Help now~~germination rate like 10%

Folks, for the hundredth time, there is a reason why conventional horticulturalists, pros, DO NOT use a fuckin' paper towel to germinate their seeds, even for water culture! Here's my archive......

For the hundreth time waffle, waffle, waffle. Now repeat- Waffle, waffle waffle. AT LEAST A 4 inch tap root lulz I think someone's got a 4 inch radical.

Uncle Ben used to sell rice. Now he sells WAFFLES.
Recommend you take up another hobby - knitting, bicycle repair, Polaroid photography, anger management course instructor....

Growing marijuana is not my hobby old man. you should rethink your status. Your time is up. I've been doing this a long time, long enough to know how uninformed on the subject you really are. Go eat your prunes and take a nap, you're done here
OP, germinating 2 out of 80...either you're doing something very, very wrong OR all the seeds came from the same source and are all unviable for a legitimate reason. If you found them in a plastic bag in the back of a garage or something and you think they were there for 30 years, then they simply might not be viable. But if you've bought them from a reputable seed bank...then you're doing something very, very wrong and need to read up on germinating options.

Good luck.
this is the method that I use except I have started useing rapid rooters instead of rockwool

Those guys are solid and parrot the principles I've expressed.

Things to avoid

soaking seeds in water/wet paper tissue
humidity dome/mini-greenhouse fully covered
heating mat too hot
covering pots with plastic
germinating in jiffy's and peat pellets
wrong soil for germination
fertilizing seedlings
too much/too little water
cold and dark germination room
cold outdoor temperatures; frost
wrong pH of water
bad water quality
high EC of nutrient solution in hydroponics
spraying seedlings with water/organic teas/pesticides

- See more at:

Only beef I have with them is recommending short pots although they do have a caveat that refutes it - "Do not let your good plants vegetate in tiny cups and cramped pots."

They have not done the experiments and at the point of emergences dumped them out of the "tall" pot and actually measured the length of the radicle. I have.

You're really screwing up a seedling by germinating it such that the radicle is restricted within 3" of the seed position.

more things to avoid....ha ha BS wtf is wrong with 100 % every time in a jiffy pellet.....oh yeah I lollipop too ha ha, jus fukin hate popcorn, but I am a commercial grower so know fuk all compared to u lot who seem to know better than nature with yer papertowels and germ techniques...wat a crock of shit
Just checked my seedlings, birthed using the paper towel method. All four are growing fine, one however does have some slight blotching on the leaves. I find myself wondering if this would have occurred had I simply planted the seed in soil after a soaking, as is recommended by a very experienced grower earlier in this thread. I thank you Uncle Ben for giving me genuine food for thought. Cheers!
temps temps temps..key factor in the paper towel method.. need to stay in the high 70's low 80's for the seed to stated in the above that the paper towel method is a full proof way but the TEMPS have to be spot on.. put moist white towel with seeds in a ziplock bag and lay it on top of an electrical item like a dsl box, refrigerator , cable box, anything that stays on and warm.. even a heating pad on low with a towel over the bag will work. no light .. i have had them open and even start the first set of leaves in the paper towel..

yip me too just soak wrap in paper towels them stick them into something airtight to keep up humidity and pop in somewhere warm why not your growroom it will be fine as long as the tub you put them in isnt see through happy popping buddy you should see tails within 2,3 days
Those guys are solid and parrot the principles I've expressed.

Can anyone spell conceit? I can! It goes: U-N-C-L-E-B-E-N

So Mandala seeds learned how to germinate from you?

Waffles. Roll up and get your waffles. Today's waffles come with a new implied lie- UB taught Mandala Seeds how to germinate!

They PARROT your principles do they you condescending old liar? And then you go on to say "the only beef I have with them....". You have a beef with them? Are you a nut? You claim they parrot you and then you have a beef? Some sort of self congratulatory verbal diarrhea appears to be afflicting the former rice salesman turned full time waffler!

Uncle Ben....... You repackage old advice you didn't create or discover and seem to thrive upon the praise you receive from sycophants. Some of your shit is wrong. There are countless threads where you propose this flawed advice and then your sycophants (including mods) bully and harass anyone who dares contradict, prodded along by smug self congratulatory conceited comments by yourself. You are well debated by more knowledgeable counterparts in many threads and each and every time you defend your words...... A real man can see when his mind should be persuaded. Real men know that it is not statistically probable or indeed very possible to be 100% right 100% of the time. Only blind old fools who revel in their own stubbornness claim 100% accuracy. You are like the old scientists who wouldn't look down Galileo's telescope. You are right and will die right. But only in your mind.
Growing marijuana is not my hobby old man. you should rethink your status. Your time is up. I've been doing this a long time, long enough to know how uninformed on the subject you really are. Go eat your prunes and take a nap, you're done here

Lulz UB. Lulz. Prunes and a nap. Then he can dream up some more stats and quips that imply he taught famous seed companies how to germinate.
Recommend you take up another hobby - knitting, bicycle repair, Polaroid photography, anger management course instructor....

Are those hobbies you would also care to tell us some waffles about UB? Got any good stories about knitting Uncle Ben?
you lot are not being very nice tut tut, ad hominem attacks and rampant ageism, pretty brave from behind the laptop .......probably pussys, anyways uncle ben thanks for the info like your style and happen to slightly disagree....this is all it takes not the fukin Nazi stuff u lot spout ffs
Folks, for the hundredth time, there is a reason why conventional horticulturalists, pros, DO NOT use a fuckin' paper towel to germinate their seeds, even for water culture! Here's my archive......

