I just got stuck in a tornado


Well-Known Member
So i got in a little fight with the wife. so i smoked a little and was working on a forty at the frisby discin course solo. Lost my disc and was lookin for it when the tornado sirens went off. i ran to my car and stuck the key in the door and it broke off. i though oh well ill just wait it through. then it started hailing like crazy till it hurt and the wind was craziest ive ever seen it. finally i found a port-o-potty and took shelter in there. long story short, now my car is gonna be towed cause i dont have a spare key. fuck the world:evil:
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Skate Hawaii

Well-Known Member
lol a portal-potty. i cant imagine having to stay in there to hide from hail. im sorry that you have/had to experience that.


Well-Known Member
Awww man that sucks. I feel your pain, only to a much more minor degree. See i was just going for a blaze walk when out of nowhere it just started pouring. I mean like sheets of rain, thunder, and lighting. I was soaked before I acknowledged it was raining. Had to walk all the way back home in that shit. The worst part about it... I wasn't done the blunt, not even halfway. Useless now


Well-Known Member
jeez, its like when nothing is left to go wrong the worlf will find a way to let you know it can


Well-Known Member
ah man when it rains it pours there is nothing like a good ruffle with the wife to start a bad chain of events. i'm sorry the weather killed you buzz though that sucks


New Member
It is cheaper most of the time to bust a window if your keys are locked in your car then it is to have it towed. Hope they didnt fall in the crapper. Why would you go to a port o potty anyways? You know ts gonna fly away.


Well-Known Member
It is cheaper most of the time to bust a window if your keys are locked in your car then it is to have it towed. Hope they didnt fall in the crapper. Why would you go to a port o potty anyways? You know ts gonna fly away.
haha thats what i was thinking
port o pottys are super light and im sure would get alot of air if a tornado hit it haha


New Member
haha thats what i was thinking
port o pottys are super light and im sure would get alot of air if a tornado hit it haha
Even if you lived, you wouldnt want to tell anyone the story of how you and a port o potty were rolled around together.

Be safe all those in the tornado region this year. I am and hope none of you get hit.


Well-Known Member
ya about the porto-potty thing. I couldnt think of anywhere else. i was high and mad and scared all at the same time. and my main concern was getting hit by lightning since there was alot of it.

and about the car being towed, i called the police and let them know, and they were nice enough to put out a bulletin and give me a day before towing it. Im going to get it right now, and im gonna finish my damn game of discing.

Thank you all for your words of support:joint:


Well-Known Member
ahh man that sucks my friend once rented a house in Atlantic City and it was 2 in the morning and when he got there he put the key in the door and it snaped long story shot he kicked the door open and told the manager that they should get better security because the kids are crazy haah


Well-Known Member
wtf is up with keys. seems like they could make them stronger. or maybe people like us are just too buff for our own good:hump:

I Smoke Blunts

Active Member
yeah man that sucks
tornados blow
i was just chillin watchin tv and the little emergency weather report comes on and tells you to take cover and that good shit lol
so me and my friend roll up a fat wet mango when the hail starts coming down
snatch up my sisters puppy and head for the bathroom to smoke the storm out


Well-Known Member
Even if you lived, you wouldnt want to tell anyone the story of how you and a port o potty were rolled around together.

Be safe all those in the tornado region this year. I am and hope none of you get hit.
haha that is so true, think about how bad thatd suck to have port o potty dump on you
i think id rather die in the tornado haha

and dude weve had tons this year
ever since January 8th haha
pretty crazy that it started so early


Well-Known Member
just think about how nice your high will be when you finally get to relax at the end of this mess.