Is it because of overwatering?


By the way, how does it looks to you? Is it good?

It is white widow, I think into 3rd week of flowering. I hope it is doing pretty well with little issue. I have start watering for every 3 days or 4 days. I did supply the lady with enough of N, Ph, and P.


Well-Known Member
I'm with monstars and DT.
Your burning the piss out of those puppies.
When I look at the plants though it seems like you figured that out and flushed them. and have been flushing them.
They're not suuuper dark green, but the leaves next to their stems look dark.
You've got burnt tips, but lime green leaves.
I'm not sure what your feeding regiment has been.
In soil, I would flush them and feed them 1/3 what you are now.

If this isn't the case then I would say you have something else nutrient related. Water will yellow a plant but not like yours are doing. It does a yellowing all over deal. Yours are from the tips back.
Good Luck!


Well-Known Member
i would also say nute burn. the tips of the leaves are yellow. i would probably just use plain ph balanced water(6.3 - 6.8 ) for the next couple waterings. it sucks but at least you can still get an ok crop out of it. probably going to hurt your yield. another thing i found after growing for a while is if you at any time burn your plants during flower, no matter how well you flush them, your probably going to get a chemical flavor especially in a vaporizer.

as far as water levels, i would only water enough so that you water every 2 days. should be pretty dry and light by the 2nd day. lower temps will also make you have to water less often. keep temps about 80 in the day. for dark i go 75 but a lot of people go lower than that. i just do it to prevent mold/mildew since they dont like high temps. more water will also increase mold/mildew chances.

good luck


Ok here is the spec that I used to fertilize the lady.

Muriate of Potash 0-0-60
Calcium Nitrate 15-0-0
Tripe Super Phosphate 0-45-0

I always get 1/10th of tea spoon of each into 5 gallon of water. I pour the water not just on the lady but several green pepper bells. The green pepper bells are doing great. The lady is having little problem as you have see.


600 Watt of HPS (flowering light)

I think I have about 5 weeks left before I could harvest them. Is it normal for the white widow to be like that?


i would also say nute burn. the tips of the leaves are yellow. i would probably just use plain ph balanced water(6.3 - 6.8 ) for the next couple waterings. it sucks but at least you can still get an ok crop out of it. probably going to hurt your yield. another thing i found after growing for a while is if you at any time burn your plants during flower, no matter how well you flush them, your probably going to get a chemical flavor especially in a vaporizer.

as far as water levels, i would only water enough so that you water every 2 days. should be pretty dry and light by the 2nd day. lower temps will also make you have to water less often. keep temps about 80 in the day. for dark i go 75 but a lot of people go lower than that. i just do it to prevent mold/mildew since they dont like high temps. more water will also increase mold/mildew chances.

good luck
It is my first time growing this. Not bad for the first time! :)

Anyway, I grow her in about 85 degree to 73ish. No mold at all.


Looks more like a cal/mag sort of deficiency to me, nute burn has similar traits (burnt ends) but look at the other leaves their definitely showing some sort of deficency, look at the leaf stalks their RED. I'm leaning towards nutrient lock out
What ph are your running this little girl at ?


Looks more like a cal/mag sort of deficiency to me, nute burn has similar traits (burnt ends) but look at the other leaves their definitely showing some sort of deficency, look at the leaf stalks their RED. I'm leaning towards nutrient lock out
What ph are your running this little girl at ?
PH water level at somewhere from 8 to 10.


OMG im surprised their even still alive running it that high. PH is key to successful growing, where your ph level is at the moment means your plants are getting virtually ZERO nutes. Soil ph should be as near to 6.8 as possible , in coco coir 5.8 and in hydroponics 5.8
You need to get the ph sorted as plants can't absorb the nutes they need at the wrong ph.


OMG im surprised their even still alive running it that high. PH is key to successful growing, where your ph level is at the moment means your plants are getting virtually ZERO nutes. Soil ph should be as near to 6.8 as possible , in coco coir 5.8 and in hydroponics 5.8
You need to get the ph sorted as plants can't absorb the nutes they need at the wrong ph.
LOL my mistake. It wasn't the PH level.

OK I'll buy the Ph test to see whats the PH in that soil.


LOL my mistake. It wasn't the PH level.

OK I'll buy the Ph test to see whats the PH in that soil.
PH levels are the last thing people check when a plant is growing nicely but the first thing they check when things start going wrong... everyone has done it including me :lol: