Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop

Big fan of cheese, Barneys Blue Cheese turned out well for me and I loved it since I smoked it in Amsterdam at Barneys! Exodus cheese turned out well for me too and its a stinkalicious little buzz inducing pleasant surprise.

Yeah I usually say beans but I didn't realize the S word would be a link everytime. Its ok tho, they gotta make some money here too I suppose.

Sunny outside today, not expecting anymore crazy out of the blue down pours. For three days in a row rain would just suddenly pound the hell outta everything for about 15 mins then drift away quickly as it arrived. The first day it happened my son was mowing the yard and he had to leave his clothes outside and just wear a towel in the house, he was soaked to the skin in less than 2 minutes!

Things are going pretty good around here, can't complain when others have it so bad.

Counting the days here til my vegas vacation next month, ready to get away for a few days.

This is one of my favorite songs off the new Made Up Mind album by Tedeschi Trucks, there aren't many vids to choose from yet since the song is new, but I just saw them with Black Crowes and they rocked this out!!


woooo vegas!! will it be one of those trips or just a more laid back encounter with sin city?

have you ever had the original cheese?
the barneys blue cheese is nice but it isn't cheesy enough for my liking and the exodus from greenhouse is too woody for my taste.
I am going to a 3 day soul and blues show in Vegas! I've never smoked any plain cheese that I know of, but the blue cheese and exodus cheese turned out well for me. When I was in Amsterdam my favorite of all the smokes we bought were OG13, super lemon haze and chocolope!

Thanks for the compliment I am a big music fanatic!

I am sorry to see your girls all gone!!
[video=youtube_share;pRbuxshYvtg][/video] Morgen all! Found some jamacian blue mtn at the neighbors house rare old school brew I haven't seen in MANY MANY moons. Here's the freebie from sos tent ill be keeping the shop updated on. Should be interesting!View attachment 2789682 Stevie ray Vaughn played guitar on this album!
Kahlua coffee, my little mini pin is snoring. I adopted this little crazy thang at 6 months old because her original owners couldn't deal with how destructive and wild she was. She clawed up a new leather couch, destroyed my new nike flip flops and numerous other things but now she is about to turn 4 in November and she is my favorite dog I've ever owned. She is wacky and spastic acting sometimes, has running fits where she just blasts thru the house at top speed and other times shes the laziest dog here. Love my little fur kid. I love the other two as well but she's just a unique little dog.

There are people struggling today, with their health, with personal problems and assorted other things so hold on all of you...hang in there!

Hello all. I'm getting to enjoy a morning coffee and a slow start to my day off. Unfortunately I have to go to my best friend's dad's funeral a little later which is why I am off on a Saturday. He was a hell of a nice and interesting guy. Unfortunately he was a helicopter machine gunner in 'Nam and the agent orange ripped him apart, MS, numerous cancers it was sad to see him gradually deteriorate over the years. I take solace in the fact that if there is a heaven, he is there.

Hey VT I had blue mountain coffee when I was in Jamaica every morning! I long to return there, besides Amsterdam it's my favorite place in the world. I recommend Negril - 7 mile beach area. We landed in Montego Bay and rode an hour amongst some of the craziest frigging drivers I've been around in my life. It's like these folks have a death wish. There would be these guys on motorcycles going around us doing no less than 90 and people driving like maniacs. I had to stop watching them because it was making me anxious. Instead I focused on what was flying by on the sides of the road and it was very sobering at the extreme poverty.

They have little shacks literally thrown together made up of scraps they find along the road. Big pieces of tin roofing and discarded materials or perhaps hurricane scraps that were blown all over the island is what their typical homes consisted of. There were lots of school children walking from school in religious school uniforms, lots of road side fruit stands and Jamaican jerk chicken/pork stands everywhere you look. I was a nervous wreck by the time we reached our resort from the insane drivers.

We checked into our room which had a nice marble porch with a swing and a beautiful garden of flowers. The first thing I notice is the maids cleaning the rooms, they are whistling and singing and SO HAPPY as they worked. They truly seemed to love their jobs and loved their life.

I found the folks living in the little ramshackle shacks on the side of the road super content and happy with their lives. Everyone smiled a lot and constantly said "no worries mon".

It was idyllic yet the little shanty towns at nite can become scary so it's best in the evening to stay in the security areas where you are staying.

The water was so turquoise, the beach so lovely and clean. After putting our suitcases in our room and stopping for a delicious lunch of jerk chicken and rice and peas (looks like rice and brown pinto beans) we walked down the beach a ways and I see this table of beautiful jewelry, a fresh fruit and vegetable stand and the most beautiful sight of all: A Rasta man!

I bought a necklace from the jewelry lady, then bought pineapple and bananas from her mother who ran the fruit stand. Then Rasta man speaks up and says are you looking for anything else? So we stepped behind the fruit stand and bought the most stinkalicious skunk and chunk of hash! The buds weren't anything special to look at but the smell was strong and superfunkalicious skunk! We bought a pipe from them for the hash and then went back to our resort where we discover on one end is a church and the other end is a store that sells bongs, papers and any supplies you might need!

We go back to our room and proceed to get super stoned and was the nice beginning to one of my best vacations ever....not to mention my husband's birthday.

This is our view from the balcony during breakfast each morning...


night before stevie died

All my friends went to Alpine Valley for these shows, I passed b/c I had already met in person and seen both Stevie and Buddy Guy live. And Robert Cray was already touring here in Chicago.

