Does this plant need more Calcium?


Well-Known Member

Using FFOF and Feeding this.....


I have no clue what the soil pH is and no way of testing it.
I agree with Po... also appears to be the beginnings of magnesium def as well. Certainly cal/mag is something everyone should have.

It isn't bad yet, so mix a 1/2 dose in with every other watering for two sessions, then hold off and see if things appear to improve. Then, feed a 1/4 amount in every 8th feeding or so. One 1/4 dose in a mist bottle immediately as foliage spray may quell it until the plants start absorbing what you put into your medium.

If it gets worse, post back.

It 'looks' to be a calcium and magnesium deficiency... the early stages of both. What's your medium, and what are you pHing to? They look good other than just the beginnings of the traditional cal/mag def.

...and for the love of all things good, only change one thing at a time. calmag, that's all. Don't adjust anything else while you try to sort this issue, or you'll never know what fixed it (or worse, what killed it). Again, plants look dope as they are. I can tell they are properly watered and cared for. Be easy ;)

your probably more experienced than i am, so im not sure how much help i can be as i mainly just spend my days reading on here waiting for mine to be done. but this might help i have it on my wall ahaha, if not hey i tried right? :) GL
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^^^ aye i just came to this page didnt see the first one and was saying in my head,looks like start of mg def, then that last of 3 pics looks like overfert,,claw,burnt tips,etc.
koo koo, stopped the feeding the other day and actually had some drain off using just water, so maybe it will get better

also did some research on how to make the dolomite lime water soluble quick and easy, vinegar + dolomite lime, comes out smelling exactly like GO CaMg+, thinking about fermenting some molasses for a day to add to it :lol:
yea I think it might be Ca locking out Mg
It happened to me; I just gave 'em water for a week or so and it kinda fixed itself.
But thats a cool trick with the vinegar and dolomite, i'll have to remember that.