Picture of your pet thread !!!

They start out like this and endup like this...


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Hi guys!!!! It's been a while!! Good to see this thread still going strong. Lovely pics so do keep them coming.

Im a bit worried about Minky. I think he may have an infection in his mouth but I can't see. He's eating his biscuits and cat food ok but his breath really stinks!!! Like death mixed with god knows what. He is only about 18 mths old so I thought he was a bit too young for 'old cat' breath. I know most of them have bad breath, I've had a German shepherd and other pets my whole life. This just seems really bad.

Am I panicking over nothing ?
Hi guys!!!! It's been a while!! Good to see this thread still going strong. Lovely pics so do keep them coming.

Im a bit worried about Minky. I think he may have an infection in his mouth but I can't see. He's eating his biscuits and cat food ok but his breath really stinks!!! Like death mixed with god knows what. He is only about 18 mths old so I thought he was a bit too young for 'old cat' breath. I know most of them have bad breath, I've had a German shepherd and other pets my whole life. This just seems really bad.
Am I panicking over nothing ?

Lahada, it could very likely be a bad tooth.
Our little dog came down with the dragon breath - the vet took out a couple of teeth & she's back sweet as ever.
Hi guys!!!! It's been a while!! Good to see this thread still going strong. Lovely pics so do keep them coming.

Im a bit worried about Minky. I think he may have an infection in his mouth but I can't see. He's eating his biscuits and cat food ok but his breath really stinks!!! Like death mixed with god knows what. He is only about 18 mths old so I thought he was a bit too young for 'old cat' breath. I know most of them have bad breath, I've had a German shepherd and other pets my whole life. This just seems really bad.

Am I panicking over nothing ?

Gingivitis is not altogether too uncommon in young animals, it could be diet related, can you check to see if the gums are swollen or inflamed.
It could well be. Even though he's young he may have one decaying. He needs to go to the vet and you've just seconded it. Thanks!

Bad breath in younger cats is usually cause by a bad tooth (as mentioned) or lots of plaque buildup... some kitties are prone to dental issues, and their diet also has a lot to do with it. What kind of food are you feeding? Although, I'm sure you'll find out the problem at the vet's office. :)
I think the corners of his mouth look too pink but I can't really see inside. He eats a mixture of dry food and cat food. He's a funny eater. Never interested in roast chicken that I eat or fish but he will eat a bit of ham. I've had a cat that used to sit really high up on the microwave just so he could watch me cook. He didn't miss a trick. This one couldn't catch a mouse in a cardboard box!
Tiger here is similar, I eat a lot of fish and some of it she likes and some she turns her ass to, most of the time she will eat chicken but she never refuses ham.

Feline Stomatitis is an auto immune disorder and that will also inflame and swell the gums but it can be treated with cortosoids but I think the symptoms would be quite obvious.
I guess Minky will be off to see his favourite vet:)
Oh yeah, so there's no Bank holiday here in Spain then!!! Minky is gonna dread it but she's a great vet that studied at the Royal college of vets in London, which is good enough for me!!