advanced nutes

Prove Voodoo juice works too!

this is 10 days after the cut!

voodoo juice.jpg
20 litres RO water an 10ml of Voodoo Juice does this to ya roots :) no ph'ing the water just keep the water temp at 70f
The only AN I use is the Ancient Earth additive. I like the fact that it combines Humic and Fulvic acids in one.
Other than that I use:

Aqua Vega A B
Aqua Flores A B
Liquid Karma
Pro Silicate
Canna PK 13-14
Banana Manna

I love the combo
Show me a link to that claim please. And not from botanix either, a real link. Thanks

Hey just to say i had a look at it and i seem to remeber it being on a site that list all of the A.N. line and others sold in some state inthe usa... Wait a moe..... Here im sure you type in the brand advanced nutrients it comes up with there line....

hope that works

also forgot to say dispite that i do run there base jj in lucas formula in soil, with nirvana nd carboload,, maybe used the extras 3 times in a grow,, ranting now,,anyhow take it easy.
Thanks for that link. My intention was to find out which products exactly Immaulle is referring to. Odds are he is misinformed but like others, they spew AN hate without proof of their claims. For instance: Dry products will show higher metals because they are more concentrated and testing is conducted by volume of the fertilizer under test. So naturally a dry powder will have more metals. GH dry products also show high metals. A 0-50-50 fert will show higher metals than say a 0-5-5. Sometimes though, it is futile informing those with extreme bias so what's the point anyways?

+rep to ya .
Ive used many nutes over the years which included AN and have found AN to basically just be overpriced and really not that good. the output is not that great to be honest. I do like a few of their additives but others that are better and less expensive can be found. My favorite and best producing nutes have been Fox Farm and in the last year the Humboldt Count Deep Fusion line which does really well and is cheap. The 3 1 gallon bottle run me less then$115 delivered. These 3 main bottle grow,micro,bloom take my enire 18 site ebb n gro type setup with 55 gallon res though the entire grow. Of course I do suppliment with things like cha ching,beastie blooms, honey, gravity, purple maxx, silica,big Bud. Canna makes good nutes but their line up has become very confusing with like 8 versions of nutes for 3 ways of growing and they get expensive quick.Just my own thoughts from 20 plus years of growing
Machead that about a normal 10 day clone root except they are a bit short. You can get much better results using just diluted Fox Farm Big bloom and the roots will explode in 5-7 day 4 times what your showing.few youtube videos showing it done too.
Yes am sure they do am just proving to the haters that AN works too!

Everyone will have a different style of growing, to call someone else's style is just stupid.

An its boring having to read throu them all to get to bit decent information regarding AN in a thread regarding AN.
Thanks for that link. My intention was to find out which products exactly Immaulle is referring to. Odds are he is misinformed but like others, they spew AN hate without proof of their claims. For instance: Dry products will show higher metals because they are more concentrated and testing is conducted by volume of the fertilizer under test. So naturally a dry powder will have more metals. GH dry products also show high metals. A 0-50-50 fert will show higher metals than say a 0-5-5. Sometimes though, it is futile informing those with extreme bias so what's the point anyways?

+rep to ya .

I don't have the link anymore it was like 4~ years ago but it was a state agriculture site like the one from above and they basically said AN was banned from being sold in state because the mercury and lead content were so high. they may have refined their manufacturing process since then I don't know, but they are still way over priced. You can make your own nutes for 1/10th the cost that will easily outperform AN.
Yes am sure they do am just proving to the haters that AN works too!

Everyone will have a different style of growing, to call someone else's style is just stupid.

An its boring having to read throu them all to get to bit decent information regarding AN in a thread regarding AN.

Its funny, when threads come up with dyna grow or another line I very seldomly see advance users bashing dyna grow or other lines people use. But every thread that has AN in it gets all fooked up by haters.
I don't have the link anymore it was like 4~ years ago but it was a state agriculture site like the one from above and they basically said AN was banned from being sold in state because the mercury and lead content were so high. they may have refined their manufacturing process since then I don't know,

So no, you do not have a link. I do recall the argument coming up about those high levels several times and I state again , it was a misinterpretation where dry chems were analyzed and the AN haters ran with it spewing bullshit.

but they are still way over priced. You can make your own nutes for 1/10th the cost that will easily outperform AN.

