Well-Known Member
so if subfool is such a bitch why the fuck complain about him not coming to MI. from what im hearing its better he doesnt come right? shit over here is like a bitter ex GF....but ill gladly troll if this whole thead is trolling. if he fucked me over, im done with him! im not gonna whine about it...


Well-Known Member
Gang mentality. But we were all MI people talking about a MI thing, and when we talk about this one dood, we get visitors from all over the country.

Sub disses the whole state, so I'm thinking he asked for this. Same with anyone in the public eye. Not everyone is going to be liked.
Dude I rep the mitten to its fullest! born and raised in the mitten so please excuse me if I think your making us sound like babies. If you don't like the guy ok. I mean geeze I don't like Obama but don't put up a hate thread from Michigan!

i think the haters have been heard and I'm sure your opinion is totally gonna change how sub or anyone for that matter operates lol.


Well-Known Member
Please do tell more about the girls locker room as I want to know if any more of my fantasies were accurate.

Just playing, I agree it is suppose to bring us together but there is always bad actors in every group.
Well from what I saw when I was in there, the girl u have a crush on has a penis lol! J/k
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