Too Rolling Stoned Coffee Shop


Well-Known Member
Went shopping today and bought a new sign for the coffee shop.... it will hang in the front window!


:joint: Everybody MUST get stoned!! *lights up*


Well-Known Member
Moosetracks icecream and then a fat doob before bed. Sometimes its the simple things....



Well-Known Member
Morning fellow bakers! Hope this morning finds you all well and happy!!

Early morning bake and headed back to bed. Up wayyyy too early!!

Happy 65th birthday to one of my favorite singers on the planet: Robert Plant!!



Well-Known Member
overplayed on the radio for decades but this is still my favorite "popular" electric blues......ummmm well right now it is in 10 minutes it could be something else but still it's epic.....


Well-Known Member
[video=youtube_share;rlQYqQs0R3w][/video] The lil pricks knocked over my jiffypots this am lmao then proceeded to promptly shit in said seedlings, gotta love em though there my babies.


Well-Known Member
Good coffee, good smoke, looking over cast like it may rain. Yesterday out of the blue a deluge of rain poured like mad for about 20 mins yesterday then disappeared soon as it appeared.
Anyone caught out in it was soaked to the skin.

I like this group of siblings, saw them at the Blues Awards last year and next month they are playing at a festival I'm going to.



Well-Known Member
Morning fellow bakers! Hope this morning finds you all well and happy!!

Early morning bake and headed back to bed. Up wayyyy too early!!

Happy 65th birthday to one of my favorite singers on the planet: Robert Plant!!

I saw this tour...with the


Well-Known Member
Took the dogs out back to their new fenced area and soon as I turn around to walk in the house it just started pouring rain!! So glad they have a concrete porch with a roof to stay dry inside their house.

Having a later in the day cup of coffee (hazelnut) to ward off the urge to take a nap while listening to this rain on the metal roof!

Seems like a good time for one of my favorites: SRV :eyesmoke:



Well-Known Member
morning, rolling..

I need a coffee after last night! too much fun bongsmilie :bigjoint:



Well-Known Member
Hepheastus Good Day my friend!
Come on in here outta the rain and get you a big steaming cup of coffee and may I suggest some lovely space cakes or muffins to begin your day off really groovy?

In an Eddie Hazel mood after posting this whole album in another thread. Eddie was one of the most under rated guitar players that ever graced the planet.

I love his version of California Dreaming....



Well-Known Member
Ah, rain has moved on and the sun is trying to peek thru! Love that smell after rain, everything is so clean and fresh.

Feeling like hearing some wonderful Robbie Robertson. This song is so soothing and relaxing to me....Unbound



Well-Known Member
This song was written as a tribute to Joe Walsh of the Eagles. In the liner notes of her TimeSpace album, Stevie explained:
"I guess in a very few rare cases, some people find someone that they fall in love with the very first time they see them... from across the room, from a million miles away. Some people call it love at first sight, and of course, I never believed in that until that night I walked into a party after a gig at the hotel, and from across the room, without my glasses, I saw this man and I walked straight to him. He held out his hands to me, and I walked straight into them. I remember thinking, I can never be far from this person again... he is my soul.

He seemed to be in a lot of pain, though hid it well. But finally, a few days later, (we were in Denver), he rented a jeep and drove me up into the snow covered hills of Colorado... for about 2 hours. He wouldn't tell me where we were going, but he did tell me a story of a little daughter that he had lost. To Joe, she was much more than a child. She was three and a half, and she could relate to him.

I guess I had been complaining about a lot of things going on on the road, and he decided to make me aware of how unimportant my problems were if they were compared to worse sorrows. So he told me that he had taken his little girl to this magic park whenever he could, and the only thing she EVER complained about was that she was too little to reach up to the drinking fountain. As we drove up to this beautiful park, (it was snowing a little bit), he came around to open my door and help me down, and when I looked up, I saw the park... his baby's park, and I burst into tears saying, 'You built a drinking fountain here for her, didn't you?' I was right, under a huge beautiful hanging tree, was a tiny silver drinking fountain. I left Joe to get to it, and on it, it said, dedicated to HER and all the others who were too small to get a drink.

So he wrote a song for her, and I wrote a song for him... 'This is your song, ' I said to the people, but it was Joe's song. Thank you, Joe, for the most committed song I ever wrote. But more than that, thank you for inspiring me in so may ways. Nothing in my life ever seems as dark anymore, since we took that drive. - Stevie Nicks



Well-Known Member
Sending some good vibes out to everyone on this lovely afternoon [video=youtube;fLDw_gj5e3g][/video] Wake up to find out that you are the eyes of the world,
The heart has it's beaches, it's homeland and thoughts of it's own.
Wake now, discover that you are the song that the mornin brings,
But the heart has it's seasons, it's evenins and songs of it's own <3


Well-Known Member
I was prolly there
I would like this 10 times if I could!!! haha I was probably 3 or 4 at the time. How magical. Bruce looks soo happy to be a part of such an amazing experience in this video. I love Bruce Hornsby and Brent on the keys. Never got to see Jerry but he will forever remain in my heart. Forever Grateful for all the wonderful music <3 !!!!