I can make my own hamburgers on the grill but sometimes I would rather just go through the drive-thru. I can make my own nutes but I prefer to buy them in the bottle. It's called convenience. My time is more valuable than saving a few bucks making my own. The idea is to give your time a dollar value. Are you really saving that much considering your time involved?

I have had stellar results using Sensi base, better than Dyna. I've had no issues where I "Need more N" . I get the 2 gal combo for ~ 60$ and use at 3/4 strength at most. Nothing else. I am not losing any sleep over that ridiculous cost LOL .

Your time is money too bud.
I have had stellar results using Sensi base

I'm also using sensi grow, so far even into my flowering.. Just upping the B part a bit. It is one of the cheaper lines in my area and doing well, though it is my 1st grow and I have had heat, nute + leaf issues but probably my own doing.
Thanks for that link. My intention was to find out which products exactly Immaulle is referring to. Odds are he is misinformed but like others, they spew AN hate without proof of their claims. For instance: Dry products will show higher metals because they are more concentrated and testing is conducted by volume of the fertilizer under test. So naturally a dry powder will have more metals. GH dry products also show high metals. A 0-50-50 fert will show higher metals than say a 0-5-5. Sometimes though, it is futile informing those with extreme bias so what's the point anyways?

+rep to ya .

Hey man.. before you go to Vegas... shoot me a PM. I'll fill you in on your odds...

It was Big Bud that was analyzed with unacceptable heavy metal... on a shelf at Northern Lights and Garden in Oregon.
Links below..

..I'll take some rep..

Show me a link to that claim please. And not from botanix either, a real link. Thanks

I don't know if Oregona Dept of Ag will do for you but I've seen worse sources around here.

Scroll down about midway this post to see the heavy metals ban issue.

At one point, AN had 28 products on the CEASE SALE list. Or, "banned".
Oregon banned another product about 1 month ago... they did not register the product with the state before sale.

Heavy Metal were not the only issue in the past.. mislabeling concentration... misleading advertising... read on..

Here is the corrent official ban list... Advanced on pg 1... only one product, currently. Not bad... Nothing lights a fire under a company like fucking with their Benjamins...

Read this: Advanced is a shady, shady company (ht: cannawizard)

Hydro Hype 3 - The Med Deception
© Copyright Integral Hydroponics 2010
Author’s note: The material covered herein should not reflect on the quality of the Advanced Nutrients™ product range. The following material was posted on due to the importance of the North American med marijuana movement.
Important Information for all Medical marijuana Dispensaries, Growers, and Patients
Advanced Nutrients - The Med Deception
Recently (June 2010) Advanced Nutrients made this announcement via PR Newswire (
“SEATTLE, June 3 /PRNewswire/ -- In a landmark decision, Oregon regulators have given first-ever official US approval to a brand of medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients.

Oregon and most other states have regulatory agencies that examine fertilizers and hydroponics plant supplements to determine the legitimacy, ingredients and effectiveness of plant growth products.

Advanced Nutrients co-founder Michael Straumietis welcomes the news that Oregon's government proffered formal approval for an Advanced Nutrients formula designed for a specific strain of medical marijuana.

"Regulatory approval is a breakthrough for the medical marijuana community," Straumietis explains. "For the first time, government regulators have examined and affirmed the use of crop-specific medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients."

Until Straumietis asked regulators to evaluate the medical marijuana effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics formulas, regulators nationwide had apparently never considered how hydroponics nutrients specifically affect medical marijuana crops.

''It hasn't been part of the discussion, until now,'' Straumietis explains. "For example, when fertilizer regulators evaluate fertilizers that have labels claiming to produce larger tomatoes, they require specific efficacy data proving those claims. Now Oregon regulators have opened the door for formal evaluation of hydroponics nutrients and medical marijuana growth, quality and yield."

Oregon medical marijuana patients, cultivators, doctors and advocates applauded the regulatory decision, citing their long-held concern that regulators were not looking at how hydroponics nutrients interact with medical marijuana.

