Total Noob using teas and I am a believer

isn't it strange that id keep them around religiously not having a clue that they can be used to benefit the plants in any other way than companion planting!
You sure can. I am going to buy a plant next time I see one. 2 tbs of juice per gallon. I'll see if Rrog can post up his sprout tea.
sweet don't buy any my man ill send ya a few babies ifn ya want! Prob take a day! To be honest if my homestate keeps letting rich yuppies turn my fishing spots into private property(its getting fucken ubsurd nowadays here) I'll be movin to maine true story!
This is from Rrog. You can use alfalfa seeds, barley seeds, etc. Alfalfa is a solid choice. From this method we can harness amazing things from the sprouts. Growth hormones, etc. Powerful natural boosts from organics. We want the final product from the live sprouts.

  • 2 tablespoons of seeds (1 oz.)
    Soak for 12 hours. Drain that water and throw away. It’s full of growth inhibitors.
    Add 1/2 gallon of water to the sprouts for the 48 hour soak.
    Strain and use 1 cup of this to 1 gallon of water.

sweet don't buy any my man ill send ya a few babies ifn ya want! Prob take a day! To be honest if my homestate keeps letting rich yuppies turn my fishing spots into private property(its getting fucken ubsurd nowadays here) I'll be movin to maine true story!

I wanted to live in Burlington. It is a beautiful State bro. If I was to live there I would live up by Burke. It's good and bad what Jay Peak is doing. Who knew you could build towns that way bro? Maine is probably behind VT by decades. I like that. My oldest son may go to UVM.
soak the seeds in how much water? that seems to be worded weird towards the end if u could clarify . it isnt exactly clear on ammounts. not sure what " this " is. all love brotha. know you copy and pasted. but whats he saying? i understand the jist of it, dont want to overfeed a sprout though
and yeah gandolf im with VTM. moving soon. denver was sounding good. humbolts economy is still shit , so Maine sounds interesting , as well as being able to veg without going over limits like myco was saying. would have to look into it more, but its one of the ones im more interested in . and KGB glass is from there so..DONUTS
this is all i'll say about this. This isn't the state I grew up in. Sadly enough it almost seems like they are trying to push locals out so they can cater to rich outa staters, I know this sounds weird but ive seen it live with my own eyes! Love my state hate the way its going is all.
I love KGB bro. So much opportunity in Maine. This isn't a tea for sprouts. It's a tea made from sprouts. The fresh sprouts give off their hormones and such to the water to be used on your plants in all stages. I'll ask Rrog can jump over here and see if he can answer the amounts.
soak the seeds in how much water? that seems to be worded weird towards the end if u could clarify . it isnt exactly clear on ammounts. not sure what " this " is. all love brotha. know you copy and pasted. but whats he saying? i understand the jist of it, dont want to overfeed a sprout though

Since we're tossing the first seed wash, the amount of water doesn't really matter. You could soak in a couple cups, then toss, or soak in a gallon, then toss.
These seed teas, whether coconut (from those little white coconuts sold in asian markets) or Barley or some other seed, are chock full of enzymes. I mentioned this elsewhere, but Coot ran a known cultivar of his with weekly seed enzyme teas. He says it's the dankest he's grown of this particular cultivar. That's compelling in my book
kgb glass another new thing ive been made aware of lol, living in a closet on the ole glass piece budget!
ahhh man you just got me excited. I LOVE GLASS. im a glass artist. grew up in Austin TX where Salt, Snic, Zii and a few notorious glass artists work . Would love to make all of you a piece some day on me . really would be an honor. I feel you though man ! its way expensive hobby. Used to spend like 5-6k a year in glass for a couple years. regretted it. now I know what I like , what im willing to pay for what level of work. and no longer get caught up in the " dick measuring contest of glass if you will" . buddy spends 6 k on a piece i want? cool. in 20 minutes there will be another rig im dying to have coming out of someone elses kiln haha ! KGB keeps it very real with his prices though. one of the nicest people too. truly. if people in maine are like him. done deal. thats why I wont go back to cali for living arrangments. my credits wont transfer to the school I want in Eureka where my family lives and people in LA suck. ( no offense to any reading ). norcal>socal
lol ^^^^ I used to have a red chili pepper glass piece that grew legs many moons ago red pepper.jpgKinda like this but much much nicer. Mine was thick and stout, asnd I wont lie I miss it terribly!
These seed teas, whether coconut (from those little white coconuts sold in asian markets) or Barley or some other seed, are chock full of enzymes. I mentioned this elsewhere, but Coot ran a known cultivar of his with weekly seed enzyme teas. He says it's the dankest he's grown of this particular cultivar. That's compelling in my book
ok this makes a little more sense. thank you rrog. ive been reading over your other post on organic living soil. you have lots of valuable knowledge, thanks for clearing that up for me:)
Are the coconut seeds the best way to go? I know you suggested the coconut milk over in your thread. Would that be another option? Thanks Rrog. We are lucky you are around these parts.
These seed teas, whether coconut (from those little white coconuts sold in asian markets) or Barley or some other seed, are chock full of enzymes. I mentioned this elsewhere, but Coot ran a known cultivar of his with weekly seed enzyme teas. He says it's the dankest he's grown of this particular cultivar. That's compelling in my book
ok this makes a little more sense. thank you rrog. ive been reading over your other post on organic living soil. you have lots of valuable knowledge, thanks for clearing that up for me:)

View attachment 2795434View attachment 2795435 and just to show a few pieces from the heady collection. i guess you an say the starwars trilogy had its effect on me.
Thanks for asking! I mean that! And thanks to Gandalf for pointing it out!

Apparently the Coconut caper has been refined. The young coconuts are the way to go. Encased in the white stuff. You gotta dig to get to the brown traditional looking coconut.