The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well.just done a full grow doom.clean out hoover disinfectant the tents job lot.....sweating like a mutha fucker Lol but that's a good job done time for a nine joint me thinks
whats a safe disinfectant to use? ive always been scared to use any incase it fucks my next grow up lol. ive never had a tent for more than 2 grows till i got this one


Well-Known Member
whats a safe disinfectant to use? ive always been scared to use any incase it fucks my next grow up lol. ive never had a tent for more than 2 grows till i got this one
I use dettol mate and then spray the wall with dettol powder and mildew spray and guaranteed ubaint getting mold ...and just make sure you proper let everything dry out properly before plants go in ..I got mold on my walls and incant remember who it was but they pointed the powder mildrew spray and never been a prob since son credit to them whoever u are..Lol....


Well-Known Member
Morning all..........still finding it a bit weird waking up on the 12th floor of a tower block when lived in a house all me life lmao


Well-Known Member
You would rather shred them that sell em fo 40 notes sorry but proper dick wad.............that's all I have to say on that matter...........pffffftttttttttttt and what don't u let yourissis go out no or just feckin fat and ugly to get one
fukin ell mate that post triggered the pikey in ya, its jus a matter of space in the flower tent, I have spent about 60 kwid so far which I would rather loose than give to a knobjockey who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, an my mrs don't need to fuk off on a Saturday nite with "mates", shagged a few in my time btw sometimes 3s up......


Well-Known Member
I use dettol mate and then spray the wall with dettol powder and mildew spray and guaranteed ubaint getting mold ...and just make sure you proper let everything dry out properly before plants go in ..I got mold on my walls and incant remember who it was but they pointed the powder mildrew spray and never been a prob since son credit to them whoever u are..Lol....
cheers mate ill be getting some of that when these come down :-D

i put those seeds in sharing a pot between 3. so i should have 2 dog and 1 of each smelly cherry and qrazy quake. how long does it take with 12/12 from seed? im thinking its about 11 weeks?


Well-Known Member
fukin ell mate that post triggered the pikey in ya, its jus a matter of space in the flower tent, I have spent about 60 kwid so far which I would rather loose than give to a knobjockey who knows the price of everything and the value of nothing, an my mrs don't need to fuk off on a Saturday nite with "mates", shagged a few in my time btw sometimes 3s up......
:clap: Yeh you single n lonely then hahahaha nowt wrong with letting ya missis go out if incan go out with the lads why can't she have a night out aswell?????? And it was your post thatbpissed me off on about how youd rather shred em basically call in me a dick I've never dissed any1 on here but u got a problem with me for sum reason so go suck a pissy dick!!!!!! I've got what I need few decent lads on here u know who are.....@ indikat bovverd lmao


Well-Known Member
cheers mate ill be getting some of that when these come down :-D

i put those seeds in sharing a pot between 3. so i should have 2 dog and 1 of each smelly cherry and qrazy quake. how long does it take with 12/12 from seed? im thinking its about 11 weeks?
Never done a 12/12 from seed but in have vegged for 2 weeks from seed barley a plant Lol then flipped it took 10 weeks all in all I'm smoking it now lol

Go on theb12/12 from seed thread seen some good lookingnplamts on there ;)


Well-Known Member
oh soz mate didnt realise it was ready now lol, thought ya still had a while to go lol, will do it now
Yeh mek.em deliver it Lol no the main isn't ready but I chopped a critical + the other week I was offering u a joint of that if ubaint got anything ? I'll let yano when the main girlies are ready ;)


Well-Known Member
No problem sae say u sent me all.that hard wear for fuck all wrapped it dead neat and everything lmao.. I don't forget folk who sort me out naaaaaaa mean ;)


Well-Known Member
:clap: Yeh you single n lonely then hahahaha nowt wrong with letting ya missis go out if incan go out with the lads why can't she have a night out aswell?????? And it was your post thatbpissed me off on about how youd rather shred em basically call in me a dick I've never dissed any1 on here but u got a problem with me for sum reason so go suck a pissy dick!!!!!! I've got what I need few decent lads on here u know who are.....@ indikat bovverd lmao
shawny all I said is the price for something if ya don't like it fair enough no need to get all gay and pissy about it, u r commin across as someone who is alwys wantin something fer nothing and the world don't work like that, sorry mate


Well-Known Member
modern times shawny in this country, the mrs goes on tha piss while the bloke looks after the kids (stays home an does drugs on his own) its all wrong mate.............morning all feelin like an old time rag and bone man...any ole plants....I am awash wiv top genetics atm tooooo many. an some on here don't no a bargain wen they see one, id sooner shred the fukkers than sell em for 40 qwid....btw those psychos have doubled in size day 6 from flip so need all the room I can get cos the exo and livers are joining them next week

Thats what got me all pissy no need maybe I've read itnwromg but came across a bit cuntish in my eyes