I like the Hans panel, I've sent a few people to him when the SGS160 wasn't appropriate for their grow area.
Each Hans panel covers roughly 24"x24", and each SGS160 covers ideally 24"x36". 2 Hans panels covers 24"x48", but you need to keep your plants relatively short. With the SGS, you may lose 12"x24" coverage vs. 2 Hans, but you'll gain 18" of penetration.
So, if you have limited height to work with, get the Hans definitely. If you have the height to work with and plan to grow a little taller plants, the SGS is a good choice.
Oh, come October, the SGS is getting an upgrade. Cree XTE 4500k and Cree XPE2 Red. 175w at the plug. Getting lenses made for them right now. Too bad I can't use the same lenses I have now, the XTE and XPE2 are a little bigger, barely, but that tiny bit makes it not compatible.
Also have a smaller expandable light in the works, hopefully ready by the end of the year. Each light will cover exactly 12"x12", you can connect them lengthwise to make a 48"x6" panel (or longer if you wish), so each modular light hovers exactly over each 12"x12" area. Use 4x 48" over a 4x4 area, you have uniform 1000 Umol'/s over the entire area @ 12", using 560w total. These will use all white LEDs with Intematix phosphors.
^^well with an $800ish budget and that space I would go with
http://www.californialightworks.com/Products_SolarStorm.htm 400w solarflare, a little more money but the par/umol readings are very high. great build quality and uv-b bulb option to increase potency. get sunglasses
around your price those 2 are very good options. 2 Hans will give more coverage area obviously, but area51 will give higher par/umol #'s over it's "core" ...it depends on your growing technique.