Club 600 Summer Competition - Picture of your favourite Toke Spot

Didnt get my shot, tried though. I'll try everyday until I either get it or we hit the deadline. Should hopefully get it tomorrow... That thing sets fast when you dont want it to!
We all love the sun, but there's nothing more wonderful than sitting with a sundowner and a bifter actually watching it sink down into the horizon! Absolutely Fabulous!

The missing part of my smoke shot picture, i just didnt feel right hanging him from the wall next to the pictures haha.
Sweet, cloud blew up my shot spot last minute... The loneliest fukin cloud in the sky had to sit right in front of the sun as soon as I set up for the picture :cuss:

This is not my entry but a good one :-)

Rasta man voice~~~ "Ma spliff be blazen up da sky mon"

one of my favorite places to toke is in this here building... "the Dr. Amber Trichome Weed Factory"
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I'll bet someone could come up with all kinds of really cool artwork in a factory like that:



Here are two spots i would venture into occasionally. I lived in mammoth for a bit and was able to access a lot of beautiful areas. These two in particular are in Yosemite. My buddy is in the Army and we used to get into the state park for free because of that. The sights are amazing and there is A TON of peaceful areas. Surprisingly no one seems to care when you're medicating by the lakes ( where lots of people are in the summer ) My all time favorite place to smoke, other than Laguna Beach CA.
Gotta love Yosemite. Mammoth was a second home to me, until the mountain was sold. Im not down for $100 a day to ride, and I couldn't afford my season pass one year (was grandfathered in for $400). Beautiful pics, which lake is that?
Gotta love Yosemite. Mammoth was a second home to me, until the mountain was sold. Im not down for $100 a day to ride, and I couldn't afford my season pass one year (was grandfathered in for $400). Beautiful pics, which lake is that?

im more of a camping person and smoking my bowl haha
i believe tenaya if i remember correctly.
I had so many pictures of places like lembert dome, grant lakes all the waterfalls but my old iphone failed me and i had lost all of the pictues except those 2. im taking a trip up there soon though so ill get plenty o pics