Well-Known Member
50mg of tamzepam and a glass of milk breakfast of champions lol
Morning Yorkie how goes it today?Morning boys.
Same mate not smoked much pure Sativa but fuck me I've been missing out, this shit is da bomb loli aint got much sativa experience and that hash i found amazing never really been stoned like that.
Morning Yorkie how goes it today?
Not 3 bad mate, waiting on the fairy with an Exo snip and then I've got fuck all to do all day.
Mind I've got a CD player to fit in the car at my Dad's, depending what time the fairy calls by I might go get that.
my fairy brought me a nice bit of sativa hash this morning so im gonna sit and get baked till i need to go to work at 5
my fairy brought me a nice bit of sativa hash this morning
gotta give imc a shout out the man no's how to package large parcels and is true to his word.
niceone geezer.