Day and night time temps in a perfect room


Active Member
What temps are you guys trying to achieve day and night?
I have me days set for 75 and the nights at 67.
As the life cycle ends do you lower temps either day or night?
This my first grow with the ability to lower night time temps with my heat pump
and I really like the the way i can lower the humidity at night easier.


Active Member
I know this is a pint of great debate, but I have had MUCH better growth with higher temps. 80-82 F, or 27-28 C has worked really well. I live in a very temperate climate and and get my day temp below 70 if I want but I found low temps has short plants and low yields. You do need fresh air or CO2 if you decide to go higher though.


Well-Known Member
79 day 70 night without co2
84 day 70 night with co2

drop night below 70 later in flower to make certain strains turn purple.
I find a lights on temp of 75 ideal for me, and no more than a peak of 80. I usually hold lights off temps at 70. I don't change these number at any point of the growth cycle.
im at 70-80 night 80-96. was 105 before i made a cheap venting system. rh is 50-65.... lol yea i hope this doesnt turn out disasterous.


Well-Known Member
75* day in flower with portable A/C going (only when lights on) 46-50% r/h
72* lights off 50-53% r/h


My dream room would start at 73 than after week 3 of flowering slowly drop to 62 with a night time temp of 55


New Member
My room stays a constant 76-78 during the days and 70-72 at night. I have found that the less of a differences in temps, overall my entire garden looks healthier and happier. You have to find the sweet spot for your room and try to find a strain that enjoys your environment. Good Luck


Well-Known Member
My dream room would start at 73 than after week 3 of flowering slowly drop to 62 with a night time temp of 55
whats the benefit of having that low of temps? i can drop my light on temps by another 5* +/- or so by kicking my portable ac unit on HIGH, and not on low for the 12 hrs its running. i think i have 2 weeks until i chop.


I have a belief that when the room is colder stomata's remain open during the entire light reactions process no closing of stomata means higher rates of photosynthesis . also at low temps below 60 during night time or Calvin cycle more sugar /birx will assumutale in the warmer fruits/ buds of the plant because the most water in the plant is concentrated within these cells . so a warmer temp inside the a compound fruit causes than the surrounding room and rest of the plant.. Means more sugar migrates to these parts when the Calvin cycle or as I like to call it the magic happens there is essentially more food available for these cell . So to sum it up higher photosynthesis " more food " relocating of sugar at night so more food for the flowering cells . Now this is just a belief I have it may be wrong it may be right . either way I work on the lower side when I can summer time I take what I can get winter I control a lower temp room and usually have my best harvest .


Active Member
I have a belief that when the room is colder stomata's remain open during the entire light reactions process no closing of stomata means higher rates of photosynthesis . also at low temps below 60 during night time or Calvin cycle more sugar /birx will assumutale in the warmer fruits/ buds of the plant because the most water in the plant is concentrated within these cells . so a warmer temp inside the a compound fruit causes than the surrounding room and rest of the plant.. Means more sugar migrates to these parts when the Calvin cycle or as I like to call it the magic happens there is essentially more food available for these cell . So to sum it up higher photosynthesis " more food " relocating of sugar at night so more food for the flowering cells . Now this is just a belief I have it may be wrong it may be right . either way I work on the lower side when I can summer time I take what I can get winter I control a lower temp room and usually have my best harvest .
I thought when there is a higher temp with the lights on the plant uses more water thus more I wrong ?


I thought when there is a higher temp with the lights on the plant uses more water thus more I wrong ?
I have this thing going lately where I don't like to prove people wrong . I might suggest I have a deferent view or reason and that im set in my ways of doing things deffent from them but I don't think im right or wrong . however if your would like to discus this I would be more than happy to . but I will not tell you , youre wrong


I will tell you that higher transpiration rates might have some benefit also some stress on the plant most of use home growers don't really have a eazy way to check the stomata's see if there open or close .


Active Member
Personally, I don't think you should be basing your room temp on the possibility of PM. I know that struggle well and have concluded that although high Rh gives PM an opportunity to thrive, it doesn't cause PM. If you're having PM problems, get a sulfur burner, it'll kill PM in any RH, and I mean kill PM. None of this spray-on, bandaid bullshit. After having lots of problems with PM, I bought a sulfur burner, used it once and haven't seen a spot since. Keep it hot, yo.