BB grow! DOG Kush (canna cup entry 2012)Deep Blue & Psycho Killer :D

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Guys much love n thanks for all the nice msgs. Tunisia is mint. I'm jonesing bad coming off all my self prescriptions. Like shaking a bit now n then.been paragliding loved it, closest to flying I've been.

You'll love this, first night I got confused j thought I was at home, turned left instead of right in the dark n thought I was at home fell n smashed my knee and cracked a rib. Its agony. But I'm drinking through ;)



Active Member
Guys much love n thanks for all the nice msgs. Tunisia is mint. I'm jonesing bad coming off all my self prescriptions. Like shaking a bit now n then.been paragliding loved it, closest to flying I've been.

You'll love this, first night I got confused j thought I was at home, turned left instead of right in the dark n thought I was at home fell n smashed my knee and cracked a rib. Its agony. But I'm drinking through ;)

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Have a blast man!!!!!


Well-Known Member
omg, just don't piss in the cupboard on yer suitcase, fuk flying home with a piss smelling bag, lmfao....


Well-Known Member
a traumatic one at that, lol. Was on a football camp in Manchester and end of the week they had trials for this Junior England team (i was the only Scot there so me playing was a tad strange). Ended up playing well in the trial game and fell out with this lad. Him and his posse came to my room last night and tried to come the cunts, one of them actually took a piss in the drawer of the sideboard in the room, ended up leaking onto ma bag. I had to carry that fukker home on the train, even after trying to wash it I could still smell the stank, I was gutted, lol.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
She's already planning ffs hahaha last day today I'm using a German technique called claiming ya loungers at the arse crack of dawn! Maximum tannage today. Tho tbf I look local already :lol:


mr west

Well-Known Member
Nice, it's raining here thankfully. It's nice to have some cool weather after the silly heatwaves.

Don Gin and Ton

Well-Known Member
Some pikey fuckers only nicked my hold case in Tunisia. Proper ruined a mint week. all my keepsakes for people away and all my nice new clothes. Tunisia popo were fuckin useless, wouldn't report it lost, reckon he's on the take. Thomson rep wouldn't back me up for a hotel or guarantee a flight on the next one. Proper shafted.

A week back id be banged up for kicking fuck out them. I need a bong


Well-Known Member
Mother f****ers, I hate that shit. Plenty of honest ways to live even when poor, I should know..... You can't let them bastads reduce you though.... Glad the meat of the trip was good though, sounds like a trip to mexico! Ha!

At least your in one piece!
puff, puff, pass.....