Thinkn Bout Goin LED.....Help!!!!!!


New Member
This is My 2nd Grow.....My 1st I Went With CFL's.....I've Been Thinking About Purchasing A 240W Blackstar LED Light I'm Doing A Closet Grow....But I'm Curious About Yeild And Potency Before I Purchase It.....Has Anyone Bought One Of These And Sustained A Grow With It??


Well-Known Member
I did CFL my first indoor grow, with bagseed, and got 2 3/4 oz. dried, finishing with 305w total after going with 98w to veg for 30 days, and all but the last month of flower.
If you want info on LED's, a couple good guys to follow would be 'Prosperian', or '~Dankster~420'.
If you can get hold of 'McWhippen420', he used an 900w Blackstar his last grow.


Well-Known Member
Have you checked out the sticky above for people looking for advice on what to buy?

I am not a blackstar fan. I've seen waaay too many threads asking for advice on how to repair their blackstar...and waaay too many times folks post about how great the veg is going and then disappear and say nothing more when they hit the flower stage...and then show up later saying how LED sucks and they know as they tried and the yield s*cked...etc, etc Anyway, there are certainly many opinions...


Well-Known Member
just read Amazon Ratings... also stating 240W because of using 80 x 3W led = red flag :edit: i read its actually 130W, then 300$ is also kinda expensive, not considering the crappy quality


Well-Known Member
Do not buy the blackstar LED, the build quality is horrible. Simply horrible.


Well-Known Member
Don't buy a BS240 and expect a lot. It's enough for two small plants, or one ok one.

People on here have used them, and had success, but do some more reading. If you show up asking about the BS240, we all know you're new to this and don't want to ante up the money.

$300 for a 135W POS
or... $100 more for a California Light Works SolarFlare200(160W)
I think I'd rather have 6x of these for the same $300:;-x-1-#189;-16x-F3-Flowering-Spectrum-Illumitex~TM~-Horticulture-LEDs-for-supplemental-use::166.html

Nice Ol Bud

Well-Known Member
Wait a couple more years for the technology to get better & cheaper.
Just my 0.02.. <3

In the mean time... T5 bongsmilie


Well-Known Member
Cheaper I can understand, but "better" is here.

It might not be ideal for people with larger scale setups, but the closet grows are doing great with LED's.


Well-Known Member
zomg they r 11Watts, 50$ for 11Watts is like can i borrow ur lighter cuz i wanna buuuuurn that money

well maybe they r not bad considering the size and technology they claim to have, but quite expensive
My comparison was to the BS240, but thanks for your input. I'm sure that helped.


Well-Known Member
comparing to pure power/output of bs240 or comparing to a bs240 failing after 3 months? :-)
your comment sounds ironic, why u think 66W would be better then 140W (i think thats what the bs240 has in truth)
dont wanna start reading datasheets now but i doubt they r more then twice as efficient


Well-Known Member
I'm not going to argue in a thread started by a guy with one post.

You can disagree with me, that's fine.


Well-Known Member
failure rate of blackstar 500s in my7 experience are very high, I'm talking the light or at least half of it stops working, same outcome though, shitty grow.


Well-Known Member
Holla at them boys at Area-51.. See if they have anything they could hook you up with a discount.. If you're active on the boards they are usually more than willing to work with you..