Never been an insomniac until a few moths ago. I was the opposite of a insomniac before, I could literally sleep whereever whenever.
Now I lay in bed and my mind races because I am unemployed and have applied to hundreds of jobs and have only had 2 interviews both of which were pyrimid schemes and I worry about bills and if I can afford my apartment, and if my wife is going to leave me, if I will ever have a respectable job again.
The one thing that helps me is MJ. It helps me sleep, and makes me laugh and appreciate what I have. Unfortunatly all of the jobs I am applying for have drug tests which means that I cant smoke. I feel like tight wound and ready to explode because I cant sleep and I am very irratable. I had to smoke a few weeks ago because I was on the verge of losing it and when my wife came home she noted how happy and pleasent I was.
MJ without a doubt puts my ass to sleep. If I smoke before bed I have happy thoughts when laying down and I go right to sleep and have plesent dreams and if I smoke too much during the day it is time for a weed nap. I have never had insomnia while high.