
No technically I still have my grow rights (wasn't a legit caregiver deal). But yes I'm out $1000. I'm not really sure why you would mock the situation considering it just goes to show how scummy the people in this business can be.

If i were you id grab a few friends and head out to the address on the card. Not LOOKING for trouble, but just to see what happened.
No technically I still have my grow rights (wasn't a legit caregiver deal). But yes I'm out $1000. I'm not really sure why you would mock the situation considering it just goes to show how scummy the people in this business can be.

Irieie had a thread going looking for patients and Im pretty sure he was even covering all the patients costs as well as free bud. So yea, if you give a stranger 1000 dollars and get ripped off, you are gonna get some razzing from me. This is an industry of criminals. Its dealers, hustlers, thieves and liars.
so if u never really made him your caregiver what did you do? you just gave him 1000$ and was like so just give me weed for the next three months lol and he said sure and left. if you make a caregiver deal with someone and they dont make sure they go through dhs and get registered i would be very suspect. sounds like it is outside of the protection of the amma and i would not want to work with someone who so blatantly flaunts the law.
I first met Bird Gymnastics (Matt) on hydrobreed about a year ago when he was donating some of his Whitefire. I had seen some of his posts on here and hydrobreed and he seemed legit. So I picked up from him probably about 4 or 5 seperate occasions over a years time. I told him I was looking for a caregiver to give my rights too, while I was down in Tucson. About 9 months after I first met him he offered me his caregiver deal which was a "free" ounce a month for a year and every other ounce $250 or less in exchange for $1000 and my grow rights. The way he said it was gonna work was that the $1000 would go towards nutes/lights/soil/all the other goodies of growing and that he would be leasing me space to grow, but he would actually be taking care of my plants. I suppose you live and you learn from stupid mistakes like this. This one was just surprisingly hard to see coming after how straight and professional he had been with me for nearly a year.
I first met Bird Gymnastics (Matt) on hydrobreed about a year ago when he was donating some of his Whitefire. I had seen some of his posts on here and hydrobreed and he seemed legit. So I picked up from him probably about 4 or 5 seperate occasions over a years time. I told him I was looking for a caregiver to give my rights too, while I was down in Tucson. About 9 months after I first met him he offered me his caregiver deal which was a "free" ounce a month for a year and every other ounce $250 or less in exchange for $1000 and my grow rights. The way he said it was gonna work was that the $1000 would go towards nutes/lights/soil/all the other goodies of growing and that he would be leasing me space to grow, but he would actually be taking care of my plants. I suppose you live and you learn from stupid mistakes like this. This one was just surprisingly hard to see coming after how straight and professional he had been with me for nearly a year.

There is NO reason to give someone 1k upfront to be a caregiver. Ever. Anyone who needs that kind of upfront cash to cover equip, nutes or whatever will almost certainly be someone just getting started and not have what it takes to follow through, no matter how good their intentions are. Cash upfront, except to cover a caregiver card = newbie. Avoid.
I first met Bird Gymnastics (XXXXXXXX) on hydrobreed about a year ago when he was donating some of his Whitefire. I had seen some of his posts on here and hydrobreed and he seemed legit.

No need to use anything other than someones RIU name. You should edit your post accordingly gopher...
No offense man, but I could really care less about using his name.

Ever think this is where the disconnect maybe?

I would stop talking to anyone who gives my info out and trash talks me before resolving the issue directly with me. (Shit happens- really does when you are cultivating) No pun intended but the information you are talking about should stay between you and the person you had your agreement with. From my experiences with Bird he was straight forward and has Fire genetics. Anytime you give up a chunk of change be sure to have a written agreement.

Good luck to you!

Just my 2 cents!



I would stop talking to anyone who gives my info out and trash talks me before resolving the issue directly with me. (Shit happens- really does when you are cultivating)

Sounds like he tried for weeks before posting here. And shit does happen when you cultivate. There needs to be an understanding between the 2 involved on how those issues will be handled. Taking a g and then disappearing is exactly how not to handle it unless you're dead or locked up.
Ousting someone by there name publicly is probably adversely effecting the situation.
Care or not your only pushing them farther away by doing so.
Typically there are always two sides to the story.
While I agree that maybe names should be kept private, I also agree that it seems that Birdy DID in fact rip this poor guy off. Anyone that had associations with Bird thought he was a stand up guy, he had been VERY helpful to me and MANY Others over the course of YEARS. He was by far the most sensible of us, never talked shit, was always chill and DEF knew how to grow some dank. You expect this sort of thing from Lucious Vorenis....that sort of assbag would sell his mama's skin to make a buck or to please his bosses. Bird was dif, or at least worked VERY hard to make it seem so. I knew him and he has ALWAYS responded and been massively helpful....and when you tell me "text me if you have questions" i take FULL advantage.....the dude as cool as hell. Until.........

Like 3 months ago he pitched this SAME deal to me and a few others i know. I considered it, but didnt want to drive up to PHX to get weed hahaha.....but i did consider it.
Dude just stopped responding to texts and calls, never returned either one and was ALWAYS out of town. BUt he still was willing to take my money.... this was a red flag.
SInce that time i believe he was packing up and moving to colorado, cali, or some new MMJ place to set up shop, blessed with a new influx of cash:( (just my theory, no fact)

Live and learn dude, you just learned a 1000 dollar lesson:( Sorry man.
i'm smoking his white fire clone and a couple other genetics we traded.

very nice buzzes.

hopefully he comes back and explains what's up.

i realize you lost $1000 but stating that he was willing to commit a crime on your behalf just doesn't seem too bright.

then again, it's not my $1000 and hey, it's only the internet.
i'm smoking his white fire clone and a couple other genetics we traded.

very nice buzzes.

hopefully he comes back and explains what's up.

i realize you lost $1000 but stating that he was willing to commit a crime on your behalf just doesn't seem too bright.

then again, it's not my $1000 and hey, it's only the internet.

I too am smoking Birdys WIFi DEF legit herb!
i heard he gave you multiple free oz's so i dont think he ripped you off for all your money. and if he did why dont you just replace him as your caregiver so he doesnt have your grow rights?????

is he even your caregiver? you said you still have your grow rights so i dont really get what your arrangemment was
Heard from who? I got the first "free" zip the first month of our 12 month agreement, but he is behind 3 months and hasn't responded to me for a month now. The agreement was that he would be leasing me space for my 12 plants, but he would be doing all the work in taking care of said plants. $1000 dollars to him for all the work. A "free" zip the first of every month for a year and no additional zip "donations" over $250 for me. Obviously I would have liked to have had him as my official caregiver, but this is the way he ended up wanting to work it out. I know I shouldn't be posting all this all the internet and I know some of my actions were in fact illegal, but I feel honesty is in fact the best the policy. Hind sight is 20/20 and I can see that I was extremely ignorant in the way I went about dealing with Matt (again don't care). That's all there is to it. If you know him and could help me get into contact with him, that'd be great. Otherwise this goes out as warning to whoever plans on doing business with him. Peace.