"Advanced Nutrients and the medical marijuana community give kudos to Oregon regulators for being the first state regulators to evaluate the science of medical marijuana and hydroponics nutrients," Straumietis says. "Our community is looking for similar action from regulators in other medical marijuana states."
[End Quote]
It was big news. According to Advanced Nutrients they had scored an industry coup. US agricultural regulators were now working with arguably the shadiest company in the hydroponics industry to boost illicit crop yields or, at least this is what Advanced Nutrients would have you believe.
A Letter to Advanced Nutrients from The Oregon Department of Agriculture
“June 17, 2010

Oregon Department of Agriculture
635 Capitol Street NE
Salem, OR 97301-2532
Sent by Certified Mail
A recent Advanced Nutrients PR release titled, "Hydroponics Nutrients for Medical
marijuana Gain Government Approval" (
news-releases/hydroponics-nutrients-for-medical-marijuana-gain-government-approval-95489084.html), with the company contact specified as Michael Straumietis, contains false and misleading claims concerning Advanced Nutrients products.
As I explained in a letter of February 23, 2010, to Advanced Nutrients, "labeling" means any printed or verbal representation used to promote the sale of any fertilizer,
agricultural mineral, agricultural amendment or lime product. Labeling includes, but is not limited to: sales presentations, brochures, posters, websites, printed advertisements, radio and television advertisements [ORS 633.311 (14)]. Press releases are a form of labeling.
Oregon statute [ORS 633.366(2)(a)] considers a product mislabeled if the label or
labeling is "false, misleading or deceptive." Using Webster's Third New International
Dictionary as a guide, a claim is misleading if it, "lead in a wrong direction or into a
mistaken action or belief." Further, in identifying "mislead" as a synonym to "deceive" the dictionary states that "mislead" "indicates a causing to fall into error of some sort,
intentionally or not." Products with labels or labeling using terms or claims that may
mislead a consumer are mislabeled, and prohibited under Oregon law.
1) This press release states, " .. . Oregon regulators have given first-ever official US approval to a brand of medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients ... "
The online version of the Merriam-Webster Dictionary defines approve as "to have or
express a favorable opinion of." Product registration means a product has met the
minimum requirements for sale or distribution in Oregon. No opinion, favorable or
otherwise, is expressed or implied. This statement, which applies to the entire
Advanced Nutrients brand, is false and misleading.
2) This press release states, " . . . Oregon regulators have given first-ever official US
approval to a brand of medical marijuana hydroponics nutrients ... " In fact, Oregon
has registered two Advanced Nutrients products with label claims stating the product
is for the production of medical marijuana. Individual products are registered for sale
or distribution , not brands. This claim, which applies to the entire Advanced Nutrients brand, is misleading.
3) The press release stated, "Until Straumietis asked regulators to evaluate the medical marijuana effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics formulas, regulators nationwide had apparently never considered how hydroponics nutrients specifically affect medical marijuana crops."
To date, Oregon has not received a request from Mr. Straumietis to "evaluate the
medical marijuana effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics
formulas .... " This labeling claim is false, and all "Advanced Nutrients hydroponic
formulas" may be considered mislabeled.
4) This press release stated, "Until Straumietis asked regulators to evaluate the medical marijuana effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics formulas , regulators nationwide had apparently never considered how hydroponics nutrients specifically affect medical marijuana crops."
This claim, that a state agency, which might be considered as an independent
evaluator, has evaluated and approved the safety of these products to produce
medical marijuana is false. This claim is also particularly disturbing, as it appears to be targeted to mislead a particularly vulnerable population, medical patients who have turned to medical marijuana in hope of some relief of their symptoms.
The claim that Oregon, the state referred to in the PR release, has evaluated the
effectiveness and safety of Advanced Nutrients hydroponics for use in the production of medical marijuana is false and misleading, and all "Advanced Nutrients hydroponic formulas" may be considered mislabeled…..
Don Wolf
Fertilizer Program Specialist
Oregon Department of Agriculture
Fax: (503) 986-4735
For more information visit our website:”
[End Quote]
View/download original correspondence (PDF)
I’ll post a lot more material shortly regarding the business practices of Advanced Nutrients so keep an eye on for further updates. In the meantime (to shorten a long story)…
In Brief:
Advanced Nutrients and the Oregon Department of Agriculture (the facts)
At present (October 2010) the ‘Oregon Department of Agriculture’ has issued Advanced Nutrients with five counts of stop sale violation, fifteen counts of selling unregistered products and eighteen counts of mislabeling. In addition, actions for sample deficiencies are in progress.
Prior to this, during the course of 2010 (Jan – Aug) Advanced Nutrients has been issued with numerous violation notices/penalties by the Oregon Department of Agriculture.
E.g. (Excerpts from FOIA material)
February 2010
“A recent review of advertising claims made by Advanced Nutrients in the
February 2010 issue of Rosebud: Hydroponic Growers' Lifestyle Magazine has
shown product claims that are inconsistent with the registered product label or
not compliant with Oregon Revised Statute (ORS) Chapter 633, Oregon's
fertilizer control law.
It is a violation of Oregon Revised Stature (ORS) 633.366(2)(d) to make claims in
product labeling that are inconsistent with the registered product label.”
[End Quote]
April/June 2010
“Advanced Nutrients 0-15-40 Big Bud
On April 29, 2009 the Department found this product being offered for sale or
distribution at Northern Light and Garden in Beaverton, Oregon. Subsequent analysis found it was deficient in magnesium (Mg), L-Arginine, L-Aspartic Acid, L-Glycine, LHistidine, L-Isoleucine, L-Leucine, L-Phenylalanine, L-Proline, L-Tyrosine, and L-Valine:
Concentration (%)
Claimed on Label
Concentration Found
By Analysis
Available Phosphate
Soluble Potash
Total Nitrogen
none claimed
Alanine - Total
Ammonia - Total
none claimed
Arginine - Total
Aspartic Acid-Total
Glutamic Acid-Total
Glycine - Total
Histidine - Total
Isoleucine - Total
Leucine - Total
Lysine - Total
Proline - Total
Serine - Total
Threonine - Total
Tyrosine - Total
Valine - Total

