

Well-Known Member
I've never been worried about copters before but today one circled my neighborhood about a dozen times. Just seemed to go in the same loop over and over and part of that loop was right over my yard. Should I be worried or am I just being paranoid. I only have 2 plants that are pretty bushy surrounded by a lot of other vegetation and a fence.

Garden Boss

Well-Known Member
Carports.... That's what I have learned if you need private. (Credit Goes to Double JJ) kiss-ass
I really doubt they were circling for you. Pics?


Well-Known Member
I'd only worry if someone found your plants and reported them........and they are canvasing the area. Don't go to the site for at least a few days, unless they are on your property. Then u have a decision to make.


Well-Known Member
I'd only worry if someone found your plants and reported them........and they are canvasing the area. Don't go to the site for at least a few days, unless they are on your property. Then u have a decision to make.
That's what I'm thinking, maybe go chop them down.


Well-Known Member
If they are on your property, I'd carefully dig them up, root ball and all, and move them off your property somewhere else. Even in the neighborhood somewhere, but I'd move them so you don't lose your house.

jessica d

Well-Known Member
they normally hover when they want to see plants. air support for officers circle to scout area and look for criminals.


I doubt, even in a non-med state, they'd waste the resources needed to go after a 2 planter.... More than 5, ya... maybe in a non med state, but not for 2.

I am in a med state, and they wont even bother if you dont have more than 20-30....

ETA... unless youre in a well populated suburban, or even worse... urban area... then they may just to make the point.


Well-Known Member

I don't even think it is WORTH the money to rid the world of 2 fucking plants...


Well-Known Member
Ok I'll quit being paranoid. I've just never seen one circle my house before.

I've attached a pic of my corn.

