The Weed Nerd~

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Hell yeah that weed nerd rocked fucking love that shit bloke its a hugh wall of cheesequake mate,them treez r fucking hugh, i got to get my outdoor game cracking already because them shitz r hugh just guestimateing how many poundz do u get off a plant like that 10poundz
Great weed nerd Sub! The MD garden and theme song are both amazing. Those guys have pounds of talent :) Missed Mz Jill although we did get to see her hands!

The autograph to the Rossingtons blows me away.

Summer of 1977, a friend of mine and I were camping in SoCal and we got dropped off a couple miles away to do some pellet gun hunting. We smoked a fatty of Kona and couldn't hit a thing. We walked up to a rabbit because we thought we were hallucinating a rock or branch was a rabbit. We got about a foot away and it ran. We laughed so hard. Pellets were making puffs of dirt pop up all around that rabbit and it never budged! Our ride didn't show up for us and it was getting dark so we started hiking home and singing Sweet Home Alabama. One of my happiest memories :)

A week later my parents moved us to Colorado and a few months later Lyrn Skyrn was lost in a plane crash. Life was never quite as good after that. Always something missing.

When John Bonham and Keith Moon died I felt bad but, it wasn't the same thing. I didn't feel that gut wrenching feeling of loss again until Kurt Cobain died.

Sorry to hear about Mz Jill's friend.

Keeping busy with the farm helps :) And you are going to be very busy hehe!

Just made my first weednerd purchase, got a thc advisory shirt some nug jars and the book of dank, wish they had some stickers that i could put on my dirtbike, cant wait
You will get some stickers :)

word thats awesome, just heard the other day about delaware hopefully is going to start writing up the laws for dispensing and growing and all that good stuff for medical marijuana, thats really bad ass hopefully all the other states will jump on the medical weed band wagon and we can all grow giant treez
What's this I saw on Weed Nerd 161 about TimeWreck being good for studying ???

And why is there no TGA in BC? I see 4 distributors in Ontario, but that's it?
What's this I saw on Weed Nerd 161 about TimeWreck being good for studying ???

And why is there no TGA in BC? I see 4 distributors in Ontario, but that's it?

I used to order from vancouver seed bank. Sub will u work with vsb again? they are great for us here in canada. very reliable seed bank, always got what i ordered within a week.
That mendo weed nerd track was fuckin amazing, loved the beat, sub, you should get a little intro and outro made for the weed nerd episodes with that track, I'm sure a fellow nerd could create one pretty easily!

and to the haters

.......('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
.........''...\.......... _.·´
sub - I hope you do get that Magical Butter machine. I've had my eye on it for a couple months and would love to hear what you think of it before I click Buy. I already had a Vaped pen, but your "review" got me to buy the glass dome attachment. Before I saw it in your video, I thought it was just a gimmick, but it is actually a good addition to the pen that makes it a lot nicer to use, so thank you. I've bought so much *crap* smoking gear over the years, it is really nice to get a recommendation from someone I trust.
Subby, Any chance there is more CheeseQuake seeds heading to attitude anytime soon? Ive tried a few TGA strains so far, looking to get the wife something cheesy
wish sub was MY dad :P

hey paulNchuck! good choice with the cheesequake. great strain i hear. will be trying some myself soon as its back in stock :D
Having a dad that introduced me to cannabis a safe and responsible way was the best thing in the world. And not just introduced me, but taught me the ways of the plant and how to produce the best organic buds ever. Me and my dad have spent thousands of hours in the garden learning and talking together. He set me up for success in life and my own gardens. When I grew up and started my own garden nothing gave me better recognition that what I was doing was great than my dad being so proud of it and also the rest of my life too, not just about the great plants.

Hard not to be proud of that right?
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