…These deficiencies constituted false, misleading or deceptive label information, and the label did not accurately reflect the composition of the product, which was thus mislabeled in violation of ORS 633.366(1 )(a)…. “
Results of Analysis – Heavy Metals (Big Bud)
Lab Method
Results Submitted to Support Product Registration
Arsenic (As)
EPA 3050B, 6010B
16.2 ppm
0.8 ppm
Cadmium (Cd)
EPA 3050B, 6010B
< 5 ppm
< 0.1 ppm
Mercury (Hg)
EPA 7471A
< 0.2 ppm
< 0.001 ppm
Lead (Pb)
EPA 3050B, 6010B
10.7 ppm
<0.5 ppm
Nickel (Ni)
EPA 3050B, 6010B
< 5 ppm
0.6 ppm

[End Quote]
Authorâ&#8364;&#8482;s note: Looking at the â&#8364;&#732;Results of Analysis â&#8364;&#8220; Heavy Metals (Big Bud)â&#8364;&#8482;, the HM (Heavy Metal) content found in Big Bud during independent tests is far higher than is stated by Advanced Nutrients. It is important to note that I make a recommendation in â&#8364;&#732;contaminants in cannabisâ&#8364;&#8482; ( advancednutrients), stating that Med dispensaries and/or growers should independently test fertilizers and not take manufacturer listings as fact. This is just one example of why I make this recommendation (there are many more). Further, the results of the HM tests indicate relatively contaminated synthetic fertilizers and/or organic components were used in production.

May - July 2010
â&#8364;&#339;On July 12 2010, the Oregon Department of Agriculture (Department) conducted a marketplace inspection at Northern Light & Garden (9290 SW Beaverton-Hillsdale Hwy, Beaverton, OR 97005). During this inspection, the product(s) listed on the attached form were placed under an Oregon statewide Stop Sale, Use, or Removal. Order (SSURO).

