Just got a new setup!


Active Member
So being new at growing I didnt know my 150w incadescent single bulb was total trash (however it did grow my plant to 15inches). So I opted for a better more efficient setup.....

I went to my local hydroponics shop and bought a nice yet inexpensive florescent Sun Blaze T5 high out-put tube strip. Its the 24" model. I also bought the reflector/hood that goes very nicely with it. The T5 is listed at 24w at 2000 lumens. And for those of you wondering I only have 3 plants and a small grow area so I felt this light system would do well.......thoughts, comments??? Please share.


Active Member
lol......I couldnt help myself. I went and bought the same T5. So now im running (2) of the T5's for my grow, that should do it eh? :hump:


Well-Known Member
MonkeeMan......how long have you had the T5, you like the results?
2 days haha

check out my grow journal, if ya do ill start posting how it works as well as the cfls

ive noticed the bottom leaves turning towards it... i got a 3 footer which is way to big... but its amazing as side light, but i dunno about top light... a few cfls at the top and that on the side is perfect


Well-Known Member
Used two 2 ft. New Wave 4 bulb mixed setup from start to finish on my Strawberry Cough and Dutch Dragon. Four 3000k & four 6500k 24 watt bulbs for 16,000 lumens. My reason for the T5's is due to their low heat output.

Got 43 grams dry from the Strawberry Cough. It's curing now and expect to get more from my Dutch Dragon that I'm going to harvest this weekend.

The pics are of the Dutch Dragon.

Good luck.



Active Member
Monkee man, I checked out your journal, nice. Some questions though....

1.) I saw you had 6 CFL's but didnt see how many watts a piece?

2.) Also you started doing 12/12 lighting from sprout, is that correct???

3.) Whats the heights on those plants in your last photo of them? Very curious to know since you started flowering since day one I assume?

4.) How far apart were you keeping those CFL's from the tops of the plants during this grow?

Thanks buddy....
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