Feminized Seeds - Critical Kush - Start at Rock Wool.


New Member
Hi guys, I'm going to start some Critical kush seeds, and use rock wool's for it...

What I would like to know is simple. When I start them in paper, and when it pops, would put in the rock wools, to start growing. have I to put it directly in the grow box in this period? I'm using metallic vapor lamp 250W in the grow box.

I would like to know if I need to wait like 2 or 3 weeks growing naturally with sun light in this beggining period, or if I can put directly in the grow box?

I'm going to transfer to Coco Compound + Perlite (70%/30%) Soil within 3 weeks...

Please, help!

I usually put small seedlings under compact fluorescent light or something smaller that 250watts. They are fragile at that time and my get burned by all that light.
When your seeds germinate it's time to put them in your grow box. And no, they don't need to be outside for a few weeks.
Ok, so for these small plants I can use just regular fluorescent light? For how much time?

About watering the rock wools, whats the correct frequency?
When your seeds germinate it's time to put them in your grow box. And no, they don't need to be outside for a few weeks.

  • After germination, it's right to put directly in the grow box with HPI 250w? No problem with that?
    Or it's better to put in fluorescent lamps, like people are saying, for a while?

    Thanks for reply!​

If you do use the HID for a seedling then make sure it's a long way away. For a 250W I would suggest you want it about 4ft away for seedlings, any closer and you might freak them. See how they cope, then start moving it closer. If however you have good sunlight levels where you are the by all means start them off using the sun.
If you do use the HID for a seedling then make sure it's a long way away. For a 250W I would suggest you want it about 4ft away for seedlings, any closer and you might freak them. See how they cope, then start moving it closer. If however you have good sunlight levels where you are the by all means start them off using the sun.

Yeah, I thought about it because here in brazil we are entering spring time and we have 12h/day of good sun light!! So I could put them in the sun, and maybe use compact fluorescent lighs for more 5 or 6 hours till these little plants get strong enough to I transfer to 5lt pots with soil (70% coco/30% perlite). How much time I have to wait for that, like since germination to the time to put it on soil and in HID lights?
Yeah, I thought about it because here in brazil we are entering spring time and we have 12h/day of good sun light!! So I could put them in the sun, and maybe use compact fluorescent lighs for more 5 or 6 hours till these little plants get strong enough to I transfer to 5lt pots with soil (70% coco/30% perlite). How much time I have to wait for that, like since germination to the time to put it on soil and in HID lights?

12 hours of good sunlight followed by even just some small cfl's for 6 hours would be good I think (careful if the temperatures will get very high in direct sun). Try that for a week, maybe with an hour of HID a day too, then increase the HID gradually until they're under it 18/6 (or whatever schedule you were planning to use).

I have never used rockwool. I have used soil. Personally I would transfer as soon as possible - but always the seedling has to be strong first. I have an extrema seedling that has just got to 1 week old (in soil), she has big first leaves (about 8cm across) - I am preparing to repot her to a 20 litre pot (her final home) tomorrow. If yours are healthy and vigorous, then I would say repot to 5 litre pots. :-)