Virtually Unknown Member
note to self take dinner out of oven BEFORE it burns.
Ah yes I've had a few "turn it down to keep warm". Pot roast turned to large hunk of jerky.
note to self take dinner out of oven BEFORE it burns.
Note to self-Do not smoke the Shoreline,after not smoking for 4 days!!
You cant find your ass with both hands!
You've been here for a full year now, maybe it's time you said thank you to the friends you've made.
For the help, hilarious gifs and videos I thank you, for the compliments and generosity given I hope I returned in kind and I raise a pipe in honour of our friendship.
Note to self - Gonna be 104f T-morrow, AH Chit, drink lots of water.
We'll be lucky to hit 64 deg F tomorrow - altho we are smack in the middle of an early fall storm.
fresh snow on the mountain tops this morning
Termination dust. I get it.
We haven't seen any here yet - another month or so.
It's blowing 45 & raining sideways right now.
Ive been on tht Bus!! Cept was jsut 20 lmaoNOTE TO IDIOT SELF: You just fucked up 22 plants because you didn't spot the hermie. Nice going. Now go to sliding door, take out nuts, and slam nuts in door repeatedly while chanting the mantra 'stupid stupid stupid, why? why? why?' Anyhow, on to the next cartoon.