why is this


Active Member
[h=2]Zinc Deficiency[/h]Problem: Younger leaves start yellowing in between the veins. Leaf tips get discolored and start dying. the leaves will take a unique banded appearance and the plant will stop growing vertically. There will be much less space between new nodes which will cause all the new leaves to start bunching together. If the plant is budding, it's flowers may start dying.
Solution: Flush your system with clean, pH'd water that contains about half the nutrients needed for the plant (including zinc, iron, and manganese). Watch to make sure that the problem starts to clear up on new growth within a couple of days.
I do 2 teaspoons per gallon and feed every other watering i dont understand how it could be zinc
I use Fox Farms nutes, my schedule is FEED, FEED, WATER, FEED FEED WATER. If you follow the Fox Farms feeding schedule you notice for each week you feed then water then feed, so two feeds a week, then repeat the start of the next week, feed water feed.