Note to self thread


New Member
Note to self:
Stop by the Bank and find out what to do with my measly 401K, how far will $148K go depends on how well we handled things in our young lives...
This could be interesting!!!
should get you a few tee shirts from the attitude at least


Well-Known Member
Note to self:
Stop by the Bank and find out what to do with my measly 401K, how far will $148K go depends on how well we handled things in our young lives...
This could be interesting!!!
I could take less than 10% of that and spit bak the 148,000 in 90 days,lol.


Well-Known Member
Get some Black Tea teabags. soak them in warm water and bite down slightly onto them. this will help with the throbbing(heartbeat) and may help those other teeth that just started hurting on you after the fact.

Good luck bro. hope you feel better.


Sector 5 Moderator
And once more, I bring nothing to the table tonight. Just wanted everyone to know I'm still reading. :)


Well-Known Member
Note to self: It is true what they say about Alabama rednecks...
Note to self: Turkey basting meth and Budweiser is in the past...
Note to self: Pick up enemas, a butt plug, and a beer koozi...
Note to self: Forget the last two items, sister said she's thirsty....

Text taken from the memoirs of a very special new member joined this July :)


Sector 5 Moderator
That reminds me... Note to self: never, under any circumstances, take a sleeping pill and a laxative on the same night.


Well-Known Member
Note to Beech: take a probiotic daily and don't invest in those overly expensive ones, the store brand from your local pharmacy is the same stuff and half as expensive as the name brand ones in the vitamin section. You can also eat yogurt to help with your "clogged drain".

A hurting mouth and a hurting ass is too much pain for anyone!


Virtually Unknown Member
Make sure what you "thought" was in the car is really there before you drive to BFE. Was sure I had premixed water in trunk, drove 20 miles, open trunk...well you can guess the rest...(sigh)... Did have fishing pole so all was not lost :)


Virtually Unknown Member
Note to Beech: take a probiotic daily and don't invest in those overly expensive ones, the store brand from your local pharmacy is the same stuff and half as expensive as the name brand ones in the vitamin section. You can also eat yogurt to help with your "clogged drain".

A hurting mouth and a hurting ass is too much pain for anyone!
2-3000 mg. Vitamin C works for me If I'm not taking it regularly.


Well-Known Member
Note to self: Teach girlfriend how to use Reverse. Because she does NOT know how to turn a car around.......
I should not be told to wake up to move the car. You back up WHILE turning the wheel, drive forward while turning the other way. POOF YOU'RE OUT!.

Ugh rough morning.