Vert Scrog Flooded Tube Banana OG, Dog Kush 1000w

We are kinda bad about that always have been.

Hehehe... that's why I didn't marry a pot head. lol... I just knew we'd be a mess.

It's cool in the woods... the sunrize lasts forever. Sun is coming through the trees, but still difficult to find any direct sunlight yet. No caffiene for me, but it does sound like time for a bowl. I can't really smoke on my shift, because at 3:30am, if I smoke a bowl, I'm going to sleep no matter what, and I will not want to wake up to feed baby. My smoking has actually been way way down since baby. There's just not time.

Any plans for the weekend bud?
Hehehe... that's why I didn't marry a pot head. lol... I just knew we'd be a mess.

It's cool in the woods... the sunrize lasts forever. Sun is coming through the trees, but still difficult to find any direct sunlight yet. No caffiene for me, but it does sound like time for a bowl. I can't really smoke on my shift, because at 3:30am, if I smoke a bowl, I'm going to sleep no matter what, and I will not want to wake up to feed baby. My smoking has actually been way way down since baby. There's just not time.

Any plans for the weekend bud?

Just wanted to say Jig, you sound like a hell of a guy!!! Not many people work so hard to Take care of business and be a nice guy. Just wanted to say that pally! GL vs Swansea tomorrow!

And WOWOWOW how great is the NBS sports coverage of EPL ! Super happy to be able to watch all the games! Cheers
Nothing big, I think we are driving down to see her family like we have been every week almost :facepalm:. Atleast I get to see a couple guys I know when we do. Me and Chloe are sitting here cuddling, she's watching busy town of richard scary and I'm on here :). Finally a peaceful morning. She has been in a total mood the last few weeks. The last 2 days in particular she woke up completely crabby and by about 10 am was in her room screaming and yelling for very poor reasons.

I can understand since your doing the night shift how smoking would cut back. I'm that same way late at night. I can usually smoke all day and not have any trouble staying awake and doing whatever. The later it gets the more likely I might fall asleep on the last night. Had a glass of my whiskey infusion with some lemonade, and a few dabs and I was out less then an hour later :). Speaking of dabs I gotta go scrape a dish thats been evaping all night before we leave.

Hope you guys have a great weekend bud! I'll catch up with ya tonight prolly.

Thanks for asking Bobo! I have become a lover of alcohol extracts without ever blasting any "tane". I've outlined my process on my thread but still need to do an actual full write up on it persay. It's not anything special though, I have just watched and read a bunch about qwet and qwiso and adapted a bit. I'm still learning every time I do a wash :). I've done grain alcohol and Iso alcohol with very similar results. I've never messed with butane for various reasons and after having great results with the alcohol I don't see why anyone does.( in no way trying to offend anyone that like Bho)
Thanks for asking Bobo! I have become a lover of alcohol extracts without ever blasting any "tane". I've outlined my process on my thread but still need to do an actual full write up on it persay. It's not anything special though, I have just watched and read a bunch about qwet and qwiso and adapted a bit. I'm still learning every time I do a wash :). I've done grain alcohol and Iso alcohol with very similar results. I've never messed with butane for various reasons and after having great results with the alcohol I don't see why anyone does.( in no way trying to offend anyone that like Bho)

Hehe... i like the disclaimer. (before I stick my foot in my mouth again)

Having a great day today here in the mountains. It's all gravy baby.
Glad you had a nice day man! Ours went well also, just got home a few minutes ago. Ended up going to this local BBQ fest had some pretty good pulled pork, and a glass full of makers mark :).
Hydra, you're really messing with things here. It's hard to cheer against a friends team and I'd hate to lose my ability to cheer against arsenal. Glad for you they played so well yesterday. Ain't it great the coverage on NBC. I was blown away they even have their own commentators at the stadiums, at least some of the matches.

Some late night drama here in the woods. My neighbor has a booty call. He showed up tonight at 1:50am... just got kicked out at 3:15. I hear some yelling of some sort, move close to the window and hear something like "What did you just say you piece of shit.... see that's what I thought... that's how you made me feel since day one... go the fuck home."

Then fast moving flip flops down the stairs to the car, which dashed away real real quick. I know what that dude was thinking in his car driving away. Fuck... why do I have to say stupid shit. Lol... nah... if he thought that, he'd have a girlfriend. He was probably thinking, She is a crazy fucking bitch. Fuck her.

Ah well... I bet he's back next week.

And the racoons keep trying to get in the recycle bin. Exciting times in the nursery.
Hydra, you're really messing with things here. It's hard to cheer against a friends team and I'd hate to lose my ability to cheer against arsenal. Glad for you they played so well yesterday. Ain't it great the coverage on NBC. I was blown away they even have their own commentators at the stadiums, at least some of the matches.

And the racoons keep trying to get in the recycle bin. Exciting times in the nursery.
those racoons gonna be in for a shock :spew:

and eff arsene wenger and arsenal in their collective A holes! he put a shitty 10 mil bid in for our man cabaye just before the game to throw his mind off knowing full well it'd be rejected, but since then he's decided to refuse to play in our next game and talk to arseface wenger. their boys are gonna be in for a hot reception when they hit toon.

hope alls well in jigland and the youngun is letting you have some kip fella!
No sleep tonight. In fact I'm quite in a bad mood. Wondering why little thing wont go the fuck to sleep.... oh shit... no kidding... she out.


yep. I'm off to catch some zzz's. Haha... I so wish I was kidding about all this.

DST... get ready man.
Awe poor Jig, sorry it was a rough night man :(. Maybe the rest of the day once you wake up will be totally awesome!!! Hehe maybe the mother inlaw will decide to leave early :clap:.
Hey guys. Aw man I slept good and am feeling so much better. Its tough when its the middle of the night and I been up for hours and my shift isn't over for hours and I just feel a bit trapped. Then she sleeps and so do I... and the love affair begins all over again. And while I really do appreciate you saying that lgp, im with cof. I sure as heck ain't soon enough, hahaha.

I got so much respect for parents now. Holy cow... I've only been doing this a couple weeks and I feel as though I've aged a year.

Oh and a cute thing. I guess because she is little and cute and has a name that starts with h... I call her hattie all the time. Just so used to seeing and saying that name. I wonder if ill always call her that. It makes me happy to think of my other favorite little girl. I miss her something feirce.

Glad u are back on the island don.

Edit: credit where credit is due. Mom in law (while still a bit crazy) was a giant help yesterday staying till 9pm holding and watching baby. Wife got to take a bath and I got work done and it was nice. So yeah... she made herself worth while yesterday.
Oh man, I'd trade you for some of that sleep right about now. Our little H is teething out of control, and was waking up every 15 minutes last night until about 4am. Poor ting. :( I feel like full scale dog shit, too.

Jig, glad your mother in law was able to help. I absolutely kid you not when I say mine is the same way... except she's so crazy that she hasn't met her little granddaughter yet. Luckily she's cleaned her act up, and might finally get to meet her in a month. Just be thankful that you have one that can come visit. Mine got the boot from our pad the last time she showed up when my wife was pregnant. Pretty sad situation.

Alright, looking back at everything I've written I'd have to say I'm not worth very much today in terms of positivity, so I'm gonna get working. Everybody else though, you all have a great day. Peace.