DOUBLETAKES 2013 outdoor xxx o.g


Well-Known Member
Also what do you guys think of chemical nutes on the outdoor plants I have some left over from some hydro grow I did and was thinking why not give them a transitional dose to flower tomorrow a.m.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys so I did a half dose of the genral hydro a and b
the transitional one like 1.5 tsp veg and 2.5 tsp bloom, mixed that up at half strength (3 gallons).
gave that to her and she looks great real green and flourishing.

Then yesterday I top dressed all of them except the one in the 15 gallon grow bag.
watered this morning and now I hope that will kick in in the next week.

Im getting some pics up in the next hour you can really see how the big one is flourishing it filled in so good I'm going to tie some more branches down.


Well-Known Member
The 2nd pic can give you guys a idea of how big she is she's a huge bush it's hard to get her all in the pictures.
the 3rd 4th and 5th pics are the ones I starts budding early for a pre harvest, there all looking good and a shot of the baby buds.
Then 5 and 6 is the 15 gallon one that I started budding early too. She is just separate from that back room so has her own little spot she's looking really good.


Well-Known Member
Going to spray everything with some bt, once it's sunset time like 7 30
pie did it the other day around 4 and it seemed like the bt catipiller killer just evapped off too quick.


Well-Known Member
Thanks man I'm real excited for the big one idk how much she could yield I'm hoping like 1.5 anything over a p I'll be happy though.

And the buds are mostly on the ones that started flowering a month ago indoors and thought I could mabey get a early outdoor harvest by finishing them outside a month before the others but i think I might of messed up there budding slow like they might be re vegging, also I'm seeing more 3 leafers I heard that's a sign of re veg too.


Well-Known Member
Darn I'm starting to feel a little worried it's growing over the fence line again, I'm going to try and stake her down some.


Well-Known Member
Alright guys it's a sad sad day ha
i chopped the huge 7 foot bush down
i replaced her with 4 good sized xxx o.g teens big teens there about 14 to 18 inches tall.
so Im hoping I can still get 4 nice 4 footers back there and yield close to what I was going to get off that monster.

I put two of the clones in 15 gallon grow bags and dug 2 big holes for the other two ( the ones in the ground each got a whole bag of soil)

I think I can still get 4 to 6 ounces off of these 4 so let's hope for the best.

Pics coming soon.


Well-Known Member
Soooo I had to rip the big ass tree I had going out it was peekabooing with my neibors and they got kids and all that so I had to

i had extra good sized plants ready to go they were about 20 inches so some good sized teens.

As you can see they blew up once outside

The 1st pic
the four teens, I put two in 15 gallon grow bags of roots organic soil I love that stuff.
and the other 2 in the ground in 20 gallon holes but the holes are a little bigger since they have been used b4.
those are now just about 3 feet tall and I'm much happier with 4 nice sized plants instead of the 8 foot beast hah.
hopefully they can finish around 5 to 6 feet there just showing hairs so mabey another week or so of stretch.

2nd pic
Top view of the little sea of green of 8 xxx o.g clones that have been budding for 3 weeks inside and now since its full flower mode outsidei moved them out to get the extra lumens, there all in holes of roots organic too.
so hopefully a little harvest in 6 weeks off of these.

3rd pic
side view of the sea of green there about a foot and a half like 16 to 20 inches so I'm not hoping for much a ounce each would be cool.

Pic 4 and 5

Some little premature bud pics for you guys.
sorry crappy phone camera wish I had a better one for you guys.

Coments and questions and all that welcome


Well-Known Member
Also just hit the 4 big one with neam
and the 8 little ones with bud with bt since I saw a catipillar on one of my light depos yesterday and another one this morning.
i can't really spray those two since there going to be done in a week or two.

Any body ever spray bt up to like the last week? It says you can spray it on veggies and you eat those I'm sure you could
do it on the buds.


Well-Known Member
looking great.....too bad about the big plant......but nice looking out for your neighbors'll get some nice buds anyway and the neighbors are none the wiser.....but you are.......good job....


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words,
definently need to find room for a carport hah.
hopefully I'll be out of this place next season though and have more room.


Well-Known Member
Thanks for the kind words,
definently need to find room for a carport hah.
hopefully I'll be out of this place next season though and have more room.
you can easily leave out a couple of pieces & make a smaller carport to fit.....;-)


Well-Known Member
I was doing that for like a month had to do it twice. then I just looked at it realized that since I cut the undergrowth for airflow and all that so there's not to much sucker bud, and from toeing it and topping it there was only like 4 good feet of shoots

I just figured I could make better use out of my space with smaller plants cause that thing was just getting really like stringy idk just didn't seem like it was going to do as good as 4 nice 5 footers.

Definently a sad sad day though ha. Wishi had more room
that back fenced in room I'm growing in is only 8 by 14 so only so much I can fit back there and still be able to get in and water.


Well-Known Member
budddd.jpgbottle.jpghere is a pic of one of 2 of the light deps that should be done in 14 days
they have been budding now for 7 weeks i want to give them 9 or possibly 10 but im inpatient so i know saying i will let them go 10 is a lie haha

the two top buds are like 16 fl oz water bottle size still need to fill in more though and she is in a 15 gallon grow bag.
the other is in the ground with like 5 gallons of soil, the one in the grow bag i would say is doing a little better

probley cause its got more soil to suck up the nutes in the last two weeks.