The Department hereby instructs Advanced Nutrients and/or its agents to immediately cease all sales, offers of sale, or distribution of the product(s) listed on the attached forms into or within Oregon, by any type of business transaction or other method.
â&#8364;¦It is a violation of Oregon Revised Statutes (ORS) 633.366(a) to sell, offer for sale, or distribute a fertilizer, agricultural amendment, agricultural mineral, or lime product that is mislabeled under ORS 633.321.
It is a violation of ORS 633.366(1)(e) to sell, offer for sale, or distribute unregistered fertilizer, agricultural amendment, agricultural mineral, or lime products in the State of Oregon.â&#8364;
[End Quote]
Products Listed in violation Jan â&#8364;&#8220; Aug 2010
Advanced Nutrients, 0-2-4 Bud Ignitor (unregistered)
Advanced Nutrients, Tarantula (unregistered)
Advanced Nutrients, Voodoo Juice (mislabeled)
Advanced Nutrients, Piranha (mislabeled)
Advanced Nutrients, 0-0-1 Tarantula (mislabeled)
5-0-1 Micro (unregistered)
Bud Factor X (mislabeled)
1-5-4 Overdrive (mislabeled)
0-2-4 Big Bud (liquid) (unregistered)
0-0-13 Rhino Skin (unregistered)
4.8-1.8-4.3 Mother Earth Super Tea Grow (unregistered)
50-1.50-2.0 Mother Earth Super Tea Bloom (unregistered)
Grandma Energy's F-1 (mislabeled)
1.5-1.5-1.5 Grandma Energy's Sensational Seaweed (unregistered)
Grandma Energy's H-2 (mislabeled)
0-0-0.5 Organic B (unregistered)
Nirvana (mislabeled)
2-1-6 Grow (unregistered)
B-52 (no grade, no guaranteed analysis) (unregistered)
3-1 -3 Organic Iguana Juice Grow (unregistered)
Dr. Hornby Voodoo Juice Microbial Rhizosphere (unregistered)
Bud Candy (unregistered)
Juicy Roots (unregistered)
0-0-13 Rhino Skin (unregistered)
2-0-0 SensiCal Mg Calcium and Magnesium Bloom (unregistered)
Sensi Grow (unregistered)
Sensi Bloom (unregistered)
Connoisseur (unregistered)
Keep in mind that at present â&#8364;&#8220; in addition to these violations â&#8364;&#8220; the â&#8364;&#732;Oregon Department of Agricultureâ&#8364;&#8482; has issued Advanced Nutrients with a further five counts of stop sale violation, fifteen counts of selling unregistered products, and eighteen counts of mislabeling. Actions for sample deficiencies are also in progress.
View Stop Sale List on Oregon Site
What is clear is that Advanced Nutrients have no regard for consumer protection policies and regularly engage in misleading and deceptive marketing. In this case they have lowered the bar even further and utilized commercially depraved tactics in order to deceive consumers.
What is most worrying is that Advanced Nutrients have used two credible entities (PR Newswire and the Oregon Department of Agriculture) to support and amplify the deception. This form of parasitic marketing is likely to influence med growers, users and dispensaries re medical marijuana growing practices (something that Advanced Nutrients are all too aware of). One is also left wondering whether my earlier article (Hydro Hype 1) on Advanced Nutrients, their phosphorous myth, and â&#8364;&#732;Contaminants in Cannabisâ&#8364;&#8482;, published in Feb 2010 on might not have inspired this latest outburst of grotesquely distorted marketing (I.e. parasitic marketing times three).
Further, as one Oregon Department of Agriculture representative put it â&#8364;&#339;This claim is also particularly disturbing, as it appears to be targeted to mislead a particularly vulnerable population, medical patients who have turned to medical marijuana in hope of some relief of their symptoms.â&#8364;
Magazines Connected to Advanced Nutrients
Rosebud (Advanced Nutrients)

Websites Connected to Advanced Nutrients
Read more about the business practices of Advanced Nutrients (Dubious Marketing in LaLa Land)
Please note: The author has no affiliation to any hydroponics industry nutrient and additive manufacturer/s. The author has never accepted any advertising revenue from any manufacturer or other hydroponics industry entity (ever) and no â&#8364;&#732;Hydro Hypeâ&#8364;&#8482; story has been (or ever will be) influenced in any way by competition of any of the companies mentioned in â&#8364;&#732;Hydro Hypeâ&#8364;&#8482;. The aim of â&#8364;&#732;Hydro Hypeâ&#8364;&#8482; is to expose the rorts and scams that for far too long have taken place in an industry which has operated unhindered and unregulated by the consumer protection policies that underpin and govern the practices of other industries. - Knowledge is Power
To go with that... I'm PRETTY sure that to get around the "labeling" (posters, brochure, anything to sell the product" they are doing their "science" talk through a 3rd party... I can't confirm.. but I suspect... check it out yourself. You can get samples. But I do not think you can buy AN.