Then the helicopter pilot forgot about the ski hill on a foggy night, hit the lift cables and the rest was history. I heard Clapton almost got on for the ride, then changed his mind at the last moment.
Kahlua coffee, my little mini pin is snoring. I adopted this little crazy thang at 6 months old because her original owners couldn't deal with how destructive and wild she was. She clawed up a new leather couch, destroyed my new nike flip flops and numerous other things but now she is about to turn 4 in November and she is my favorite dog I've ever owned. She is wacky and spastic acting sometimes, has running fits where she just blasts thru the house at top speed and other times shes the laziest dog here. Love my little fur kid. I love the other two as well but she's just a unique little dog.

There are people struggling today, with their health, with personal problems and assorted other things so hold on all of you...hang in there!

a mini pin! awesome! My favorite pet was a mini pin too. I was coming home from work one day, walked to the door and saw a little mini pin there. Never seen one before then and I was tripping out lol.. I was fascinated for sure. Went up to him and he flipped, started attacking my shoes. I just looked at him. I noticed he was missing lots of teeth, smelled of shit and piss.. and of course his attitude was shit (can't blame him, looked like he went through alot). So instead of letting him either suffer on his own or get put down, I went inside to grab a towel and tossed it on him.. scooped him up and put him in a big cage I had. He had a shirt on, so I'm assuming he was abandoned or lost and either had a bad life with the previous owner or just had a tough time being a lost stray. Anyways, I got him caught up in the towel again and had to hold him still from biting me while I took off the shirt. Washed that piss scented thing and put him in the tub. god he was pissed when I turned on the water lol. But I got him cleaned up. After about a week of letting him get situated, I started to pet him even while he was snarling. He started to like it a little after I touched him a few times. But for the first month or so, he'd be resting on you while you pet him, then he'd snap on you.. I named him trip. Because.. well.. he was a trippy dog that tripped out on people. He ended up warming up to me after I kept wetting him and clapping my hands loud each time he snarled at me. After 2 months, he was a VERY respectful dog.. very calm, and very smart.

ended up hardly leaving my side.. He died a year later, but I feel like he had a good life before he went. He got to feel loved again for sure..

sorry for making you read, time for a song bongsmilie

Whats up yall?? I hope everyone is having an awesome day. Heres a tune for all my ganja smokers and herb gardeners! Keep doin your thing one love and vibes to ya! [video=youtube;Sf5SJ5z7b04][/video]
Hepheastus that was a wonderful story, don't apologize for making me read, I enjoyed it. I am so glad that you found that dog and gave him love til the end of his life. He had a hard way to go and you probably gave him the only real care and kindness he'd ever known. Bless you for that. Good karma will come back around to you because of it.

My mini pin is a super lovable female, she just craves love and attention so much. She just jumped up here on the footstool and tried to lick the laptop lol...

She was living with some nutty acting people that had like 5 dogs and a bunch of kids and nobody was giving her the attention she required or train her to be civilized and quit tearing up stuff. She has no idea that she is only about 18 lbs. She thinks she is a much bigger dog and will try to be aggressive with dogs a lot bigger than her. She is the best guard dog here and nothing goes on that she doesn't know it! She is pure love on four legs and I adore her.


Cut my hair short today, it was getting so long and I just wanted a change so now I have a bouncy little bob that is much cooler in this stifling humidity we are back to having.

I like all kinds of genres of music and out of all these kids on the radio today that don't have much talent, I am really digging Bruno Mars Unorthodox Juke box cd and his retro vibe. Lots of good old school sounds on there and I like quite a few songs.

I guess Victor and Marcus wanted to come and hang out. Hope you all don't mind! [video=youtube;DY99v2cMD_k][/video]
Evening Hempy my friend, I appreciate you always helping keep the shop going with your good tunes. I dig it cause everyone shares their fave stuff and I like all kinds of music and learn of new tunes from you guys everyday. I went to see Victor Wooten and friends in the park on earth day last year, he is a freaking genius. The only bass player I have more love for is the original bass bad ass Stanley Clarke. Good choice. I am not into the Dead, Further or Wide Spread Panic but there are so many folks who just love those bands so much so thanks for sharing your fave stuff from them! It helps to keep the good tunes churning out to entertain folks here at the shop.

I am sitting here watching Football with a really beautiful mud face mask and hair color in my hair looking like one sexy MOFO! Not!

Ah... just a little more Bruno Mars... something about this guy takes me back in a retro way...

Having a girly pineapple cocktail and catching a nice buzz hitting the volcano bag.

Hope you are all having a really groovy evening!

...Just hanging out in the shop on a Saturday night, getting blazed, drinking a few brewskies, and enjoying the tunes...bongsmiliebongsmilie


**packs a huge hit in the bowl and then passes the loaded bong to 2RS**8-)

Evening R2stoned,Weekend is good and enjoyment is abundant,dropping by for a tune,(drops quarters into jukebox). Heres to the day man! :joint:
I love that album so much DM - reminds me of my high school days. We kept that album on pretty constant rotation at parties on the weekends. Good times....

Gotta play another one from that album...

Watching Bachman Turner on PBS, man they can still rock it the hell out!! Stoned to the doggone bone yee haw.

theres some pretty good musicians now though