I couldn't figure out how to do a member search for someone.
Doesn't the search function on RIU suck? I messaged you.
Ehm, Am I in the right place, is this the pre natal discussion thread, or post natal? lol. I went to a little prenatal class the other day with my beautiful wife, it was quite cool to be amongst other expatriots who where having babies in countries outside of where they came from. It is quite unusual to be in a place where your language is not necassarilly the first of choice. Anyway, I got patts on the back for knowledge from her indoors, lol. Yes, I am readin up ffs. Pass the bong, where's my whisky!
I love the attempt at keeping it manly at the end. One scotch coming right up.
To see those pictures is really amazing. You two went through so much and to see you have made it through... So amazing.
I realize every now and again that I'm actually here, with my baby, and I can't believe it. Been so long coming it's just Wow. I'm glad you can see it too.
you mess with me, my dad kick yo ass bru!
That's my favorite shot so far. She has a super expressive mouth, you can't really see her doing anything in these pics, but it's cute.
who, it is amazing to think of what our friend J is experiencing just now, I cannot wait! If I type more about it I wil blubber up, it is that close I feeeeel for us I am coooky! lol.
I seriously can't wait to see you doing all this mate. So cool that we get to do it round the same time. I'm glad I'm going first though, I'd be all worried about what was coming up otherwise.
I like this. A baby and the road ahead.

How far along are you all now D? Feels like I just heard the news! You'll probably act up and have a few more
That's our favorite part of the lake, baby seems to like it as well.
Mrs D is officially 30 weeks today. 10 weeks till due date of Oct 31. Halloween baby!!! Keep in mind though, ours came 2 weeks early. However our friend who was due last sunday had her baby 4 days late. All so exciting. I'm hoping to see young squire D when he's nice and young. Is the kid getting the tip of his willie chopped off? So glad I don't have to make such a decision.
pics r soo cool jig and D lol. Hope u have some peace J mate. Yeah D not long now eh, couple o month, maybe a dog flowering and then there was 3.
I've actually been getting a lot of peace the past day or so. Baby is getting on a schedule and sleeping through my shifts at least... can't say as much for the mrs, poor dear. I got some house work done this morning as she slept. I bet the neighbors were wondering who was cleaning up outside at 4am lol.
Went to the Doc yesterday. Little H is up to 9 lbs. Woot... chubby chunky baby. CCB!!! hahaha. Love you guys so much for the support through all this. Too many HHB's to count. Really special you guys. And thanks for coining it bobo.
After the appt we took her to Trader Joes with us (local grocery store). I carried her in our new Boba Wrap. It's a brand name for a wrap thingy. Just a long piece of cloth you wrap around a few times and sling baby in. It's awesome to use... and I have to say...
Holy shit... I'd be in trouble if I wasn't so in love with my Mrs. WOAH! Girls/ Ladies/ Women all of them just walk right up to me and start talking. Beyond awesome. I like talking to ladies.
Another fun day on the cards today. Not sure what exactly is on the cards, but there will be fun had.
Awesome 8 bit cover of punk songs.