My First grow


Active Member

Heres plants 3,4,&5. Plant 3 is an auto bomb which is growing kinda funky, definitely slow, maybe its retarded or something? plants 4&5 are skunk#1x white widow, started much later than any of the others....


Active Member
So I changed my light cycle from 24hrs to 18on 6off, Im changing it to try to keep temps from hitting 85+. So I made my off time from 12pm to 6pm, that way my light is off during the extremely hot parts of the day, im also trying to conserve electricity. anything I should be aware of? Or any tips as far as photo period goes? Before I started this grow I took thick paper and covered all the windows so no light can come in or out.


Well-Known Member
yeah that's a good idea. just try to get in there with all the lights out to check for leaks and even cover up the little lights on powerboards and such( before you start to flower I mean, small light issues during veg isn't such a problem) :) I think you have the rest covered


Active Member
yeah that's a good idea. just try to get in there with all the lights out to check for leaks and even cover up the little lights on powerboards and such( before you start to flower I mean, small light issues during veg isn't such a problem) :) I think you have the rest covered
Thanks bro! You've been very helpful. I'm also about to order a air cooled tube reflector to help keep my temps more manageable. Because without one I can't even zip up my tent, the temps will hit 90+ in about an hour (when i zip up my tent) even with fans going and a 4"exhaust fan, the room temp is 78-76 but I can hear my ac constantly running so I gotta fix my heat issues.

Anyhow I'm also looking into training methods. Thinking about building a scrog, what do you think? I see your main lining but I'm not sure I'm brave enough to start cutting my plants just yet.


Active Member
Plant #1 (jack herer) as of last night (9-17-13), actually has a nice little smell if i stick my nose up to it.

Heres the auto Bomb, even though it hadnt out grow its pot i decided to transplant it, reason being that when i planted her the first time, i did so in a 3gallon pot, and thats how i killed all my other seeds, over watering. So once i say things going horribly wrong in the 3 gallon pots i moved it to a tiny little pot with 70% perlite. Now that its taken root, and starting to actually grow, that little pot keeps drying out way too fast, if i soak it its bone dry in about 6-12 hrs. So i moved it to a 1-2 gallon pot, which will most likely be its final pot. Anyhow, i hope it doesnt shit out on me now....

Plants 4 & 5 coming along nicely, very little problems (knocking on wood), these are white widow x skunk #1.

Now here is the other white widow x skunk #1, this is what happen to alot of the plants that i had that died... any ideas? No nutrients all at all, soil less mix. Thing maybe its infected or something?


Well-Known Member
View attachment 2783754View attachment 2783755View attachment 2783756View attachment 2783757

Hey i topped my two jack herer's, heres what i cut off, look about right?

Looks about right.

How tall were your jacks when you topped them?

How many nodes high were they?

I generally like to top my girls when they reach 7 nodes high and I cut back to 3rd or 4th node depending upon how strong they are.

But if you followed LBH's tutorial then you should have nailed it!

Lets see your jacks where you cut the plant.



Active Member
Looks about right.

How tall were your jacks when you topped them?

How many nodes high were they?

I generally like to top my girls when they reach 7 nodes high and I cut back to 3rd or 4th node depending upon how strong they are.

But if you followed LBH's tutorial then you should have nailed it!

Lets see your jacks where you cut the plant.

Plant One is approaching 12" and Plant two is about 10".
heres the photos

All of these photos are from the jack herer topping.


Active Member
Also received my air cooled light hood today... and i have to say, i dont know how anyone goes without one. Even with the 600w running for a few hours, the glass is still cool to the touch.

here is the temps after about 3hrs fully zipped in 78 degree room.IMG_0601.jpg


Auto bomb... is it odd that it doesnt have a single focal stem,(i can't remember what that's really called), instead it has two as if it were already topped
4&5 are skunk and white widow, planted about 2 weeks after the herer.



Active Member
So how do they look ? Any feed back? The 26th will make 30days for the jack herer and auto bomb. What's a good average veg time, from seed that is? 8 weeks sound about right?


Active Member
Looking good! Jack is coming along great.

8 weeks should be good for veg :) Now that you topped, the next 4 weeks will start looking great. Atleast thats how it went in my limited experience...

Good luck. Cant wait to see the results.

J.H. is on the list of what I want to grow, but I have a few more things ahead of it, so it is interesting to see what they look like.


Active Member
Looking good! Jack is coming along great.

8 weeks should be good for veg :) Now that you topped, the next 4 weeks will start looking great. Atleast thats how it went in my limited experience...

Good luck. Cant wait to see the results.

J.H. is on the list of what I want to grow, but I have a few more things ahead of it, so it is interesting to see what they look like.
Thanks man. Did you do your first grow using hydro? I'm definitely planing to get some cuttings from all my photoperiod plants, so I'm going to try my hand at hydro.

When's a good time to take cuttings? Before I go into flowering right?


Active Member
You can take cuttings late in Veg or in flowering. Just takes a couple weeks to revert back to veg from flower. I took all my cuttings in veg though. I read about taking them in flower and plan to take cuttings from Bianca when I find out sex.

I have never grown in soil. The DWC buckets are inexpensive and seem to work well. Easy to flush. Dump it out, clean and refill.


Well-Known Member
Take cuttings before u go into flower, I hear watering before taking cuttings is helpful. I want a cool hood too, I have a cool tube but I want a hood. Everything looks good bro keep it up :)

Marty Wanna

Active Member
Looks like you have a pretty fine crop Nod.

It's cool you're using the other FF noots... I used the FF GrowBIG to veg in. See for yourself how that turned out! I'm interested in seeing what your result are. I'll post a "Ketchup" on my thread later tonight with the whole timeline and pics from seed to bloom. using FF GrowBIG and BIGBLOOM. That's what I'm using for flowering. I actually FIMMed my plants twice, no topping per se. I'm also supercropping everything every few days. The craziest thing I've ever seen is the growth spurt after that Fimming.. It was like bright green fireworks! They pretty much exploded!

Overall it looks like you are having a similar experience to me, taking careful record of your actions, and paying attention to the process. These plants are Beautiful, robust, and a real joy to grow. Especially if you don't kill them first!

LOL! I killed three of mine. :)
