Huckabee Straw Poll- paul winning


Well-Known Member
So that is what you are suggesting.

You are suggesting that he didn't know who Don Black was.

Just making sure. I knew you were stupid.

Of course they knew each other. A professional politician who runs a racist newsletter and says they would not have gotten rid of Jim Crow laws, knows when they are standing next to the former KKK grand wizard. This becomes irrefutable, when said professional politician has been implicated by a lawyer in a trial where said KKK grand wizard is the defendant.


Well-Known Member
So that is what you are suggesting.

You are suggesting that he didn't know who Don Black was.

Just making sure. I knew you were stupid.

Of course they knew each other. A professional politician who runs a racist newsletter and says they would not have gotten rid of Jim Crow laws, knows when they are standing next to the former KKK grand wizard. This becomes irrefutable, when said professional politician has been implicated by a lawyer in a trial where said KKK grand wizard is the defendant.
BUHAHAHAHA you can't find shit either. You know I am not a Ron Paul fan but libtards really fucked him over on this (and dumbass anarchists). Fucking classic absolutely NO evidence. You got duped like everyone else, my speculation was right, if the story was true there would be more to it and if they have seen each other before we would have some kind of evidence being plastered all over the media.


Well-Known Member
BUHAHAHAHA you can't find shit either. You know I am not a Ron Paul fan but libtards really fucked him over on this (and dumbass anarchists). Fucking classic absolutely NO evidence. You got duped like everyone else, my speculation was right, if the story was true there would be more to it and if they have seen each other before we would have some kind of evidence being plastered all over the media.
Plenty of evidence.

Here is the photo again of Ron Paul with his friend and supporter, the former KKK grand wizard Don Black:

Doesn't look photo shopped to me.

Also, as evidence that the professional politician (who ran a racist newsletter and opposed the civil rights act) knew the former KKK grand wizard, here is a NYTimes article which claims that he was implicated by a lawyer in a trial in which the former kkk grand wizard was a defendant.

Court trials are a matter of public record and I doubt that such a periodical as the New York Times would fabricate such a claim. In case you're dumber than I thought, just because the judge rejected the subpoena does not mean that a professional politician who runs a racist newsletter would not have been aware that he was implicated.

Laughing at a lack of evidence that he knew who Don Black is the same as calling him stupid, and I don't think he is stupid.

Then there is the fact that Don Black made a campaign contribution and Ron Paul publicly refused to give it back.


Well-Known Member
Watching some news release from progressive media interviewing Don Black. Don says "Ron Paul is not a white nationalist" "He is clearly not a white nationalist" "The reason we support him is because of his views on border security and ending the wars"


Well-Known Member
Plenty of evidence.

Here is the photo again or Ron Paul with his friend and supporter, the former KKK grand wizard Don Black:

Doesn't look photo shopped to me.

Also, as evidence that the professional politician (who ran a racist newsletter and opposed the civil rights act) knew the former KKK grand wizard, here is a NYTimes article which claims that he was implicated by a lawyer in a trial in which the former kkk grand wizard was a defendant.

Court trials are a matter of public record and I doubt that such a periodical as the New York Times would fabricate such a claim. In case you're dumber than I thought, just because the judge rejected the subpoena does not mean that a professional politician who runs a racist newsletter would not have such a person on their radar.

Laughing at a lack of evidence that he knew who Don Black was is the same as calling him stupid, and I don't think he is stupid.

Then there is the fact that Don Black made a campaign contribution and Ron Paul publicly refused to give it back.

You have failed to provide evidence. You keep posting conjecture and speculation with some huge ass assumptions it's clear you're unwilling to be honest here. Can you prove he knew what Don Black looked like, NO. Can you prove he had anything to do with Don Blacks before, NO. Did he desperately need all the money he could get, YES Ron Paul and his campaign said as much.

Court trials are a matter of public record, and the judge refused to subpoena Ron Paul which it means no evidence that he was involved and more than likely a political stunt by Don Black knowing Ron Pauls views on the justice system. If there was any dirt whatsoever on the subpoena it would be in the news and you fucking know it. So at this point you're trying to spin bullshit.


Well-Known Member
You do realize the link you keep posting affirms what I have been saying that he had no connection to it and they didn't even have to subpoena him to find that out. The evidence suggests it was a political stunt by three racist fucks going up river.


Well-Known Member
You have failed to provide evidence.
no, you're just an idiot, like usual.

rawn pawl has a long and storied history of working with white supremacists, it happened as recently as last year. those white supremacists, especially those at the top, all know each other.

and rend paw; is their new greatest hope, they love the guy.

you don't hire known white supremacists like rend paw; did for no reason.


Well-Known Member
no, you're just an idiot, like usual.

rawn pawl has a long and storied history of working with white supremacists, it happened as recently as last year. those white supremacists, especially those at the top, all know each other.

and rend paw; is their new greatest hope, they love the guy.

you don't hire known white supremacists like rend paw; did for no reason.
Prove it, instead of ranting bullshit without backing up one claim.


Well-Known Member
why is nontheist always angry? i thought he was banging his wife like a porn star when he wasn't busy tending to his land or knocking out neverending 16 hour days.

poor guy.


Well-Known Member
Anyone else think that was Stevie Ray Vaughn in the picture? No? ok, nevermind. Carry on.

I really can't take the racist calls seriously from people who think it's racist to treat everyone the same. Those same people who create laws singling out certain characteristics and give them special status in the name of equality really are hard to argue rationally with. Emotional thinkers have total disregard for logic and forward thinking.


Well-Known Member
back to the OP. I was really happy not to see Santorum in the top 5 there. The republicans have this tendency to push "next man up" and I was afraid it was his turn since he was strong in the last primary. I fear the moral majority gaining traction again. Can you imagine our election boiling down to a choice between the PC correct platform and the rigid social conservative platform. What a friggen nightmare.


Well-Known Member

“I wouldn’t vote against getting rid of the Jim Crow laws.”

wouldn't vote against=would vote for

How that sentence actually reads..."I would vote for getting rid of the Jim Crow laws."

RP would like to thank AC for his support...and Cheezy for the 'like'.