The UK Growers Thread!


Well-Known Member
Well finally into the new flat at last, just still unpacking shit lol, soooo glad to be outta that fucking monkey's house

tip top toker

Well-Known Member
Lol, i love that all the government want to do is expand heathrow and nowhere else, yet heathrow's various terminals just took 2,3, and 5 in the top 5 worst UK airports survey :D

Good to hear you got yourself sorted somewhere more suitable Sae


Well-Known Member
Hahahahaha Yeh but its altlready got nutes in it...tbh in was thinking bout using plagron and mixing it withbsomethinng... juat y man said plagron was for beginners Lol .but in have heard plagron is one of the best
all soils already got nutes init, even light mixes, u div, thats what i was trying to explain other night, but you seem to insist going on canna while you said they fucked ur arse, by leaving salts in ur pots, what you think their soils will do to ya? jump out the pot and shag yer missus when ur asleep, get a padlock on em tents.


Well-Known Member
shawn, thats that done, im not in morning of any day next week part from tuesday, so u know what todo monday ok, except that thing might take till tuesday to get there, but still gimme em monday u cunt.

make sure to spend that 5p profit wisley, dont be going out gettin wrecked withit either, i suggest putting it towards something that will benefit ye


Well-Known Member
work work work work work ffs work, now i know what a normal contribution to society feels like, absolutley shit asked for over time, what do i get? fuckin full time near enough. 38 hours next week i think, hope its the same week after, rake in that cash + im still owed overtime from last month, be weighing my nots come next payday, an u know what thats going on? fuckin drugs, even tho ill never find the fuckin time to take or sell the bastards.


Well-Known Member
what u smokin tonite ttt?
some upper middle class shizzle!

well ive decided ima keep 1 of each bbc and livers and the 2 watever clones i just got, so my percy line will be
1x livers
1x bbc
2x some unknown, he said what it is but he chats shit!

the ones i popped at the main op have gone fucking nuts! bushed out like made like wtf, thats not the plan, but very happy chappy ,

that 4" extracto dont work like but,,,,,,,

so yeh nt gunna run both livers coz tbh, i just aint that keen on it now i tried it, physco FTW! out of clones onlys fo sure!

talking of clones, mine are still nice and green and ive opene the vent a little bit,i lifted one up and ther was tiny roots oin end of stalk! woot, so thats prgress, just a matter of time and heat it seems...

kode u wunt belive thse bbc if i showed u um, ud think they was diffrent plants, but thats just how i roll


Well-Known Member
did that get to u 2day?
some upper middle class shizzle!

well ive decided ima keep 1 of each bbc and livers and the 2 watever clones i just got, so my percy line will be
1x livers
1x bbc
2x some unknown, he said what it is but he chats shit!

the ones i popped at the main op have gone fucking nuts! bushed out like made like wtf, thats not the plan, but very happy chappy ,

that 4" extracto dont work like but,,,,,,,

so yeh nt gunna run both livers coz tbh, i just aint that keen on it now i tried it, physco FTW! out of clones onlys fo sure!

talking of clones, mine are still nice and green and ive opene the vent a little bit,i lifted one up and ther was tiny roots oin end of stalk! woot, so thats prgress, just a matter of time and heat it seems...

kode u wunt belive thse bbc if i showed u um, ud think they was diffrent plants, but thats just how i roll