Ever find weed?


I found a hole eighth 1 time on the floor of my bed room when I was 19yrs old.

Story: I had a bake out - smoke session with a few friends (5 total) while (1 of them was bagging up a ounce in gram seals). We were all pretty baked. And then ("2 of them start wrestling out of nowhere").. Now as this fiasco starts to escalate. The one tosses the other onto the table knocking over most of my friends weed (the guy who was doing the bagging). He gets up busts both of them in the face and tells them ("now pick my shit up") (with a very, very, "VERY" pissed sound coming from his mouth.) So what happens next. They pick up all the bud and the guy weighed out 1g till he got back all 28g and had them all bagged up. Later on that evening when they had all left I found 5 fat ass nuggets on my floor. (Now this dude had already weighed and bagged up all 28 grams before he left, keep this in mind.) So I took all 5 nuggets weighed them on the scale. Sure enough, it was 3.5 on the dot.

Witch leaves me with this baffled feeling stuck in my head to this very day....

If this guy found all of his weed and me and the others were all looking for all of it as well. And remember now, he got all 28 grams bagged up and weighed out.. Now there was nothing in my room after that, we did a double check. So were did these 5 fat nuggets come from.........?.... (' 0.o)



Active Member
I keep getting more upset. I really needed this harvest. They stole all my hard work and for what? shit.

I wish I had run into them I would have beat the shit out of them.
Methinks its Posse time...
Get your ropes and ratchets, fittina be a lynchin this harvest season!


Well-Known Member
congrats ,most, if not all of you have proved beyond doubt that the idea of the "friendly stoner" is just a myth. You are all aggressive, hateful and unforgiving. Not to mention gullible. Stupidity and aggression, hmm... oh yes, most of you are 'Mericans. LOOOOL.
Your trolling is all wrong. You're trying too hard. You should probably just kill yourself.


Well-Known Mod
Staff member
congrats ,most, if not all of you have proved beyond doubt that the idea of the "friendly stoner" is just a myth. You are all aggressive, hateful and unforgiving. Not to mention gullible. Stupidity and aggression, hmm... oh yes, most of you are 'Mericans. LOOOOL.
You thought that advancing an illiterate, bigoted, and childish tempter tantrum would endear your thieving ass to us? AND you called us stupid? LOL


Quod erat demonstrandum!


Well-Known Member
Yea I was taking a piss at my buddies house ..this was back in 98-99. Found a pound of weed behind the toilet. It was his Dads.


Well-Known Member
yeah ok, I'm sill only on my blue belt for trollin. Gotta practice somewhere right? I still think it was a success, I got some people worked up and that's what I aimed for. Getting called out was a certainty, the question was do I leave it and tell people in 48 hours after a 50 page which hunt had been established or do I just end it when I did. Maybe should have left it. I would give this effort 6/10 .
You're going far.


Well-Known Member
To ts, if you did actually steal somebody's shit I hope a bullet finds you. If you are just trolling then I hope a brick finds your skull. In short take a long walk off a short pier. Now that's out of the way, I have never personally found any but my dad has. Over 10 huge plants, however since he isn't a thieving piece of shit he just took pics with his phone so people would believe him lol. He never did say if anybody harvested it, but its not mine so I'm not concerned lol


True story----I went to the grand canyon a few weeks ago and when we were walking back to the car I saw a cigarette pack wrapper on the ground.I then picked it up and when i looked inside there was 2 nice stinky nugs inside.I was thrilled..so when i went to break it up to pack a bowl I got 3 seeds out of it....which 2 out of 3 have sprouted...lol thanx Arizona! :-P


Well-Known Member
Myself and several friends were passing through a park on foot to get home, and we noticed about 4 grams in a zip lock laying in the grass next to the path. We already had plenty of dank, but we picked it up off the ground anyways. It wasn't as good as what we had, so we just tossed it in a blunt (yuck!) and smoked it up. It was pretty cool.