They are pretty bold with what they will say on there.. Since it is not being used to sell product... they do not have to follow standards that are set to prevent consumers from being misled. These guys do not like regulation on nutes.

This article is full of misleading material....
I like how they say that regulation on hydro nutrients is slowing down the progress made... sounds like having to follow standards to prevent the misleading of consumers does not fit into their business model.

Read the "Good Grower vs Poor Grower" piece... Hilarious... not good grower, bad grower. Poor grower... $$.
I've never tried AN... I just don't like the kind of business they run... sketchy... misleading... shady.

As far as the product? Maybe it works well.. i don't know and don't plan to find out.
Prove Voodoo juice works too!

this is 10 days after the cut!

View attachment 2782600
20 litres RO water an 10ml of Voodoo Juice does this to ya roots :) no ph'ing the water just keep the water temp at 70f

By AN standards.... yes, that is proof.

Cuts root just as well in tap water ph'd to 7 than any product I have tried.. I stopped trying...If anything showed a noticeable difference... it was Dip n Grow... Cheapo concentrate mixed with water and dipped. 10 bucks makes thousands of cuts. I still have some left, no need though.

Here is nothing but ph'd tap water, cut them last Monday around 10 pm.. just a tray and dome setup, spray bottle.

I hate these damn rapid rooters too. First time I have used them. You should see what I can do with Oasis cubes and water in 1 week.
I do what Uncle Ben tells me. This is RIU. Get with the programme! ;) You either with SubCool or you with Uncle Ben....... Everyone hates Advanced Nutrients.

Advanced are ok..... just expensive. That's always the consensus among people who've tried it and don't go mental either way. It seems those are the three ways- 1) It's ok, just expensive. 2) Love AN and will get it tattooed on my kids face. 3) Will become enraged at the sight, smell and sound of advanced. Believe it is used by pedophiles and rapists.

I fall into category 3. I believe all AN users to be pedos or rapists. The Illuminati are behind them...... if you mix the nutrients in a backwards order your plants will chant while sacrificing babies.

I run GH Flora and Botanicare additives. Fuck the booster. All hydro. Ha! WHAT NUTES YOU RUN?!!!
I run AN 3 part with a few of the additives. If you understand botany or even a little on nutrient uptake you would not have a bad opinion of nutrients from any company. What some call snakeoil others are feeding the world with. Following UB is like following a model T on the freeway...well its still a car. I'll have to read up on subcool I have yet to encounter him. Watch out for these so called ganga guru's here on RIU because it is not a fair place to play...good luck
Hank that is the same Botanix crap. Several companies get dinged for labeling. Did you know those bottles they tested were sitting in ONE hydro store ONE time. Maybe the owners stored the bottles wrong and let them freeze or something causing precip. In any case the metals were for DRY chems which are tested by VOLUME. Naturally 1 tsp of solid will have more metals in it than 1 tsp liquid. Look at other powdered nutes like GH, they are high too..... its apples and oranges.
Hank that is the same Botanix crap. Several companies get dinged for labeling. Did you know those bottles they tested were sitting in ONE hydro store ONE time. Maybe the owners stored the bottles wrong and let them freeze or something causing precip. In any case the metals were for DRY chems which are tested by VOLUME. Naturally 1 tsp of solid will have more metals in it than 1 tsp liquid. Look at other powdered nutes like GH, they are high too..... its apples and oranges.

Botanix? Oregon Dept of Ag is bullshit?

Apples to oranges? Dude.. there is a label.. you have to keep it accurate to what you are selling. There are acceptable levels of metals... they didn't meet it.

Are you one of those "Marijuana Scientists" that works for AN?

If you can't sell the product in a concentrated form that sits within state regulation then sell it weaker or get out of the state.

All I was saying is that it was banned in a state. You wanted the link.. there it is.
^ Yeah man.. I've suspected in the past. No question now... You have financial interest in AN.

Throw the metals aside then...

Let me hear your best Rep work on the rest of the bans?