buds small for day 32??? had issues


Well-Known Member
Don't sweat it...:bigjoint:

Did you go by the packages harvest time, or the Trichomes?
You may have harvested early before they reached their full potential...

Day 32 of 12/12

*Also the first grow very rarely ends with a good harvest...
Quality and Quantity will increase with experience... Don't get disheartened...


Mr I Can Do That For Half
you harvested the plants from the first pictures?? If that was day 35 you always go 12/12 and dont count the first week so 35 minus 7 means they were day 28 or just 4 weeks in, These are sativas so that meant they had 5-8 weeks left to go and it looks like you cut those only 10 day later or like 4-8 weeks early yikes no wonder no yeild lol


Mr I Can Do That For Half
yeah you cut way way too early the biggest weight comes in like the last 2 weeks and you cut way before you reached the time.


like the other comments, you cut 2 early. You had it dried 10 day after that picture? how long did it take you to cure and dry?


Well-Known Member
I went by trichromes. It was my first plant. And I saw so many different flower days. From 5weeks to 9 weeks. Trichrome were all clowdy. It was about 48 days since first day of 12/12. I'm so frusterated. Some people say go from first 12/12 day. Others say it doesn't start till different time. Idk. I did my best. Watched trichromes turn from clear to all clowdy. Plant was very very stressed from start till end. I let plant dry for 7days. Its cureing now. I only have 400w metal halide lights. I have a lemon skunk that started flower same time as the headband. Both on july 4. Its day 56 tomarrow. And I'm just not getting the solid colas on top. All plants have small buds and till I get better lights ill have to live with it. All plants are in 5gallon pots with promix. All get ff tiger bloom and humbolt co crystal burst. Temps 80-85 at day 70night. Humidity 30-40 percent. 6" hydro farm fan outtake. And a 20" turbofan for fresh air intake. Up for suggestions


Well-Known Member
Trichs very clowdy. It is that "loud" for sure. Had my friend try the un cured stuff. We were blazed. I wasn't expecting much. I wasn't in a hurry either. Just saw they stopped growing (the buds) was watching trichs and saw clowdy start then progress. I did my best. Thats all I can do
Trichs very clowdy. It is that "loud" for sure. Had my friend try the un cured stuff. We were blazed. I wasn't expecting much. I wasn't in a hurry either. Just saw they stopped growing (the buds) was watching trichs and saw clowdy start then progress. I did my best. Thats all I can do
Don't be too frustrated. Now that you're done, start another grow and learn from what you did right and wrong before. You know now that patience is key. The last 2-3 weeks of every one of my grows, I start pacing and calculating how they "could" be done... but in the end, I've learned to leave most of them alone for a full 8 weeks from 12/12 (longer for some) and start harvesting in week 9. I start by harvesting the top colas first and then let the lower branches continue to mature for another 2-3 days. Makes a big difference.

My first grow was harvested about 2 weeks too early too. It's a common mistake. You'll learn the difference once you see a fully mature bud on your plants. This is one of my current plants, about 2 weeks before harvest. Okay, it's a rare double header and I like showing it off... :weed:

View attachment 2786194
Trichs very clowdy. It is that "loud" for sure. Had my friend try the un cured stuff. We were blazed. I wasn't expecting much. I wasn't in a hurry either. Just saw they stopped growing (the buds) was watching trichs and saw clowdy start then progress. I did my best. Thats all I can do
And I'm stoned and I ramble when I'm stoned. What I started out to say is, anything you can smoke and enjoy is a success. You did good. You got free weed. Now go out there and do a little better the next time and get a little more... then do better the next time and get even more... I always compare my grows and try to achieve more grams per plant than I did the time before.


Well-Known Member
Trichs very clowdy. It is that "loud" for sure. Had my friend try the un cured stuff. We were blazed. I wasn't expecting much. I wasn't in a hurry either. Just saw they stopped growing (the buds) was watching trichs and saw clowdy start then progress. I did my best. Thats all I can do
They actually looked pretty healthy, just not ripe. If you did harvest those because you saw cloudy trichomes , you probably shouldnt use that approach again for deciding when theyre done. Good luck :)


Well-Known Member
Lol free is what I used to think. . I had to start from scratch with no income. To get everything was "cheap to most growers" roughly $600. Plus nutrients pots and soil and panda film. I now have 11 plants in flower. And I still let my lemon skunk grow. It was origionaly growen and flowered the same day as the headband. Todat is day 51 from 12/12. I'm still unclear of when to start counting. I need some rough estimate to know about when to start looking for it to finish. But getting very mixed advice.


Well-Known Member
I went by trichromes. It was my first plant. And I saw so many different flower days. From 5weeks to 9 weeks. Trichrome were all clowdy. It was about 48 days since first day of 12/12. I'm so frusterated. Some people say go from first 12/12 day. Others say it doesn't start till different time. Idk. I did my best. Watched trichromes turn from clear to all clowdy. Plant was very very stressed from start till end. I let plant dry for 7days. Its cureing now. I only have 400w metal halide lights. I have a lemon skunk that started flower same time as the headband. Both on july 4. Its day 56 tomarrow. And I'm just not getting the solid colas on top. All plants have small buds and till I get better lights ill have to live with it. All plants are in 5gallon pots with promix. All get ff tiger bloom and humbolt co crystal burst. Temps 80-85 at day 70night. Humidity 30-40 percent. 6" hydro farm fan outtake. And a 20" turbofan for fresh air intake. Up for suggestions
another thing that would really help is getting new lighting for flowering. Use your MH for vegging and buy a HPS light or 2 for flowering. I had a friend who grew with only MH and suffemred from small, airy popcorn buds; but after he finally bought a 600 watt HPS for his tent his yields literally tripled, with denser buds and large colas.


Well-Known Member
Quit counting all together or just use it as a measuring stick for calculating ripeness...the key is to learn when a plant is truly ready and that's when the trichs are right...the " club of early harvesters " is a very large club with many, many members...welcome aboard and...g/l


Well-Known Member
I have put this thing together, one light at a time, and one plant at atime. I started with $0. I have 2 kids and a wife. I have had no money for 5 1/2 mos due to being disabled and can nolonger work. I have done my best. Buying each necessity as it comes along. I am proud at what I have accomplished. Tomarrow I get my hps conversion bulbs. I started with no where to grow, and nothing I needed. If u have read my original post, I had serious issues that tramatized my first 6 plants. One started flower then stopped all together. The other 4 I have still growing (full sativas). Was very patient. But that plant was ripe. Super potent. Made cookies from trim and got rocked off one. I wanr a more sativa high. And the triches got some amber. And so I got that (loud) couchlock kind of high. But I'm doin my best. And finally rebounding from the severe dissapointment of my first very sad harvest


Active Member
Never pull earlier than 60 days..most need at LEAST that long. The ones that don't are fast flowering plants. Use a combination of trichs hairs time and SMELL to know and juddge ripeness. But pretty good still tho.