But I wouldn't rip a plant out of the ground and jack a grower, that's fucked up. I had some regular vegetables stollen from my old appartment (bottom floor). That had me super pissed, can't imagine some cannabis plants getting ripped.


Virtually Unknown Member
found money once long ago....bought pot and concert ticket....got high.....got laid.....got crabs.....had fun.....does that count?


Well-Known Member
The best/most unusual place I found weed was on the beach in Pilau Perinthian, Malaysia!! Totally unexpected and highly illegal!! :)

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Back in the 70's, my older sister used to pay me $5 to crawl under the porch to retrieve the joints she would accidentally drop. Candy bars were only 5 cents back then, so you can imagine how ready I was to low crawl my way to "found weed"!


Global Moderator
Staff member
Back in the 70's, my older sister used to pay me $5 to crawl under the porch to retrieve the joints she would accidentally drop. Candy bars were only 5 cents back then, so you can imagine how ready I was to low crawl my way to "found weed"!
Your sister would pay you $5.00 to retrieve a .50 cent joint ?

She was either very desperate or really lousy at math. :cool:

And welcome to RIU.

Silly String

Well-Known Member
Weed was pretty cheap back then (you got a LOT of weed in a "dimebag"), but it was hard to get in the prissy suburbs, so I think she was just desperate and high/drunk! Willing to pay me to crawl for that last joint, instead of going on a treasure hunt!

Thanks for the welcome!


Well-Known Member
I found a hole eighth 1 time on the floor of my bed room when I was 19yrs old.

Story: I had a bake out - smoke session with a few friends (5 total) while (1 of them was bagging up a ounce in gram seals). We were all pretty baked. And then ("2 of them start wrestling out of nowhere").. Now as this fiasco starts to escalate. The one tosses the other onto the table knocking over most of my friends weed (the guy who was doing the bagging). He gets up busts both of them in the face and tells them ("now pick my shit up") (with a very, very, "VERY" pissed sound coming from his mouth.) So what happens next. They pick up all the bud and the guy weighed out 1g till he got back all 24g and had them all bagged up. Later on that evening when they had all left I found 5 fat ass nuggets on my floor. (Now this dude had already weighed and bagged up all 24 grams before he left, keep this in mind.) So I took all 5 nuggets weighed them on the scale. Sure enough, it was 3.5 on the dot.

Witch leaves me with this baffled feeling stuck in my head to this very day....

If this guy found all of his weed and me and the others were all looking for all of it as well. And remember now, he got all 24 grams bagged up and weighed out.. Now there was nothing in my room after that, we did a double check. So were did these 5 fat nuggets come from.........?.... (' 0.o)

lmao.... 24g ounce....


Well-Known Member
I found a hole eighth 1 time on the floor of my bed room when I was 19yrs old.

Story: I had a bake out - smoke session with a few friends (5 total) while (1 of them was bagging up a ounce in gram seals). We were all pretty baked. And then ("2 of them start wrestling out of nowhere").. Now as this fiasco starts to escalate. The one tosses the other onto the table knocking over most of my friends weed (the guy who was doing the bagging). He gets up busts both of them in the face and tells them ("now pick my shit up") (with a very, very, "VERY" pissed sound coming from his mouth.) So what happens next. They pick up all the bud and the guy weighed out 1g till he got back all 24g and had them all bagged up. Later on that evening when they had all left I found 5 fat ass nuggets on my floor. (Now this dude had already weighed and bagged up all 24 grams before he left, keep this in mind.) So I took all 5 nuggets weighed them on the scale. Sure enough, it was 3.5 on the dot.

Witch leaves me with this baffled feeling stuck in my head to this very day....

If this guy found all of his weed and me and the others were all looking for all of it as well. And remember now, he got all 24 grams bagged up and weighed out.. Now there was nothing in my room after that, we did a double check. So were did these 5 fat nuggets come from.........?.... (' 0.o)
lmao maybe cause an ounce is 28g??