Great little piece there ben, Wish i had seen this before i killed about 10 plants in the germination/first few days....



you lot are not being very nice tut tut.... this is all it takes not the fukin Nazi stuff u lot spout ffs

So for the third time in 3 days an UB ball licker calls me a capitalist or a nazi or a corporate bastard...... Basically it seems if you don't agree with UB, his army of brainless sycophants will super impose whatever political nonsense they want upon your character. So people who respond rudely to UB's rude, condescending, lie filled quips are NAZIS? If you don't follow UB you're a capitalist Nazi hahahaha

Fuck off and jump back in the queue to change UB's colostomy bag. You worry about people being nice to UB and then throw out an accusation that I am a NAZI? Is that nice? You're calling me a mass murdering, ville, racist, war monger who believes in eugenics. I'm making a few impolite jibes to a conceited old man who DELIBERATELY misleads new growers and you're throwing out nazi accusations...... Who exactly is being not nice here?

Also calling us pussies behind a laptop........ Isn't it funny how those that refuse to go along with the chorus of lazy lie filled grow tips from UB are pussies. Just like any minority that wont go along with what the majority want......... Pussies for not supporting the war. Pussies for going soft on immigration. Yeah yeah yeah........ We have to quietly and gently propose our opposition to his lies and insults so we don't disturb the sycophants who are sat in expectant silence waiting for the next wise old gem from the trusty old uncle to drop..........

I like how Uncle Ben has a name of a company known for the the sale of GMO rice. If I wanted to give out gardening tips I probably wouldn't go with the user name MonsantosMate.
So for the third time in 3 days an UB ball licker calls me a capitalist or a nazi or a corporate bastard...... Basically it seems if you don't agree with UB, his army of brainless sycophants will super impose whatever political nonsense they want upon your character. So people who respond rudely to UB's rude, condescending, lie filled quips are NAZIS? If you don't follow UB you're a capitalist Nazi hahahaha

Fuck off and jump back in the queue to change UB's colostomy bag. You worry about people being nice to UB and then throw out an accusation that I am a NAZI? Is that nice? You're calling me a mass murdering, ville, racist, war monger who believes in eugenics. I'm making a few impolite jibes to a conceited old man who DELIBERATELY misleads new growers and you're throwing out nazi accusations...... Who exactly is being not nice here?

Also calling us pussies behind a laptop........ Isn't it funny how those that refuse to go along with the chorus of lazy lie filled grow tips from UB are pussies. Just like any minority that wont go along with what the majority want......... Pussies for not supporting the war. Pussies for going soft on immigration. Yeah yeah yeah........ We have to quietly and gently propose our opposition to his lies and insults so we don't disturb the sycophants who are sat in expectant silence waiting for the next wise old gem from the trusty old uncle to drop..........

I like how Uncle Ben has a name of a company known for the the sale of GMO rice. If I wanted to give out gardening tips I probably wouldn't go with the user name MonsantosMate.

ha ha like your sense of humour ...well I thought you were joking....o....maybe you are being serious you big pussy cat
jumpy one, u a fag, wats all this ball licking talk eeeugh

disagree with UB and you're a gay nazi now?

90% of UB's supporters can barely spell the half baked responses they concoct. Fucking brainless morons who are looking for the lazy way to grow. Can't be bothered to germ in sterile paper towels at the correct temp and gently place in medium? Shove it in soil! It's best don't ya know! Can't be bothered to monitor and assess plants development and needs? Get a big tub and mix everything you need in at once before the seeds arive! Don't want to prune? Don't! It pisses the plant off! Don't want to flush? Fuck it. 99% of people cant taste it! Anyone notice a theme from the old Uncle? His patronising, all knowing tone is a bluff for the fact that he takes the easy way out.

Don't get me wrong, I'm not saying it doesn't work well for him and others..... I'm saying it's not the only way and in amongst the wise old sages(that he doesn't own and borders on pirating due to the glory he basks in as a result of repeating them) is a lot of made up bullshit like "4 inches AT LEAST" and "Pro's do it like this......". Last week I was stood in a multi award winning, commercial, food producing greenhouse the size of several football fields. They were not germinating seeds like UB says........ Why? Because he made that bit up! The pros use machines and WHEN/IF they do do it by hand they sprout seeds en masse in a commercial scale seed sprouter and then plant. That's IF they use soil. Fruiting plants like ours are grown on a commercial scale, almost exclusively, in hydro....... Huge vats of the elements that compose nutrients being drip fed by computers directly into the water lines to specific areas of the greenhouses........ In equally significant ways, the organic soil greenhouses I have visited use methods that differ vastly from the Uncle's. As I asked before? What pros UB? Let us see them.

So when the trusted old Uncle reposts his crock of shit germing advice saying, all arrogant and condescending-like "for the hundredth fucking time......" you can read "I am repeating a lie for the hundredth fucking time". The Uncle is bringing nothing new in the things he says which are true and good...... the rest..... well..... people have been growing plants for years and years.......

There are plenty of ways to grow weed, germ seeds and live your life. Anyone of them could be the best for you? Who knows? Only you can tell! Don't believe everything you read on the internet. Heck, no doubt I'm wrong about plenty of shit! You probably are too! But Uncle Ben is right all the time! Likely story....... Got anymore Uncle?
Great little piece there ben, Wish i had seen this before i killed about 10 plants in the germination/first few days....

That archive was lifted by a couple of Dutch seedbanks and posted at their websites many years ago. I just put together a ditty to help newbies who for whatever reason seem to make another easy thing as complicated and confusing as they can.
