

Well-Known Member
I know this thread has been on here and done but this is a new extract SWIM is doing. I have a question for Duck or one of the gang. Why does this shit look black at the end of the extraction on this youtube video?!? I have seen mescaline before and it was not black, it was white and crystally.

SWIM will be using the extract tek on Erowid.

which way is better or are they the same... I don't know about black mescaline..

Also, SWIM does not own a capsule machine yet. Do pharmacies ever sell capsule machines/makers? IS 0 or 00 the best size? What is another way to consume the final product? One time years ago SWIM got mescaline in the mail and the capsule was broken , so swim just spooned it in the mouth, tasted like Aspirin (and it was not black!!!) about a little less than a Table spoon.
Black mescaline is probably from an alcoholic extract that gives a tar. That looks like a good tek. Pretty much the same as what I outline in my extraction thread.
I'd get 00 caps for mesc.
MrsDuck and I were given a gram of synthetic mesc HCl recently. I'm trying to find some selegiline.
Black mescaline is probably from an alcoholic extract that gives a tar. That looks like a good tek. Pretty much the same as what I outline in my extraction thread.
I'd get 00 caps for mesc.
MrsDuck and I were given a gram of synthetic mesc HCl recently. I'm trying to find some selegiline.
Im going to sound ignorant right now but here is what was told to me: When I first bought the mescaline in a pill from Texas my brother told me that the guy who sold it to him was talking about different kinds of Mescaline. He was telling my bro that he could change the trips from more visuals or different kinds of visuals/ more potency. I forgot exactly what was told to me, but the best I can figure from studying these Teks so much is the Acid you use at the end will make a difference in the Trip. If you use citric acid you will get more alkoids from the cacti and thus a different kind of mescaline trip, vs using HCI where you would get a pure mescaline trip. I would LOVE to know the difference. I know that some of the Alkoids in the cacti will aid the trip but that some also make you shit your socks off. HOpe I am wrong about the alkoids acting as a system cleaner and its just the cactus flesh.

To get that pure shard form of mescaline you need illegal chemicals I think. Thanks for getting back to me Duck! I am excited to get started. SWIM is waiting for the wife to get home to got by a cactus and the chemicals from Lowes. SWIM is brainstorming on the proper receptacle. SWIM needs a glass jug... SWIM may try and speed deliver a seperatory funnel but the more SWIM thinks about it the more SWIM really wants to get a extract done to test the final product with a threshold dose or so
There's no need to go swimming. There's no pool here.
Honestly if I hear people talking about different flavors of mescaline I assume it's RCs.
Mine is just a fine white powder and looks quite clean.
I was getting ready to say the swim is drowned here...he can't change the trips,just the. Potencey and metabolic intake not extracting certain alkaloids or extracting them fully...the black tar look may be from organic matter also being pulled from the material used...either way,if you know the guy and you're sure,allways is a light switch away..
Thank you Duck! That is fine as long as my doses can be around the 200-1000 mg range. The purpose of the extract for me, obviously, is to not have to make a big ordeal about consuming the drug. Mushroom trips and San Pedro Trips always have that back round trip of nasty taste in the mouth and unsettled stomach. eeeeccck! nothing like a pill .

I don't know what kind a music your into guys but check out Neil Young's latest album. Psychedelic Pill. Cool beans

Rory, I am doing the extract today MOST LIKELY. I am preparing my list right now then heading to the Nursery and Home Depot. I will for sure post pictures !!! I am excited about it. I love mescaline. I would love to have a threshold dose tonight or tomorrow, just a tester, and with some great luck it will turn out to be a full blown dose and a good trip!!! I even got my Grateful Dead shirt on today, might change before I go to the nursery ... I have bought 6 huge cacti from them in the last year LOL....they do not know the value of the cacti they have! They have these San Pedro's in this rotten corner of the nursery with spider webs and ants all over them. The first 5 cacti they sold me were 6-8 footers with two trunks each and a few shoots for only 20$ !!!!

That would be awesome if my 'tester' turned out to be a rocket ship to the pyconautical island in my mind. Well I will have pics up today I hope. Crossing my fingers... you know how shit goes.... I have to get the cactus and hope I can get all the right material... according to the Teks it should be no problem getting my Base and Acid and defatting stuff. Stay Tuned....
Stuff is all available. Have you planted those cactii man? They might not get more after you buy them all.
Planting the pots is on todays to do list, Duck. I bought a cactus and it is HUGE for 20$. They had another one 5 times bigger and he only wanted 30$!!!!!!But, I don't have a truck to take it. This will make 5 cacti pots I have now. I am going to have a cactus forrest next year.

HELPP!!!!! I can't find Xylene!!! What could I use in its place? Lowes and home depot don't have it. What paint thinner can I use? ANd Lowes did not have Sodium Hydroxide... I am on the internet and Im going to call around... what a fucking bummer, I thought I would just waltz into Lowes and come out with what I need. Fuck, I am a busy man and this is cutting into my R and R time

I hope you respond soon
There's no need to go swimming. There's no pool here.
Honestly if I hear people talking about different flavors of mescaline I assume it's RCs.
Mine is just a fine white powder and looks quite clean.

lmao mre, you crack me up.. nothing personal against ipman, but man o man, that swim thing really bugs the crap out of me as well.. do people really think they're fooling anyone with swim??
ok, ok, we all get it, you're doing a tek on mescaline, swim didn't fool anyone.. sorry ipman, like i said, nothing personal, just my own issue with that swim term is all..
It offers no legal protection and makes posts very awkward to read. Given the average literacy of an internet forum member this is a very bad thing as the author needs all the help they can get writing a post that will effectively communicate the desired information and the reader all the help they can get understanding it.
cute. I am frustrated.. you can't buy any of this shit at hardware stores. Fucking waste of a day. Should know better than to listen to internet babble.. Oh sure you can get XYlene and Sodium hydroxide ... ya ya... my ass.. EEEEEEEEEERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR

im going to go put the cactus in the back yard and smoke hash. fucking wack
That wasn't meant to be aimed at you. The fact is most people on the internet do not have the greatest reading or writing skills.
Sorry I don't know the exact inventory of your local home improvement store. Chill the fuck out dude.
Right O! Thanks anyways .... e-bay it is

FYI Xylene, Sodium hydroxide are not available at Ace Hardware, Lowes or Home Depot or OSH anywhere in the United States of America. You can do a search on their website to see the different brands that contain those chemicals, but I don't know if they are usable, as the brands are like Drano and toilet cleaner pro or whatever.